2021-09-15 16:36:18 (edited by bgt lover 2023-04-01 01:57:03)

changed topic title, to reflect the current name of the project
the yggdrasil screenreader is no longer called yggdrasil, due to several factors, we decided to call it odilia. So, everything just moved ship to the new organisation, as well as a new domain for the project. All the links will be updated to reflect this change.
end edit2
I changed the topic title, since we have something to show now
end of edit, original post from here on
Hello there!
for anyone who didn't see this topic, I am deeply passionate about linux and its ecosystem, its philosophi, flexibility due to modular design in the kernel and so on. It has many great things, including a good ecosystem for developers, a friendly community **most of the time**, a reputation of being able to run mostly anywhere including low spec computers and even embedded systems, light desktop environments and a great choice of such, swapable components and great customisability, but what it doesn't have is proper accessibility, well, proper for 2021 days, not for msaa days.
Maybe that's so because of orca and it's slawppy design, maybe it's also so because sun, the makers of solaris, fired most of their workers on accessibility, and therefore accessibility on linux desktop became a community effort ever since, don't know exactly and honestly I don't care as much about the past as about improving the future. I learned from the past of orca, of at-spi, of the design of solaris, now I hope things will be better, so it's worthless to investigate further into this I think.
In that spirit, I'm attempting to make a screen reader for linux that brings, as much as possible, the features windows or mac OS screen reader users expect to have in linux as well, it's time for linux to catch up to its competition, I no longer want to hear linux is inaccessible, I must use windows or mac OS, orca freezes in linux, therefore windows comes to the rescue, linux is slow, therefore windows, orca consumes too much memory, therefore windows ftw.
The screen reader will be made in rust because I want it to consume as less memory and cpu resources as possible, I want system call latency to be minimised, but at the same time, I want to make great use of the hardware the sr is running on, for example, don't throtle one cpu core with all of the screen reader if given the option, use async more often, it can't hurt and so on. With all that in mind, a compiled language will be most appropriate for this task. Sorry python, you've been used long enough.
Only a year ago, I would have chosen c++, afew months earlier I could have chosen go, but probably not anyways, goroutines, the gc and error handling would have been the cause for regection.
Then, by learning more and more of rust and how it works, I really begun to see its advantages and how it mitigates security vulnerabilities due to memory bugs like double free errors, buffer overflows, writing to or reading from unallocated memory...I could go on for a long time. So yeah, that would probably mean my sr would be safe to some degree, safer than a c or cpp implementation.
for those people who say I should build this in c++, I am hearing your arguments, never could dream otherwise. However, I give you this, preemptively. The blog has a lot of images with code, out of which I am trying to extract the text, but it's not working so well. However, there are valid points in there, even without the images, try to make an abstraction of them. DK why they chose images in stead of straight out write code in the post, but yeah, weirdness I guess.
the philosophi behind this is that yggdrasil will provide what orca never could, at first only within the bounds of at-spi limitations, then probably with fixing issues upstream, like touchscreen support.
What we plan to implement and a vague idea of how is written in the design document of the screen reader, on its site, inside its github org.
additional links
the root of odilia project, the github org
the website of odilia
a rough draft of the odilia design documentation

2021-09-15 18:08:00

Sounds interesting. I know it's early in development and I somehow use Linux often, but if possible can you add translation support?

73 Wj3u

2021-09-15 19:05:04

well, I thought of this for some time, and DK if it'd really be useful to split development between making the screen reader as well as adding every message string to the translation bucket, it'd just throttle the development further. However, if the project becomes successful and actually a reality, we will surely implement it. I added it on the metaforical discussion board just now, in case it interests someone. I am always open to feedback, keep the features coming. When most of the bindings will be done and it's time to make a rough prototype, a.k.a an alpha release, then will be bug tracking time, feel free to open issues or whatever.

2021-09-17 10:37:24

I really would be interested to try it out.

meow meow.

2021-09-17 11:15:58

Time will tell. It is easy to speak about great deeds, but its billion times harder to actually make them, and I know that from experience. SO with cautious optimism I wish you the best of luck.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-09-18 03:53:40

This sounds like a super cool project, and very much needed in 2021 when accessibility is tied so closely to large corporations who may not have our best interests at heart. I wish I was a coder so I could help most directly. But, I am an IT project manager and have some organizational ability. Would be happy to help out in any way you find useful.

2021-09-18 04:05:58

IMO it's way too early for this type of topic to exist. I mean it's a screen reader, is anyone gonna be like, "I hate this idea, you should jump in a pit of hot tar!"

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-09-18 11:11:01

You might want to put it in r/rust programming, whenever you think it is in good enough state to put there.

Yes, I'm aware that nothing may come of it. But it could hardly hurt to do so, right?

2021-10-26 22:26:02

hello there, community!
so, I'm very happy to bring you the first release of yggdrasil, after a long, long silence, we finally have something to show.
Warning: While I said a release has been made, this is very alpha software, plus it's a prototype that is going to be scrapped in afew iterations. If it makes more sense this way, it's more of a proof of concept, a demo of sorts. Once we see this thing can be done, we'll either yank the prototype repository or mark it as archive, it's not decided yet.
What can it do yet? well, none of the features we were hoping for, but at least it's working as we expected.
What it can do though is read the elements on the screen, like orca or any other screen reader on any other platform can. It has some known issues and limitations, I posted them on the website of yggdrasil, under the news level 3 heading. I will update the first post with the yggdrasil info, including website and so on
If you don't want to go through all that, here's the link for the release
https://github.com/yggdrasil-sr/yggdras … /releases/
expand the assets menu, click on the file with the .run extenssion. I put it there with a .run extension just because it should be easily recognisable and distinguishible from the zip and tarball of the source code, for whatever reason that's there, don't we have clone/download zip options on the github website?
anyway, back from my rant, download that, make it executable if it's not already, then run it. Have fun, and don't forget to open issues in case you incounter bugs. Yes, this might be a prototype, however even though the code will be removed, the lessons we learn from it will not be as lost, we will make the true release with those fixes in mind from the start.
Btw, for who is curious about the code, yes, I know it's not the best, or cleannest, or the most idiomatic to rust, however I wanted to get something going, and get it going as soon as possible, squashing as many bugs as I discovered and knew how to fix. For more info about those I couldn't, look at the known issues paragraph on the website.
replyes, suggestions, even better, contributions? post them here, open issues, pull requests, you name it, I will reply as soon as possible.

2021-10-26 22:43:32 (edited by Ethin 2021-10-26 22:51:04)

Don't scrap the repository or archive it, just rename it and make it the official one and keep evolving the project -- that's usually how GH repositories go.
Edit: I notice that your using home-grown atspi bindings. Why not use the bindings that the gtk-rs project has? I think they've got atspi bindings. (Also, this is definitely a prototype -- you've got "unwrap()"s all over the place, and you don't handle an `Result<T, E>` either when you call `TTS.set()`.)

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2021-10-26 23:51:06

@10 we don't use those because they either don't exist or don't have what we need or are coupled with other systems, or maybe only implement the interfaces apps use to expose accessible controlls and so on, not the API's required for screen readers. Whichever the case, we definitely looked into those possibilities and some of the above happened. Either ways, because of the binding generator not generating getter fields for structs and us having to implement it by hand and many more things like those, we are experimenting with not relying on libatspi at all, only using the dbus specifications that come with the package and the dbus crate to make our own wrappers, in this way there could be only very small amounts of unsafe in our code, as well as we probably gain afew cpu cycles, as the rust><glib translations and data passing has a cost that could probably be minimised even more. For example, because of glib's oop like constructs, we have to make a lot of weird artefacts to get the two parties to behave, especially over ffi. Ever tryed wrapping a garray, I sure hope you don't have to. I'm more than sure such stuff is not harder than an OS kernel, but there are just so much unsafe you are gonna allow in your code before going riir and be done with it. Currently, we made a thing that coppies the elements into a vec and so on, so life without glib for a little longer won't hurt anyone. Another benefit to using dbus directly would be that we can integrate tokio and all its goodness with dbus, so we can have the best of both worlds, while glib only has its own executor and something that interfaces with async rust, but still doesn't use and can't be used with tokio.
We have been discussing that for afew days, we either do that, make a C wrapper with a friendlier API without the weirdness of glib so it can better be used by rust, or, DK, write the whole sr in c++...nah, just kidding with the last one lol.
about your code observations, yes, it surely is a prototype, I did whatever it took for it to compile and work as I expected it to. That last unwrap there, woops, I honestly forgot, weird clippy didn't give me any warnings, or is vscode weird again?
and about me renaming the repo, DK, even if that were to happen, all the code would be scrapped anyways, refactoring it so that it would meet our designs would not be worth it at this point.

2021-10-27 00:40:13 (edited by Ethin 2021-10-27 00:59:21)

@11, ah, thanks for the insight.
Renaming the repo: its a bit nonsensical to have two repos containing the exact same content (or derivatives of it). Plus, if you create an entirely new repo, history will be lost, which is probably (not) what you want. Just keep evolving the project on the same repo and rename it so that the history is kept and people can see all the changes. If I can learn the interfaces and such (you should probably release he crates you use on crates.io or lib.rs) I'd be happy to help.
Minimization of unsafe: your in userland. You can aford that kind of minimization cost. Kernel land has no such affordances, and by definition, practically everything is unsafe. I don't use unsafe that often, but I do use it, and I do have extern specifiers in my code, particularly for interrupts (I use the "x86-interrupt" calling convention) for making writing those handlers easier. My kernel also uses async, though its a single-threaded executor right now. But I'll stop here and won't go into specifics -- that's what the code is for, or you can PM me and we could probably chat on Discord or Matrix.
Code observations: I'm using rustc 1.57.0-nightly (a8f2463c6 2021-10-09) if that helps. I also have a nice linter config I could share with you as well -- I won't here since its OT.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2021-11-01 10:28:05

hello there, again!
I'm glad to write in this thread again, with very interesting news indeed!
So, first of all, yggdrasil is now on google, yes, you're right, a google search for yggdrasil screenreader will find the main website of the project, yes yes, the moment finally came!
Another thing is that yggdrasil is now on hacker news as well. DK who posted it there, though I assure you, it was none of the organisation members or the ones in the discord server, it was a total stranger to the project, thinking it has potential or something, hell if I know. This is what I think is the true joy of a project maker, to see their projects out there, enjoying a bit of popularity...kinda. What's even better is when this happens without too much intervention from the creators, when the project is inspiring in its own, making unrelated people promote it just because of that, not because they might need the product.
One more thing, because we decided we're going to ditch libatspi entirely and are now rebuilding the mechanisms only in dbus land, the next prototype release will probably be delayed more, since technical reasons and frustration made us incapable of continuing anything with the existing C library bindings.
All that considered however, I think yggdrasil is picking up steam really fast, hope it will be in a better state soon because of that.
btw, @ethin, I'm about to send you a pm, if you're interested in yggdrasil.

2021-11-01 10:43:47

I look forward to using this on Ubuntu.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2021-11-01 16:59:56

well, you actually will be able to soon, with enough features to get by, though it might not be the best experience yet. With the actual prototype, you will indeed be able to run most normal gui apps, however you can't use edit boxes, terminals and webviews yet. The next iteration is fast approaching, we're still experimenting working with the raw dbus interface and producing something that can be used. This release might be delayed more than expected, however it'll have new features compared to the prototype, features that orca possibly doesn't have.

2021-11-02 04:15:49

@BGTLover sent you a PM

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2021-11-02 06:52:06

I like the first prototype a lot! I've never witnessed a screen reader work at a constant fast speed before in my many years of using computers. I do, however, feel strongly compelled to make a suggestion which I personally feel is important.
BGT Lover. I seriously admire your creativity when you came up with the name of the screen reader. I can't remember the exact origin of the name, but I do remember it being clever. All the same, I feel that for the screen reader itself, this isn't the best name to go with. I struggle to even spell Yggdrasil let alone pronounce it, and I'm sure there's many people who might feel the same. Sometimes simple is the way to go when it comes to people using a product. Some who hear the name might think "Oh, based off the name it already sounds complicated to use."
My initial suggestion before this screen reader had a name was Blab. It makes sense because screen readers read everything on the screen, so they talk a lot, or blab. Short, simple, and to the point, just as all things should be.
Keep in mind, I'm not suggesting you ditch Yggdrasil entirely. It could make an amazing name for your organization. I'm simply suggesting that in terms of a screen reader name, it just screams needlessly complicated to me.
Just take this as a suggestion though. At the end of the day, it's your project, not mine. I'm simply giving my input on how you can improve your product.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-11-02 06:59:47 (edited by mohamed 2021-11-02 07:01:25)

@17, Wow, Then C++ is very easy because it's 3 letters.
But in all seriousness, I don't see how a name can give one the review of hard vs easy, if it's so hard for you to spell maybe just spelling it as YGSL does it?

2021-11-02 07:51:30

[Yggdrasil] is a mythical world tree in Norse mythology, though I think referring to it as an abbreviation of "Ygg" in conversation could probably suffice.

As for the wish bucket of features in some hypothetical future, how about support for [IPA Braille] and advanced mathematics symbols? As I understand it most screen readers struggle with the stuff, although Jaws has a few supplemental scripts around for it.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer

2021-11-02 08:36:45

So, since people are noticing it, would it be fine if I put this project in the official reddit thread of rust? I held off doing that before because I didn't wanted to step on someone's toes.

2021-11-02 10:51:08

@20, I don't think it would be a bad idea, however I would still recommend you hold off doing it for now, we don't have enough to show yet. The publicity that we encountered is welcome, but nevertheless not our doing, we won't have done it so early. If you want however, sure, you can post in there, but with the mention that the code we have so far in the prototype repository is horible by rust standards exactly because it's a prototype and that it won't be like this in the non-prototype versions, you can refer them to the design documentation for a clearer picture of the true way we expect the code to be in the end.
@19 and 17, we in the community still refer to it as yggdrasil, however most utilities and things would be indeed prefixed by yg, for example ygs would be the yggdrasil settings program. So yeah, programs can and do change names from time to time, we are open to doing so if we see an actual benefit to it, however not for now. That name is a symbol for all we stand for, accessibility unifying people across the world, across platforms, across devices even, allowing collaboration greatter than anything done before through making the avenew of linux desktop accessible to the visually impaired, increasing productivity levels untill they are on equal footing with windows and Apple Mac OS. This will be hard to achieve for sure, it will surely require more than yggdrasil, for example modernising of the accessibility stack because there will be just so much we can push the boundaries of the current technology, it will also require efforts to be made across multiple parts of the ecosystem, for example wayland and possibly adding privilidged status to user authorised accessibility services or simply making the compositor talk more directly to atspi, etc. What I know however, this name, this symbol, is the meanning around which our vision centers itself, it's an integral part of the modernising of linux accessibility effort now, we can't change it so easily.
about braille, no, not in the prototype, we're gonna ditch this codebase soon enough, around two more releases and we're done with prototypes. We'll do whatever we can, possibly borrowing some nvda source regarding braille if you think nvda performs well enough with it. I'm not a braille user my self, no one on our team is for now. I always used speech, I didn't know braille displayes existed untill 2018 or so, so pretty late in my computing career to matter, maybe this is also because I was mainstreamed after I finished primary school, dk. Once braille support comes out, we would need testers with braille displayes and such things, people who know how to use that side of the spectrum profficiently. Then, perhaps it's where you come in.
@16, I sent you a pm replying to the previous issue, I recommend you check it out before it, too, expires.

2021-11-02 11:12:52

If I didn't know what program this is exactly and I wanted to inform myself, the name "Blab" would maybe stop me from researching further because it sounds so childish somehow. But that's just my opinion. Yggdrasil sounds much more interesting.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2021-11-02 13:49:16

Agreed. "Blab" is just... childish.

2021-11-02 14:13:35

I suppose it comes down to personal opinion, as Jaws and Talkback could easily be seen in a similar light. Like I said, I think it would be a great name for the organization, as I believe your goal is to make a difference in terms of general accessibility and not exclusively with your screen reader, if that makes sense.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-11-02 14:38:42

Do not use NVDA as an example of Braille support. NVDA and braille is horrible, to the point that I had to switch screen readers tempararily to do my Spanish homework properly with a braille display.