2022-02-02 00:51:03

I heard that they produced 3 games like ste, hvr and tbr but I can't find them anywhere on google or on this forum. Are they gone?

Name: Henry. Age: 12.

I check pms regular so yo can contact me.

2022-02-02 08:30:00

It's safe to say that yes, they are indeed gone.

2022-02-02 14:02:43

A bit off topic but what is HVR?

2022-02-02 15:47:56

Humans VS. Robots

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2022-02-02 15:54:45

A swamp ripoff which managed  to fuel the cloning fire after the source was stolen, if I remember correctly.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2022-02-02 15:55:14

I think you can still get The Blood Rain from the archive though.

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2022-02-02 17:08:58

May I ask you @5 to elaborate further on the swamp ripoff?

2022-02-02 21:15:45

So, is TBR the only offline game they made? Because I rather liked that one.

There was also a runner or something they were doing. There's a trailer on anyaudio of it, and that one sounded like it could be lots of fun even though I didn't fully understand it.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2022-02-02 21:25:41

Hey @8, the blood rain and survive the enemies were the only offline games indeed. There was another one in the making, however due to some circumstances it never was released, even though it's still around. If we would have finished it, it might have been a really nice game.

2022-02-02 23:16:45

I don't see it as a swamp rip off. It was much better than swamp in my opinion. At least every asset was used, there were more than like 20 weapons, nothing was locked to people who spent like 70 hours of straight picking up items just to have to do that all over again, and it  had more than the same like 6 or 7 enemies on every single map at every single levels, and depending on the robot you actually had to strategize. If it was  still around, I would pay ofr an account for it instead of swamp. It also got more updates I think. IDK but I wish it came back.

2022-02-03 00:59:53

@7, I believe he was talking about the HVR source leak, apparently the dev left a zipped copy up on his HTTP server, and someone scraped the entire thing and thus found it. I don't think it went particularly far though, I certainly don't remember a huge drama fest coming up as a result.
I was never a huge fan of the game myself, as a newbie it was all too easy to get absolutely slaughtered by robots within seconds of leaving the safe zone. Having friends around certainly helped some, but even then the insane grind was a big enough turnoff for me. That and the atmosphere felt just a little too contrived. A lot of people liked to roleplay, which would have been fine and all... except the game had practically nothing cohesive to help build immersion. It's the same problem STW has / had, I don't think anyone actually tries to RP there any more, despite that literally being what the radio is for.

2022-02-03 04:22:14

how can I get survive the ennimys

hi. bye.

2022-02-03 20:35:23 (edited by Solus 2022-02-03 20:37:56)

@11, I agree. I played it for like 25 mins do to the spam killing robots and some other things involved with that game that I do not agree with.

Sound designer and music producer.

2022-02-04 04:35:11

I found the map very confusing. Also, I don't think there was any way to check messages you missed.

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley