2011-03-23 22:43:52

After searching around for different equipment on the internet, I began to wonder, whether anyone would be interested to creat a database of blind sports equipment manufacturers?
A central place from where to find makers for Showdown rackets and tables, goalball stuff, advice or information on protections etc etc.
Discussion is welcome and maby we can get things to move.

Languages don't influence the way we think, but they still have a world and worth in themselves. Celebrate your mother tongue, the world is a diverse place.

2011-04-05 02:48:25

What about regular sport equipment that has been adapted for the blind? Especially as an international database. That would be great!

2011-09-14 07:02:01 (edited by adi21 2011-09-15 08:08:35)

Its  a great for us....thanks

tools parts & accessories

2011-10-27 17:32:21

That's a brilliant idea. I did some searching after reading it but I haven't found anything about the matter yet. I am relying on big fans of sports to provide some clues. I love sports myself but I am only a watcher. I recently found this sports betting blog and now I am considering the betting idea, usually I am a good predictor on scores.