2021-09-14 17:46:47


I have a couple of friends who are trying to register for the forum but they haven't heard back. Is this forum open for new members?

2021-09-14 19:01:16

As the text under the Note on registrations heading says, you can register, they've just changed the process.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-09-14 19:10:56

The forum is open for new members, however I haven't seen any admin activity in like 2 or 3 weeks.

2021-09-14 20:38:48

Use this:


You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-09-15 08:35:25

I suspect this forum may no longer be actually open to members.
One of my friends tried registering about 2 and a half week ago and she also still didn't get any response.
So, unless you see some activity on the side of the administrative team, feel free to say that this forum is no longer open to new members.

2021-09-15 13:57:25

The forum is not closed to new members. Things have been pretty quiet on the staff Discord recently. I've been given the information how to access the new approval system, and there is now a guide for staff. I'm still trying to get back into the routine of staff-related forum things now that my life is settling down. In the UK it's been quite a busy summer for me, and now with guides and things posted, it should be easy for me to get back into the swing of things and figure out how the new system works.

2021-09-16 10:58:09

Thank you for the information, it's relieving, honestly.
I'll tell my friend about this soon, hope she's patient enough to wait untill you get to know the new approval system.

2021-09-22 18:19:54

Would you be willing to PM me your friends username so I can go ahead and create the account?

I've personally been trying to juggle an absurd load of college classes (CS) on top of self employment on top of blindly learning a new city, which unfortunately means sixty hours on a relaxing week.

This has, despite my best intentions, meant that my duties on the forum have had to take a back seat for a brief time when we've also been getting hammered with new registrations. Going through them and filtering out the clutter is definitely on my to-do list, even if it has yet to reach the top. I find it especially fulfilling to see new folks chiming into discussions on here, so if someone has been missed (our system makes this highly unlikely but still possible) or they don't want to wait or whatever, just throw me a quick line and I'll get to it.

Thanks for your understanding. These are far from ideal circumstances for me, but I'm slowly figuring out how to find time for things that aren't the daily grind.

2021-09-23 03:35:43

One problem is that the registration form doesn’t ask for a password.

Best regards: Marco

2021-09-23 11:12:22

I think this means this will work like at RS games, so the administrator should reach out to an user via e-mail with a temporary password that will be some gibberish.
Then, the user after logging in for the first time, should be recommended to change this password to something they can remember.
Thus, from now on the user is obliged to provide a valid e-mail addres, so this, in my opinion, is a step forward.

2021-09-24 18:35:56

It's a bit more secure. Once I create your account, you get an email from the forum with a link to set your password. When a password is set, your rank is elevated to shades of newbie and you can post away.

The link is obviously one time use.

2021-10-20 22:38:56

@10 What he said. When we create registrations, a user gets emailed as if they had created a new account. We do have our mail system fixed, so that is once again possible.
However, please do note that registrations are currently down, and this is unfortunately due to the fact that there was a disturbance in the force within the upgrade process to a slightly higher sublevel of hell that is Windows Server2019, along with Sqlite3 not being quite as willing to work properly in the Wamp stack as opposed to Xampp. It was originally supposed to be at max 30 minutes of downtime, but due to the database problems it's unfortunately been more so. However it should be back online in a few days, and I am in the process of deploying a different database structure that should actually be more secure since it's mysql, so account isolation will be a thing, kind of. This is just what happens when we don't have access to the master control room. Apologies for the inconvenience.
For those wondering if my sanity is in check: I am normally a Debian guy, Windows Server just happens to be what was available given this thing is also running SPL. So you don't have to tell me how crappy Windows Server is. Lol.

2021-10-21 02:24:02

So just curious, but what's the deal with registrations? There's a thing that says registrations are down, and there's the message about clicking the link to register. What's going on?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-10-21 02:26:01

Well, Jack explained it in the previous post.

2021-10-21 03:16:05

Uh? Did you not read post 12?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-10-21 16:46:34

@13: Um... Read the post right above yours?

2021-11-09 20:09:36

Hi All,

Is there any updated timeline on a fix for the broken registrations? Someone came across mention of a project of theirs on here earlier but can't register due to the database issues. Anything that can be done to resolve this would be great.

2021-11-10 06:31:43

Yeah I understand people are busy and life gets in the way, but it's been a good couple of months at this point. Are there actually any plans to fix this properly? It looks kinda bad after it's seemingly been this way since September at least

2021-11-11 02:15:22

Hi guys,
when will the Registration available again? our Add-on Developer wants to register, but the special link does not work.

2021-11-11 22:19:22

@Gardahn: For now, please have them email admin at audiogames dot net with their wanted username, and I will go ahead and register them. Apologies for the inconvenience. The efforts to fix the registration form are sadly falling short and every iteration of php to sql code I try is failing without probable cause. For teh technically minded, yes my apache and mysql are indeed communicating properly, but getting it to talk to the database, even with the proper code whether procedural or object-oriented, just does not work. Very discouraged by the fact that this was never a problem on the previous Windows Server but it now is on the upgraded one, Xampp and Wamp should not be this different.

2021-11-12 01:38:43

@20, I would be happy to help if you like.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2021-11-12 12:36:40

Well then, the note on registrations heading should be updated to reflect this change so that everyone doesn't need to look for this topic.
In my opinion, most users will simply not look for this info in any other place than that heading.
They will, after discovering that the link doesn't work, either give up or ask someone for help, which probably means that the admins will receive much more private messages to deal with, than they should.

Hope that's clear.

2021-11-12 12:57:29

Agreed with @22.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-11-12 15:17:59

It was, at least I remember it being updated. Let me check.
Edit: Yes, it was.
@Ethin: Thanks, I'm noting that. We're looking into putting it on Carter's server as well, but if we need backup we'll know who to call. At this point any excuse to get this right the hell off the Windows Server is a no-brainer. The fact this thing can do Wordpress like a champ yet falls flat over SQLite or even manual freaking sql database entry says a lot about Wamp and Windows permission instability than anything else. Never had these kinds of problems on Lamp stacks I've set up that are, you know, actually maintained and not hobby projects that probably haven't received the latest Apache update?

2021-11-12 15:21:44

Also, since my pm's are apparently broken, please send anything you may have to the admin at audiogames dot net email address which does in fact work and will forward to the rest of us.