2021-10-26 09:47:08

I think you are entering rong key
check the key and try again.

2021-10-26 12:59:57

that can't be it, I used the exact same key that let me register yesterday.

2021-10-26 15:01:41

Why should I play this and not jumpsprint or endless runner? All 3 games are almost the same, but one gives you the choice to pay and one is free. In this you don't have the excuse to pay servers, friend. The sounds have some that bc uses, which if I'm not bad are free.

2021-10-26 21:19:58

@276, Do you read? They later posted and said they were able to register the game.

2021-10-26 23:57:27

The entitlement I see in your message is absolutely staggering. A creator has the right, within reason, to request payment for the projects they put their time into. Ivan wanted to make this game paid? That's his prerogative. The game is only 6 bucks. Only 6 dollars. A one time payment. You don't HAVE to pay it. That's not your job to be required to buy things. But it also is not your job to come along and tell a person they're in the wrong for making a game paid, especially when an extensive demo is available.
Now, to answer your other question. There's no reason you can't play all three. I personally don't enjoy Jumpsprint in the slightest, due to it's high volume of stolen assets and overall boring gameplay, but I play, and enjoy, both this and Endless Runner for their own various sets of reasons. They both bring something different to the table and have their own replayability.
Play whatever games you like, but if your only contribution to the conversation is to come in and say, "This game sucks cuz I have to pay for it," then you have no credibility.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2021-10-27 00:34:44

@280, It now costs $10.00.

2021-10-27 00:42:30

@281 that still doesn't take away from what spidermaniac said.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
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2021-10-27 03:05:56

Post 275, try that again? Let me know if it works now

Ivan M. Soto.
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2021-10-27 05:12:35

I have never heard of jumpsprint. Is it a windows only game or is it for mac as well?

2021-10-27 07:12:28

Appleman wrote:

I have never heard of jumpsprint. Is it a windows only game or is it for mac as well?

You won't have heard of jumpsprint because it was never advertised here on the forum. A clever way to possibly hide the stolen assets perhaps? Who knows. As to whether it's mac compatible, I'm not quite sure there. But you could always visit Tunmi's website and find out.

Books are the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
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2021-10-27 07:25:39

@Ivan you've got a great game here, even if it does make me rage sometimes haha.

Books are the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
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2021-10-27 07:31:22

@ivan works now, it's been working for a while now, I edited my earlier post but didn't put a new one, sorry about that.
also regarding the there's other runner games thing, I fully agree with spider maniak.

2021-10-27 21:54:22

@spiderManiac, I dono. I feel like this game doesn't really offer anything we have not seen before. I enjoy Endless Runner because it's more varied--or at least it feels like it. I also enjoyed Bluesky because of its decent sound design, even if the death messages were extremely long at times. From me playing this some time ago, I don't recall having a shop or anything of a sort. Actually, that's the problem with both Endless Runner and this game. They don't provide any reason to replay them. But for me that's not even the problem. Endless Runner charged for scoreboards. You could play to your heart's content and get coins and be totally satisfied. I remember this offering a... what, 4 minute demo? I also seem to recall the first two minutes being very uneventful. That is all the more reason for playing Endless Runner.
Before you jump down my throat with the entitlement speech, reread my post. Did I ever say I had an issue with making the game paid? No. Did I say the game should be free? No. All I am saying here is that in my opinion, you would earn more entertainment out of $5 you spend on Endless Runner (or at least it was $5 when I bought it) than you would for spending $10 on this game.

2021-10-27 22:57:31

That's fine that you feel that way. I personally don't, you gave better reasons as to why you wouldn't buy it, beyond, "This game sucks because it costs some money."
I do think this game could use a bit more randomization though. That's a fair point.
Also yes this game has a shop. It has more stuff in it than Endless runner had which is nice.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2021-10-28 04:43:18 (edited by kavya 2021-10-28 04:49:07)

@amerikranian, I understand that you feel that way and that's okay, but I do want to correct you on a few points.
firstly, yes, perilous marathon does have a shop, to be fare I don't really use it but that's just me.
secondly, now again this is only my opinion, but most of my PM games have not lasted more than 3 to 4 minutes, and usually after around 2 minutes have passed for me, they did in deed seem to be eventful, though because this game relies on progression by score instead of time that does change game to game depending on how the player plays it.
I understand where you're coming from though, and I respect that you don't have to agree with me or anything, I just wanted to put in my 2 scents, apologies if this looks rood in any way.
I have to partially agree with you about replay value, though, with pm I just get it from  the leaderboard but especially in endless runner it could be better.
edit: also, something I forgot to say, @ivan I noticed a bug where the text that announces your position when you send a score to the score boards seems to be buggy, it told me I made it to rank 2 when I only got rank 22 or some such, forget the exact number, also sorry if this was reported earlier, I didn't read the full thread.

2021-10-29 07:16:21

I think you should make it so trap items don't spawn right by hazards. I was trapped directly on top of a blade in this last game, and have been trapped while flying over electricity before.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2021-10-31 04:08:43


I love the game but lately every time I try to launch it, it will not open.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get it to work again?

I've already tried redownloading it several times. Adding the folder to the exclusions list in defender and trying to run as a administer, but nothing works.

If anyone has any suggestions I'm open.

2021-10-31 04:21:52

If windows, then maybe try pressing windows + r, Type %temp%, Searching for a folder called gen_py, Delete it, And then try relaunching again.

2021-10-31 04:32:14

thank you so much it works smile

2021-11-07 06:10:50 (edited by KG4RDF 2021-11-07 06:15:46)

There are still a couple of issues with the Sounds Tutorial. It still refers to rocks rather than the laser and plays no sound for the lava pit. Also, I can't hear horses very well at all, and I don't think it's just my less than great hearing. One other little issue, I tried to save my registration, but there was no PM Registration.txt file in my documents folder. I tried more than once, even going so far as to check the folder where the executable is located.

After I got used to the different way the audio works, I rather like the game over all. The bombs no longer falling from the right was a nice change. I do wish there was a way to have a bit more control over your speed getting so fast as others have said, though.

My opinions are my own. I try not to state them as facts and if I'm not sure about something, I do whatever research I can. I feel everyone should consider doing the same.

2021-11-07 14:29:09

Horses seem to span out of the middle of know where. I run along, then run into a horse before i could even duck...

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2021-11-07 19:27:56


That's what it sounded like I was experiencing as well, but wasn't totally sure since I have half hearing loss in my right ear.

My opinions are my own. I try not to state them as facts and if I'm not sure about something, I do whatever research I can. I feel everyone should consider doing the same.

2021-12-09 13:18:11

I don't know. On the page for the game, it says that the game is available for $10.00. But when I placed an order, it charges me $0.20 more. This is very inconsistent.

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