2023-03-24 19:39:54

the hardcore checkbox is above the world tier selection, it's not narrated, and seemed to be on by default for me as well. Also be aware that the eloquence bug exists for d4 as well, meaning if you try to select eloquence as a voice it will crash the entire program.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2023-03-24 19:44:22

Nope. Didn't bother with eloquence, just went with the default voice. Curious to know how others make of first initial gameplay... I couldn't find anything in terms of objectives which is unfortunate.

Discord: clemchowder633

2023-03-24 19:48:28

yeah, there's no objective navigation which is unfortunate. But going on with brandon and Misty later today so that should hopefully speed things up. If you're partying with sighted people, they can use emotes to guide you with positional audio. Combined with coms like discord and you're in for a fun experience with friends. As far as general navigation, footsteps stop at walls, and when you're not looking for something in town, a general rule of follow the monsters goes a long way.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2023-03-24 19:58:05

Yeah, I'll have to try wandering and see how far that gets me, at least for now. Not a lot of people I know to group with at the moment.

Discord: clemchowder633

2023-03-24 20:24:10

getting anoyed by this cue. wonder if it would be faster if i use a vpn and pretend i'm in the states. lose my place if i try though.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2023-03-24 20:39:16

hey everyone! so I was able to try the game. with some patience, i reached level 3 without any sighted help. the game seems to crash in the settings screen, but during gameplay, this slow integrated graphics from the 5800u processor worked just fine.
I'll send my feedback to the accessibility email. the most critical change that needs to be implemented is some kind of way point navigation and sounds for objects, like doors. it's kinda hard to find the way inside dungeons. I haven't played previous diablo games, so have 0 experience with them.
it looked like sometimes the character wasn't stopping in front of a wall, at least in the ruins which is my current location.
now I need to wait again, because the game crashed in settings for the second time, and the time increased to one hour. let's see how far i can get.
I love the game, the combat, items management, etc.
any ideas how to drop unwanted items? I chose the mage class, because I read that the barbarian is underpowered for now.

contact info
matrheine at gmail . com

2023-03-24 20:55:24

So I've opened the game, and so far I'm not very impressed.
When I finally got past the login queue and linked my battle.net account, I was placed in the accessibility screen.
I wish they'd either made it automatically detect the use of the PS5 screen reader or have you press a button to enable it.
Another problem I have is that what the screen reader reads is very limited, but it reads a lot more than what's on the screen.
I know it doesn't make sense, but instead of saying screen reader on, it says something about dictating what's on the screen.
When you get to certain sliders like the screen reader speed and volume, you get no indication of what the sliders are set at or whether or not you're adjusting them.
When selecting voice type, the options to choose male and female are not spoken.
Moving down the list, there are some other TTS options that you can toggle, but the TTS does not tell you what they're toggled to.
After adjusting my accessibility settings, I could find no way to get out of the accessibility screen. I tried holding square, triangle, circle, and even using the touchpad and options button, but nothing worked.
One thing I will give them is that they are using the built in PS5 TTS.
When I couldn't get out of the accessibility screen, I restarted the game, and now I'm back in the queue which is stupid.
Once I get past the queue for the first time, I should automatically be taken straight to the game when I open it again.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2023-03-24 21:07:19

Well, send feedback instead of complaining here. It's probable your experience is very different from someone on PC for instance, and that is important for them to know.

2023-03-24 21:07:53

Managed to reach the first town and spend my first skill point. I'll continue tomorrow.

2023-03-24 21:10:44 (edited by SirBadger 2023-03-24 21:12:06)

I'm on PC and had the same issues as @57. games crashed out when i went to the tbottom of the screen and before that i couldn't find a way past the accessibility options. And as @57 says, no way of knowing what is enabled and what isn't or how to change the sliders. sure as hell wouldn't speed the speech up. Not wining, hoping somebody has suggestions as i guess people have got round this. back in the fucking cue again.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2023-03-24 21:21:40

Think I worked out what I did wrong. Or at least what made it crash. Does anybody know if it work with jaws? or are we best jsut to stick with the built in reader that the game is using.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2023-03-24 21:24:16 (edited by mata 2023-03-24 21:55:23)

I can't install the game on this laptop thanks to my limited space. Following this topic. Always wish to play the game. Kinda sad it can't be played offline tbh, but well...it's technically an MMO at this point.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2023-03-24 21:28:45

Stay with the in-built TTS for now. and about the queue: This is a freakin' open beta. There are more than a million people trying to play this at the moment. This is why they are doing this beta, to test the freakin system.

2023-03-24 22:13:28

Ok, I discobered something. if you go to documents, diablo 4 and enter on the file called LocalPrefs.txt, you can enable NVDA to read the game to you there. just change use third party screen reader from 0 to 1 and there ya go

Sorry for my english

2023-03-24 23:02:49

thanks for the discovery Alisson!
I've sent feedback to the accessibility team. i'm level 4, almost beating the objective in the ruins!

contact info
matrheine at gmail . com

2023-03-24 23:45:29

This is not working with the screen reader setting.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2023-03-24 23:53:53

Turned out to get past the access screen I needed to use the mouse. Anoying but worked. Getting somewhere now. Looks like it will be amazing if they really stick with the accessibility features and do some more work on it. Guess that's what the testing's for. grins.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2023-03-25 00:27:16

wow, i finaly beat the objective in the ruins, now i must speak with a npc, but they are hard to find in town. i recommend everyone to give constructive feedback to the accessibility email

contact info
matrheine at gmail . com

2023-03-25 00:50:34

Well, if anyone has tips for finding objectives, I'd appreciate it. Trying to find my way past dusk mountain to find rest and as far as I've tried, I haven't been able to get anywhere. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2023-03-25 01:00:41

Can you tell me, that sounds for items are enabled as default.
Also I want to use depad in my controler to move.
I hate using stick, I have troubles using this.
Sadly depad has social settings.
I tried to remap movement, but it isnt accessible enough

2023-03-25 01:48:57

does playing diablo on pc require a joystick/game pad of any sorts? I tried working with mouse, but.. well, it was clumsy. I might just have to borrow a joystick from my friends if this is the case.

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2023-03-25 02:11:48

Seams to be best with a controler. But haven't had time to experiment much so far.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2023-03-25 04:37:00

Okay. Thus far I've had a crash but am over all optimistic. I definitely understand what was being said about weird reading, particularly in the settings screen. I hope that they will work on fixing that ASAP, as it's a basic accessibility issue.

The other disorienting part is that it doesn't currently read controller inputs, so I'm not sure what PS4 buttons do what. I have figured it out with sighted help, but it's still confusing smile

2023-03-25 04:51:17 (edited by Berenion 2023-03-25 05:12:13)

Is it just me, or things like hollow logs and such play a little sound when you get near? Not close enough to be read, but maybe when they appear on the screen. Need to test more.
Edit: Yeah, it also happens with chests too. They play a sound when you look in their direction.

2023-03-25 05:14:58

Yeah I noticed that last weekend with chests, if you're ferring to the slight creek sound?