2022-01-30 19:29:47 (edited by PatrykK 2022-01-30 19:30:46)

I need to throw that outrage here.
I tried to tell H captcha that I can't get this fucking accessibility system to work, it says registration failed when I'm trying to get the accessibility cookie link.
they are just pumpkin heads.
and they are asking me the same fucking questions over and over.
ehhh. I'm just wasting my time with them.
thanks for reading this whole rage post.

meow meow.

2022-01-30 20:15:13 (edited by StormProductions 2022-01-30 20:15:32)

Tell me something new. That's all they can do. They don't give a damn about blind people.

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/

2022-01-30 20:17:43

I wonder if it has anything to do with Chrome's slow phasing out of cookies in preparation for f l o c?
Still, this is one big early adoption experiment gone wrong. Right idea, but the tech is just too unstable. They are right about one thing the audio captchas do nothing for the hearing impaired.

2022-01-30 20:30:50

and if you see my past posts and you will see how much I fucking hate the company

2022-01-30 21:11:27

Hcaptcha needs to die.

meow meow.

2022-01-30 22:59:12

The worst part is that since Discord switched away from Google's ReCaptcha to HCaptcha, there's no way to sign into Discord using the desktop and mobile apps without sighted assistance, and then there are times when the system bugs out and sends you back to the login page.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2022-01-30 23:13:48

@6 enable 2FA. Fixed it for me

kind regards and have a nice day,

2022-01-31 01:46:45

You know, if we really wanted something to come of this, we could always try to get the word out there that something's amiss, rather than raging on a forum where 20 people will see it, all of whom probably won't actually be able to do anything as one person unless some miracle occurs. If more people know about this, then maybe something will come of  this discussion.

2022-01-31 02:39:17

I got this cookie from H captcha but it was a little discussion. But perhaps it was my fault, I first forgot to tell them that I'm blind and need it.
But I wrote in my first message to them (my registration failed as well) that I need it for discord. And they wrote back they have some questions for me and asked for which site I would need it. I first thought I wouldn't get it but as I wrote about blindness they created an account for me and gave me a link, telling me that if it doesn't work anymore I should clikc again on that one.
But I had to retry setting the cookie again and again because that also didn't work at the first try, suddenly it did.
The cookie itself does its job, I managed to log in to discord and also can use the app.

Thanks for helping!

2022-01-31 03:36:13

i guess i have too much patience because i go on these websites that move you through, infinite, ad pop ups, asking you for allowing them to do whatever they want and apparently it pays off, the cookie world

2022-01-31 04:56:41

Yeah. It really pays to, you know, actually check your browser settings to see if you've hardened anything before raging at Cloudflare. The privacy pass system that will make the cookie unnecessary is being deveoloped, but unfrotunately it looks as though Cloudflare and Apple got themselves into exclusivity.

2022-01-31 07:36:52

indeed, hcaptcha is so freekin bad that I can't add bots on a server I'm admin on without sighted assistance, god damn both them and discords need to switch and whatever. Anyway, I installed the privacy pass addon without any actual difference, it still pops up with that captcha modal, challenge images and so on. Did anyone use the privacy pass addon before, any tips?

2022-01-31 08:06:28

That privacy pass extension is also a trash. It 100% never works on me.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2022-01-31 13:10:26

PrivacyPass? That one's just a waste of time. They say it's still being developed, but tbh I don't see any changes whatsoever.

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/

2022-01-31 13:49:23

Can anyone hear please explain how I managed to get an accessibility cookie in under 5-minutes while the rest of you are screaming that you cant?

2022-01-31 14:36:05 (edited by StormProductions 2022-01-31 14:36:20)

Probably you were lucky. I keep getting failed to register everytime I'm trying. I'm tired of emailing them and telling them to create accounts for me over and over.

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/

2022-01-31 14:37:51

most of the times it just gives an error saying it can't place the cookie or some shit. It used to work here to until it didn't anymore
If you enable 2FA in discord you don't have to use HCaptcha anymore, at least in my experience.

kind regards and have a nice day,

2022-01-31 16:11:43

wait why did discord switched from google captcha?
and I hate h captcha as well

2022-01-31 16:45:02

they actually did something today.
I got a mail from them with the link.

meow meow.

2022-01-31 16:46:58

@15: Congratulations, good for you smile. That doesn't change anything about the point that I've made in topics before or the point that others are making here.

2022-01-31 22:13:56

I don't think their system works as well as advertised anyway. Locking out blind people means it doesn't work, at least to me. I know someone who can't register.

2022-01-31 23:27:04

Yes, they send you links if you email them, however that simply sucks. You won't just go mail them over and over asking them for links, as that would badly suck. They really need to implement audio captchas or something that would help us better. Neither the cookie nor that fucking privacy pass does work, so I'm actually wondering if they actually give a fuck about blind people or they are just going to always suck and make my head hurt almost everyday.

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/

2022-02-01 11:27:55

HCaptcha just sucks. I once had so many problems with it I gave up.

2022-02-02 13:26:12

Well guess what? Cookies have been setup, but I just couldn't bypass the darn captcha. Looks like HCaptcha not trying to stop the bots now, they also stop the blind people from accessing a certain percent of website on the Internet. I think they need to get off their lazy ass and implementing a new system.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2022-02-02 14:36:37 (edited by StormProductions 2022-02-02 14:36:50)

True, same happens here on Brave. Saying "Cookie set", but no cookie set actually as it still asks me for that captcha.

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/