2021-09-09 05:50:34 (edited by jyro22 2021-09-11 18:31:41)

This topic will be moved to general game discussion. Please read the following carefully.

Newest Update 9/9/21 - 2pm:
Game folder is now cleaner with far less files. Installer is more neatly prepared. The game itself has been compiled in a more organized way as well and allows quick patches for updating players. Newest link below. It may take 2 minutes or so to launch. Once you’ve installed the game, check out the Edge Game Manual PDF in the main folder for how to play.


I hope you’re safe and well during these times. It’s been a while since I’ve been here on the forums, Covid-19 caused a lot of challenges, but it’s also given me some new time to concentrate on game development from home. Note that I have only been away from the forums until there was more to announce, as I've been answering all emails for years and assisting with technical support this whole time.

I'm glad to announce Edge of Winter has full story and gameplay and is continuing its community testing from before. I've always valued the community for its knowledge of audio games and improving the game was always meant to be an ongoing thing. Thank you for your patience and support, I hope you will enjoy playing.

For those who would like to join in the analysis and feedback in testing and helping to improve the game, email [email protected]

You are a young alchemist, summoned to aid in stopping a ravenous beast stalking a dark kingdom. But things soon change as you become cursed to transform in the moonlight. Now you must search the vast castle on a quest for a cure, and answers to the mystery you find yourself ensnared by along the way.

+ Explore a huge open castle in real-time.
+ Full voice over starring actors from Dragon Age and Apotheon.
+ Scenery narration and dialogue choices.
+ Suspenseful escapes and scares.
+ Collect inventory, use items and mix potions.
+ Transform, break through barriers, and leap across chasms.
+ First person, top down game views and more control options.
+ In-game maps and sub-maps.
+ Xbox One controller support.

I do not say anything promotional, nor have I yet. I'm here for value of the help from constructive feedback and to support in return as I always do via email.

For those who have purchased it originally,
I have sent you the game and will send all improving updates as we go. If for any reason you haven't received it but would like to, email [email protected]

Despite that I've completed several video game and animation projects to a high quality standard, this one is an audio title and not at that point yet and I do not claim that it is. It is and has always been meant to be openly improved.

If you'd like to play the game for testing and enjoyment and interest together, please email [email protected] to participate.

Technical Note:

Keep your game window active, as it runs in windowed mode. Play normally and note that your player is temporarily still and not enabled during cutscenes or events. Press enter or A button to proceed when the scenes await your input. Once you’ve installed, check out the Edge Game Manual PDF for how to play.

System Requirements:
Windows 10, 8, 7. Direct X9 or higher. Relatively recent sound card and graphics card, but the game is not too heavy on systems. Apologies for the lack of Mac, but I’ll be back. 

Version Notes:
This is an early version. You can play through the full story. However, it has some known bugs.

I also am actively working on two other games: Airik the Cleric 2 and Steampunk Neverland. I’ll be releasing those as well, soon and have not forgotten, I'm here as always via email. Thank you and be safe.



2021-09-09 06:00:04


Take care, it's a desert out there.

2021-09-09 06:06:36

not gonna lie, the concept is really good as far as I remember. I don't mean to be rude, but yeah, your history is unfavorable on the forum to say the least. to be fair though, I am going to give the demo a try, heres hoping you've change after these years.

2021-09-09 06:10:20

Holy shit, weren't people waiting for this for like 4 years?

2021-09-09 06:26:09

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game concept. Absolutely, it was a long process, but I didn't give up and am working hard for the community who helped me test and improve things. I hope you like it.

2021-09-09 06:45:41

What is the price of the full version?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-09-09 07:07:04 (edited by JasonBlaze 2021-09-09 07:09:02)

right, so ghost mode ist still around,  especially through doors and wall sometimes. sorry, but why it's not fix yet?

2021-09-09 07:47:22

I'll give the demo version a try and share my thoughts afterwards.
Do I remember wrong, or could we preorder the game long time ago?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-09-09 08:32:35

So where's steampunk neverland and clocktower chronicles?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-09-09 09:34:47

I purchased this game years ago. In the mean time, we had no news, no replies, basically we felt like being scamed. So, I am not dowloading the game. It comes late.

2021-09-09 10:06:38

I don't remember the game but It seems it has been announced in 2015 from the looks of it
https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/1674 … udio-game/

2021-09-09 10:23:46

Okay, so my findings so far:

1. First attempt to install the game hung. Second attempt worked. Maybe fix the install process, as it's not clean. I remember this issue in Airik the Cleric as well. More on Airik later.
2. I see Airik assets in the Edge of Winter directory. Freaking tons of them. Which is fine, I guess, but it looks sloppy. Also, all the assets appear to just be sorta hanging out there, so a person can just listen to the .ogg files if they want to.
3. I've triggered two random crashes. The first by trying to load a game when I had no game to load, the second by wandering westward in the courtyard.
4. Movement happens as fast as you can spam the arrow keys. Why exactly do I need to run if I can literally hammer arrow buttons?
5. This whole "move a step, scan, move a step, scan" business was old when Airik was young. Like 2012 or so. It wasn't good then, and it's not good now. Having items make some sort of detectable sound would be really, really nice, even if that sound was subtle. I'm totally okay with having to scan for traps, that part's fine. But having to scan just to find everything, up to and including doors and chests? Yeah, kind of not buying it.

Verdict: not interested in purchase. I may flail around with the demo some more, but right now the stability is questionable, the gameplay is off, and even the quality of the voice acting, while not terrible, is mediocre. This feels very slapped together, and I'm afraid that if I'm going to even consider dropping twenty bucks on this, it needs to be much, much more stable and polished.
And that speaks nothing at all of the fact that you've pulled a runner in the past. I lost fifteen bucks from you folks already (no, I can't prove it, it was from like 2015 and I don't have the paypal records anymore, so I'm not gonna chase it). But I'm by far not the only one. I appreciate that you're moving in the right direction, and everyone's got to start somewhere so I'm not writing this project off entirely. But for now...just, no thanks. If you polish the game, prove that you're actually honouring customer request the way you ought to have been doing for the past 6-7 years and the like, then I'll reconsider.
I hate to come in here and be negative, and I do think this game has some potential. But really, from a game-design perspective, I'm not sure how much you've actually learned from Airik here. I remember that game sort of being fun, until you learned where everything was and how to deal with it. Running around in the dungeon reminded me very much of the Airik mechanics, minus Scout crowing "double-jump gaaaap" every other time I scan. lol I think even a lot of the sound assets are the same, which makes sense if they're custom (though I know your mouse-hunting music is not custom at all, as I've heard it on YouTube).
Keep improving, and do spruce up what you've got here, and maybe you can gain back some goodwill.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-09-09 10:36:39

The game has some errors which made me soft-lock a few times alerady

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-09-09 11:12:01

I remember someone posted somewhere awhile back stating that his game is now on itch.io? And now on Google Drive? Ba.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2021-09-09 12:03:12

I would buy the game if not for the errors. I never know whether I got locked due to a bug or my lack of surveillance skills.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-09-09 12:45:02

you spent the money on the game and now you're not going to download it? forgive me that's a bit backward. you must have a load of money to just throw around if you can do that!

2021-09-09 13:19:14

@Darren he spent money as a preorder, but never received anything. I doubt the preorder records still exists.

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2021-09-09 14:48:29 (edited by keyIsFull 2021-09-09 15:20:44)

I got the game installed successfully, pretty painless process. Then it started, and if I want to navigate up and down in the menus I have to press tab every time I want to press another key or it doesn't do anything, so like, tab, down arrow, wait for the menu item to finish talking, tab, down arrow, tab down arrow until I get to the item I want then tab, enter. This is already a really bad first impression and I haven't even started playing. Also, the main menu voice is recorded on an iPhone microphone, and I do have to say the postproduction sounds a little better than the one for grif, which had a lot more noise removal artifacts than this one does. Still sounds pretty unprofessional though. Imho I would have shifted those high budget actors that were touted to the main menu so they could have made the first impression better. I do like the main menu music though.
Edit: on further perusal of the game assets. Well, I'm just going to say check out maingame.txt. I think you'll be surprised.
Spoiler warning: the maingame.txt file doesn't have anything about the registration system in it from what I can see.
Edit 2: it looks like the .txt files are actually necessary to running the game. I renamed one and everything stopped working. As in the .exe loaded, but no sounds ever played. There is probably some sort of error that displays, but even with OCR I couldn't find it. I did find a reference to playing the demo end sound in another source code file included with the game called conf_game.txt, but reading around the source code it doesn't seem to actually stop you from playing the game after the sound plays, meaning that I don't think the demo even works correctly. Apparently it happens aftert you climb far enough up a rope, though I of course haven't played that far.
In short, there's no real reason to give this guy any money.

Edit 3: here is some code I found from chronolog.txt which is another file of source code.
SetPlayerEnabled False
Wait 1.2
PlaySound "dialogue\demoend" Repeatable
Wait 5
WaitForPlayerMaybe 28 XB_B
PlaySound "soundfx\sfx_confirm"
FadeMusic 1
OpenURL "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?c … UKKRBPVEYS"
Edit 4: if you actually click on that URL link you are taken to a payPal page. Makes sense right? Only until you realize that it's to purchase Airic the Cleric for $13 ...
Yeah, no thanks.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2021-09-09 17:28:19 (edited by musicalman 2021-09-09 17:40:37)

keyIsFull wrote:

If I want to navigate up and down in the menus I have to press tab every time I want to press another key or it doesn't do anything, so like, tab, down arrow, wait for the menu item to finish talking, tab, down arrow, tab down arrow until I get to the item I want then tab, enter. This is already a really bad first impression and I haven't even started playing.

Weird, my menus read just fine with pressing the arrow keys. I don't have to hit tab to scroll through the menu.

keyIsFull wrote:

Also, the main menu voice is recorded on an iPhone microphone, and I do have to say the postproduction sounds a little better than the one for grif, which had a lot more noise removal artifacts than this one does. Still sounds pretty unprofessional though. Imho I would have shifted those high budget actors that were touted to the main menu so they could have made the first impression better. I do like the main menu music though.

Doesn't sound like an IPhone microphone to me. Just sounds like a hissy low budget mic. In any case, I think a lot of devs, when they tout high budget professional voice actors, are overstating it a bit. I no longer expect audiophile grade studio recording on voice acting, because even in stuff like The Vale, one or two of the actors sound like they were recorded with some weird mic in a big room with some postproduction to try and clean it up. I'm not knocking it, but in a game with such high sound design standards, I felt that was a bit weird, so I wouldn't expect a game like Edge of Winter to jump out as something spectacular. Therefore, I don't pay much attention to claims of high budget actors anymore. Either the dev is overstating it, or the actors charge for subpar recordings. Or it might just be a matter of different people having different quality standards. I'm not in the voice acting or development business, so I can't judge.

To be honest though, I'm willing to look past that if the game is good, since voice acting won't really make or break a game for me. I could deal with it whether it was really good or terrible.

Those txt files with source code are something else though... I guess the takeaway from this is that some devs really go out of their way to hide assets, and some just... don't. Or can't, whatever the case may be. Either way, it's a bit amusing and suspicious.

I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt though and assuming I'll get into it. Admittedly, getting into a game despite its flaws is pretty easy for me, so I may still like it. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm hopeful that I'll enjoy it at least a little.

After reading about this dev's history on the forum though, I have to say I'm not getting my hopes up that this one will be worth buying. I at one point bought a bundle of games from them, because the paypal link was still on their web site, only to learn later that the games were no longer actually being sold. I never got an e-mail after my purchase. I've since heard this is a classic pattern with breakerbox, so no. The fact that the paypal link in Edge of Winter points to the wrong game is a further no. Honestly, they need to fully move to ich.io or something which can handle purchases for them.

I still have the paypal receipt, but I'm not sure if I should do anything about it at this point; the purchase was a while ago and tbh I think the joke was on me, since I should've thought harder before making the purchase. Meh, I guess I didn't need that 25 bucks. Neither did the other people who preordered this game or bought other games without receiving an e-mail or other confirmation. The fact that the dev does not seem willing to discuss this sort of thing makes me quite suspitious too, but it seems a number of devs are like that. Pretending the negative criticism just doesn't exist. I suppose they have to, but still... I'm taking a hard pass on buying this. You can't fool a young puppy twice.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2021-09-09 17:53:28

@19, I agree. Does anyone else here find it suspicious that ever since people started talking about this company's shady business practices, he has gone quiet?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-09-09 18:04:18

I want to stop the full dogpile before it starts.
Shady business practices? Sure. We've heard this story before.
But let's not start with the "See? Now he's gone quiet!" ridiculousness. It's needless and doesn't actually do anything except ramp up tension. Cut it out. Let's let him respond - or not - as he sees fit. In the meantime, I think it's perfectly reasonable to discuss your findings on the game, including your decision to buy it. In fact, I'd gently recommend against people buying it for the moment, for precisely the reasons stated above, but I'm willing to give a tiny bit of benefit of the doubt if honest efforts are made to fix issues and clean up the project.
Oh also? Musicalman, I would absolutely open a Paypal dispute if I were you. You bought a thing, and did not get what you were owed. This is breach of contract, and you have every right to get your money back.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-09-09 18:33:21

Jayde wrote:

I want to stop the full dogpile before it starts.
Shady business practices? Sure. We've heard this story before.
But let's not start with the "See? Now he's gone quiet!" ridiculousness. It's needless and doesn't actually do anything except ramp up tension. Cut it out. Let's let him respond - or not - as he sees fit. In the meantime, I think it's perfectly reasonable to discuss your findings on the game, including your decision to buy it. In fact, I'd gently recommend against people buying it for the moment, for precisely the reasons stated above, but I'm willing to give a tiny bit of benefit of the doubt if honest efforts are made to fix issues and clean up the project.

I'm not sure if I'm part of the blame for starting that dogpile or not, since I did say something about that. The only reason I did was because I'm seeing this pattern a lot where dev does something, and it isn't received well/something bad happens, rumors get spread etc. and dev doesn't seem at all interested in clearing the air or defending anything. They just carry on as though everything is positive. I know there are a lot of things which aren't worth responding to or getting involved in, but this avoidance thing is sort of leading to a trust issue because I never know whether valid criticism is actually going to be heard/seen.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
If you like what you're reading, please give a thumbs-up.

2021-09-09 18:40:23 (edited by jyro22 2021-09-09 19:21:41)

Thanks for the feedback guys.

1. This is a first version, I'm planning several version updates. The post from the beginning relayed that there will be bugs and it was never claimed to be polished or any final incarnation. Although majorly improved over the previous demo and chronologically complete with a lot of thought and time that went into it, it does need updates and polish. There has always been a version note about this in the post. I went ahead and fixed the description even more though, to help clear up any misunderstandings. It is still being tested, but I will update it as with previous games which had several version updates.

2. I was a tester for Gearbox Software. At later testing stages they would have us trying to rapid mash arrow keys and hard-edge game breaking stuff to find last minute bugs. This game is not tight enough for that stage of testing yet and it isn't recommended. I'll let you know when we're ready for that. For now, play normally and we'll see what surfaces as first level bugs. I'll fix those first.

3. Renaming source files is not a bug. I just proved this by finding a solid AAA game on my PC and renaming random code and files and behold it crashed the game. Games function like this, they look for their own files. Don't rename the files if you want it to work. I'm also aware the files are out, this is intentional. Ignore that aspect in this first version.

4. I'm aware some Airik files are in the game folder. In the case of some games on PC, there are still previous company game files. I've seen this in cases like Gex and Tomb Raider, or Oblivion and Skyrim. Sometimes developers leave these files in to compare and test things as they share the same tools. However, it's only a few remaining Airik files for my own testing and they will be removed in the next version. It doesn't go to anything Airik related if you play to the end of the demo, that unused code is merely one of these comparison files I'm referring to, not one the Edge game itself uses.

5. The description of soft locking is not actually locking. This happens intentionally, there are many moments where an action, dialogue or waiting on the player to press a key will take place. This is normal. I'll create a play through to help further with understanding how to play.

6. I've spent thousands of hours developing and fixing issues and helped hundreds of people with game play and support. I'm working from home during the pandemic and reply to all emails. I've released 5 out of 7 games. I'm just one person however, not Nintendo. So I have to make version updates and have been very clear about this game's open testing in the community because of my ongoing stated value and appreciation for the feedback to improve the game together.

7. The GUI narration will be replaced in the final version with more quality recordings. I will have one of the main actors redo these so that they match the protagonist.

8. What footstep sound do you hear during this ghost mode? Let me know. Thank you.

I'm here to help, email anytime to [email protected] if you need assistance. To anyone who pre-ordered, I've sent out the full game to all the emails, but if for any reason you didn't receive it, as a few of these emails came back failed, simply send an email to [email protected] and I'll take care of you right away. Thank you.

2021-09-09 18:45:07

This topic is literally less than fourteen hours old. It is way, way too soon to start howling that the dev isn't going to address problems here.
His prior track record is a problem. I'll grant you that. But you're here either because you're trying to at least give him a fair shake, or you're here to spit on him. If you're in the former camp, then fourteen hours is way too soon to just assume that the dev isn't going to address anything. If you're in the latter camp - and Musicalman, you definitely aren't - then you need to be quiet and not piss on something just because it's been bad in the past. The people who came here purely to spit on this dude's efforts are the reason why it can be nigh on impossible to gain back previously lost favour.

IMO, the appropriate thing to do is to continue flagging legitimate issues while exercising a high degree of caution. I will change my tune if the dev is more receptive to feedback this time. Maybe he will be, maybe he won't be. Fourteen hours is not enough of a window of opportunity. It's not even close. Now, if we're still here in several days' time, and the dev has made more promising/promotional posts, then we'll know it's the same old pattern. But I, for one, am here because I want to see what happens. I don't have much faith, but what little I've got left, I'm willing to extend a bit, to see what happens. I hope most of the rest of you can say likewise. And if you can't, kindly stay back and don't make this thread any more needlessly negative.

Clarification, in case it's needed: expressing concern isn't negative, and explaining bugs/weird behaviours/asset issues (as Key did earlier) is not negative. That's sharp, but it's honest, and I would never ask folks to hold back on that front, especially since I so rarely do myself. lol

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-09-09 19:00:32


are you selling a beta? I was under the impression that the game was complete. If it isn't, that is very unprofessional. maybe I just miss read the post.