2021-10-01 03:25:13

Hello, everyone,

Without further ado, it is my pleasure to announce that Jayde has decided to step back up to the AudioGames.net staff table, and has been reappointed administrator status.
On behalf of the entire staff team, allow me to be the first one to say Congratulations, dude. I am confident that you will do a commendable job (as you have previously), and am glad to have you back on the team!

Dreaming of a dystopian future.

2021-10-01 03:48:05

I'm glad to be back.

I took some time away to process some of my own issues, did a bit of a messy job of it, but am confident that most of them are behind me.

What you can expect from me is more of the same old administration you got from me in the past. I try very hard to be even-handed and fair, and while I can't promise to never, ever get heated, I will endeavour to cool my jets a bit. I won't moderate a topic if I'm hotly involved in it, for obvious reasons, and I'm also going to back off the relentless political rhetoric. Again, it doesn't mean you won't ever see it, but I have a duty to make this place welcoming, and I take that seriously.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-10-01 04:09:10

I'm not sure if anyone will hold your political views against you returning, but for what it's worth, I'm glad to see you're back as admin again.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-10-01 04:24:13

To add a bit of clarification, when originally approaching the team to discuss his resignation, Jayde had clearly expressed that his decision may be a temporary one.

Frankly speaking, before someone makes this point, I tend to disagree with the notion that it's acceptable to give up your position and relinquish it at a moments notice. However, I think we must also consider the taxing nature of this role. Jayde wasn't the first to decide that he wanted back in after a brief absence, and he likely won't be the last.

The precedent we set going forward is that, as a volunteer, you do your part to make this site the best place that it can possibly be. As long as there is no compensation, the time commitment is whatever you feel like you can comfortably manage. Stepping back for your mental health (or anything else within reason) is acceptable and everyone will understand. An exceptionally long time away without notice is of course grounds for removal, but otherwise I think it would be fair to say that we should see fewer resignations as a result.

2021-10-01 09:20:55

welcome back jayde!

2021-10-01 09:30:45

This was definitely a long time coming, and I’m glad you’re back. Congrats.

2021-10-01 12:16:41

After a post like that satire one... I must say... Oh no way.

2021-10-01 12:29:53

Destranis wrote:

After a post like that satire one... I must say... Oh no way.


Best regards: Marco

2021-10-01 13:46:13

I don't see why you'd have an aversion to him being admin for that reason alone though. Jayde has always had his political views, but he was a good admin before. Nothing's changed about him, other than the fact that he's now refreshed and feels ready to come back. There's no reason his admin skills should be bad this time around, no more than it was the first time.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-10-01 16:04:20

You have got, to be fucking, kidding... me!

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-10-01 18:42:28

Jayde wrote:

I won't moderate a topic if I'm hotly involved in it, for obvious reasons, and I'm also going to back off the relentless political rhetoric.

When he talked about coming back, literally my first reaction was to request that he refrain from donning his admin hat in political discussions where an obvious bias may exist. I also asked that he keep the rhetoric to a minimum. He agreed on both counts, in the interests of keeping this place as amiable as possible.

As a pretty avid right-leaning libertarian who has read all the topics in question and that also vehemently disagrees with some of his main talking points, I can get behind this. I make an effort to stay away from the discussions for my own reasons, but if there would be someone to want to turn him away on the basis of his affiliation, by literally all accounts it should be me.

Jayde did a lot for the forum, and I have no reason whatsoever to doubt that he will do so again. Part of being a functional team is acknowledging each other's strengths and weaknesses. We don't happen to see eye to eye, but that doesn't have any baring on the fact that he is willing and able to do a lot of good for the site as a hole. In my time working with him, I've known Jayde to be a competent and rational administrator, which is good enough for me.

2021-10-01 18:58:04

Welcome back, glad to see you're doing well. *smile*

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2021-10-01 19:52:19

Glad to have you back Jayde.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-10-01 20:44:43

"A good admin"? A good joke of the day this is big_smile

2021-10-02 00:52:04

I tell you what, Destranis.
You've made your opinion very, very clear during your time here. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, of course, but I think we get the point.
In the interest of making sure you don't get picked on, I will endeavour to keep my distance from you in a staff capacity. No, this doesn't mean you have carte blanche to break rules where you know only I will be watching in the short term, and it doesn't mean that I'll abstain from a vote if your behaviour merits staff intervention and the sort of action which requires a vote in the first place. What it does mean, however, is that I'll do everything I can not to intervene, either against you or on your behalf, when you're directly involved.
Because here's the thing. I've got some pretty strong opinions about you as well. I'm confident that they won't get in the way of doing my job, but you aren't so confident, and I get that. As such, I'll remain as hands-off with you as it's possible for me to be. How does that suit you?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-10-02 01:58:56

@Jayde, congrats.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-10-02 11:01:50

Jayde, during that time I was unable to be here, in fact I changed a lot both regarding my personality and behavior. I went through too much shit in this period of time that I would be surprised if I didn't change. Never tried to come back with illegal actions, because I didn't want to do more harm for myself, I am nervous enough on a daily basis so I didn't need it at all. But even if a lot of people told you it's not okay what you are doing, you did never try to change, you still think you opinion worths the most in this place and it's a really huge disadvantage if someone loses credibility in your eyes. It would interest me the least if I lost credibility in a stranger's eyes on the internet who doesn't even know me and who I don't know at all. I guess, at this stage, both of us would need help but as far as I see, none of us gets it from the right people and so we are both rebelling for nothing.

2021-10-02 12:48:26

congratulations Jayde, super glad to see this.

2021-10-02 13:18:26

Destranis, I'd just like to point out here that the behaviour you're exhibiting, at least toward me, is pretty consistent with what it's always been. Notably, I made you an offer of conciliation, and you basically ignored it in order to tout your personal growth and impugn mine.
If you've had time to learn and grow during your ban, that's a good thing, but I haven't exactly seen evidence of it yet. I'll give it time though, since it's entirely possible I'm missing something. I would like to point out that "I didn't try to sneak back in before my ban expired, since I didn't want to torch my chances" is...kind of a pretty low bar to set. I mean, congratulations for not being Urh2006 or Simter, I guess?

All that being said, I am convinced that there is nothing I could do, short of literally trying to be someone I'm not, that would please you. You have a way of viewing things, and nothing's going to shake you free of that. I'm fine with it; in prior encounters with you, I'd have tried to convince you to change. Now, it's a lot more simple. Stay on the sunny side of the rules, and you can think whatever you like. If you have grown as much as you say, this shouldn't be difficult, and we shouldn't have any issues going forward. I will maintain the spirit of the offer I made in my last post in this thread, as well.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-10-02 15:50:54

Jayde wrote:

Because here's the thing. I've got some pretty strong opinions about you as well.

Oh trust me, you're not the only one. Pretty sure a lot of us do. If there was a change in her behavior or personality, I certainly haven't seen it.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-10-04 01:05:59

You're a good admin, this is where you are great at using your potential. Welcome back. Just to clarify, this isn't sarcasm. You've helped the forum in a lot of ways, more positive than negative overall, and there was even a point in time when you were like the only active admin, so the whole place didn't go down in chaos.

2021-10-04 01:08:04

I do what I can, where I can. And I'm a stickler for trying to be fair when acting in an official capacity. If I can keep the sharper edges out of my rhetoric, I think I'll do okay.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-10-04 18:25:23 (edited by defender 2021-10-04 18:34:12)

Probably a necessary evil I suppose, though not what I'd have done.  Here's hoping it goes better than last time, and that people avoid making problems for Jayde as an admin because of personal reasons when ever possible, for the sake of the forum.  Fight your battles carefully and consider the ripple effect of your actions guys, please. I'll be doing the same.

2021-10-07 22:02:21

Hello. Good to here you are willing to give it another go, Jayde. Yeah, actually, those were the two big things that bugged me. You addressed them well, and I hope you stick to those guns. The nature of how you handled political controversy, and the fact that the first public thing you did as admin was pretty much throw out the rulebook as far as not adjudicating controversies in which you were a party. *shivers* Actually, I think that last one was my biggest objection. Again, I like what I've read in this thread. Keep it up, and I think you will be a fine administrator. Don't forget to take breaks and enjoy the great outdoors, though. They still exist, apparently. And I think the sun still shines out there. Can you believe it? LOL!!! Sorry sorry. Either way, I look forward to see what you do.

I have a website now.
"C: God's Programming Language
C++: The object-oriented programming language of a pagan deity" -- The Red Book
"There, but for the grace of God go I"

2021-10-08 02:04:22

Yeah, I think it's important to note that me going off rather loudly when I first became a mod several years back was a confluence of things, and I've long since taken ownership for the way I handled that. Right idea, completely the wrong way of going about it.
As far as politics...really all I need to do is cut back the snark. And as you can see from my political satire topic, I could easily have warned Haily myself, but didn't because I didn't feel right about trying to moderate something I was still an active part of.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1