2020-12-11 09:26:49

after done that the game is finish after you get out from the hide out

2020-12-11 17:49:47 (edited by Valkyrie 2020-12-11 17:52:12)

@masroor: you have to find 6 supporting columns or supporting poles inside almanon's hideout. Interacting with them makes Vergil place some explosives in that location... you'll have to search thoroughly the rooms of the hideout, both tents and building. After doing that, you can escape from the hideout. You're almost at the end, hang in there!
@mike-tan: did you manage to finish the game? Did you like it?

2020-12-12 03:02:00

ya. I done the game. and i like it. i hope it will have the continuation of the story.

2020-12-12 10:00:52

mike-tan wrote:

ya. I done the game. and i like it. i hope it will have the continuation of the story.

Glad you liked it! There will be a continuation of the story, don't worry!

2020-12-13 03:57:01

I bought the game a few days ago. For my Mac. After I figured out how to bypass the security warnings I got not letting me open the app, it is really awesome! I’m gonna play it a little bit tomorrow and once I get the hang of everything I’m going to do a podcast episode on it. I checked it out a little bit the other day, but I was tired so I went to bed. Also I have a western drama which I believe if I’m not mistaken, is also developed by this company. You guys make really great games!

Audio game king

2020-12-13 13:02:05

wp85 wrote:

I bought the game a few days ago. For my Mac. After I figured out how to bypass the security warnings I got not letting me open the app, it is really awesome! I’m gonna play it a little bit tomorrow and once I get the hang of everything I’m going to do a podcast episode on it. I checked it out a little bit the other day, but I was tired so I went to bed. Also I have a western drama which I believe if I’m not mistaken, is also developed by this company. You guys make really great games!

Wow! I'm glad you're enjoying our games this much, it means a lot! Feel free to send me a pm with a link to the podcast when you record the episode (whether you enjoyed the full game or not)!

2020-12-13 16:25:08

I bought the game a few days ago. It took me around three hours to complete, but I never tok the time to write a comment here. So here we go!
For a first prototype, it's actually not bad at all. The game is relaxing, the atmosphere is fairly good. It appears to me that you made an excellent start with this project. Of course it's short, and there's no actual challenge, but that's part of the things that will certainly improve with time!
I'm going to write some suggestions here, but don't get me wrong, even if I long for an imersive and challengenging audiogame experience, I spent a really nice moment with fury driver, moonwalk, and I'll definitivly buy the next chapter when it comes out. I'll do it to supporte your work of course, but also lead by curiosity and expectations, so don't take the next suggestions as arch criticism.
-First, about the gameplay itself. I'd really love to see a real driving experience in the next chapter. If you're worried about how it might fit in an audiogame, I suggest that you take a look at topspeed at first, but also at tank commander. Both should give you a pretty good point of view about how driving and most importantly nervous and dangerous driving could be implemented. I'm telling you this for two reasions : first, I think it could turn the racing moments into something really challenging for the player, but most of all, it would allow you to implement actual driving for map exploration. It may sound quite difficult at first, but tank commander managed to simplify the concept technically without giving the feeling of something simple, that's probably the best approche I've seen.
-About the narratives and the scenario itself, the voice acting was actually good. It does'nt bother me to see the things with one point of view, without any characters or such, but it has to go with some more immersive musics or sounds, otherwise the feeling of danger isn't so well transmitted through the game. Again, that's definitivly an excellent start, I'd just love to challenge the concept.
-Finally, I just wanted to point out one last time the overal difficulty of the game, which deserves to be largely increased, not only by rising the speed needed to react, but also by allowing more elements of gameplay into the races but specifically into shooting sequences. To gie you an example, I didn't die even once. I lost one race, the first one, the time for me to get used to the controlls and sounds, but that was my only failure, otherwise I just got lost sometimes because text navigation wasn't for me the best way to create a mind city map. That's absolutly not a big deal for a first release, I justed wanted you to know it for the reccord , and in case.
However, as I said, I spent some enjoyable hours and, for that price, that's actually far more than what I used to get here these days.
I could give the exact same kind of fidback about a western drama, and I would probably have, if I had the time right after my playtest.
Anyway, welcome to the forum, to the community, and congratullations on your first release! Keep it up!

Best regard,

2020-12-13 18:44:42

I will definitely do that!

Audio game king

2020-12-13 20:32:37

@Arkandias: thanks for the suggestions and the kind words! I'll definitely check Topspeed and Tank Commander and see how driving works in those games. I'll see how much I can improve the driving for the next chapter of Fury Driver (which should be out in less than 2 months if everything goes well).
Regarding cutscenes, I'll see if I can manage to add a few "timed" sound effects during them... That should improve the experience!
Difficulty-wise, I think I understand now how hard my game actually was... that is, not hard at all! lol
I think that if both the combat and the driving system won't go through a massive overhaul, adding a few unexpected events during them could raise the difficulty substantially! Something like... shrinking the track's size for a certain period of time, being forced to reload the gun during combat (while also increasing the speed of enemy attacks), etc etc...
I don't have many ideas in mind for now, but I'm pretty sure that I'll come up with something.

2020-12-14 09:50:25

Thank you so much for considering my opinion. Woh, didn't think next chapter was allready planed, and very soon more importantly. That's good news to begin my day.
Regarding the races' difficulty, shrinking the track at some points is definitly a good point. Here are some suggestions in case you run out of ideas. Keep in mind that I'm no developper at all, and that I know nothing about how realistic they are.
-sounds : it coud be great to add some extra sounds indicating the nature of obstacles. Shooting apponents, cars crossing your way, riding in the wrong direction (or could it be you in a specific track, forced to take the trafic the wrong way), any sounds that could have a double effect : increasing the feeling of danger, and making the game harder by confusing the player with background.
-traps on certain tracks : watter, items scattered on the ground, civilians having nothing to do there but being there anyway, racing in a city can be tricky for many reasons, forcing you to avoid unpredictable things, or to go through them and try to handle the consequences on the car's movment or integrity.
-Personnaly I would add some sounds to follow the car's progressive customisation. Note that this is personal and some could disagree with me, but since the game focusses on cars, it could be great to end up with an engine which gives you the chill when it starts up. It could give some more tension to the races, and, if you're planing to allow casual driving, it would certainly offer some replayability. Atleast to my opinion, I would certainly spend hours just riding into the streets if the map was complexe enough and allowing me to drive around, eventually reaching my objectives or just encountering some random events but that's probably a gigantic work...
To conclude, here are some last ideas I won't describe, mainly because there are many ways to consider them in a game and I can't choose between them big_smile : jumps (obstacles, a gap in a bridge...), tunnels (mostly to alter the race ambiance and confuse the player), epic moments (in a descendant path or for technical reasons the car is instopable, accelerating faster than the engine normally alows it, all yoiu can do is stear it as precisely as you can, and hope, and pray).
Once again, congratullations for your excellent job! I hope you'll find these ideas intereesting, challenging or even conceivable!

Best regard,

2020-12-14 11:07:58

@Arkandias: thank you for sharing your ideas with me! Initially there were sounds when obstacles spawned on the track (which basically told the player what those obstacles were), but I cut them because they added too much noise to the races. I probably implemented them badly, I'll revise the code and see if I can include them in the next chapter.
The second chapter doesn't require Vergil to upgrade his car, but maybe he has to change vehicles in some parts of the story? I don't remember exactly. In that case, I'll definitely create a few music loops of engines that resemble the vehicles Vergil is riding in those scenes.

2020-12-14 12:50:54

Sounds great! I definitly look forward to see that.

Best regard,

2020-12-21 22:12:00

I am wondering how do I update the game? I got the version 1.0

2020-12-22 12:18:23 (edited by Valkyrie 2020-12-22 12:23:47)

@cyco: hi! There are no updates for the game at the moment. When we'll update the game, which will not be soon, you'll be able to re-download the updated game from the audiogame.store site for free from a link we'll add to the web page. You won't lose your save or need a new serial code, because those informations are stored on the pc and not the build of the game you bought.

2021-01-27 01:16:25

Okay, just finished this one.
I really liked the highly open feeling of the games' map, and was alternately frustrated and irritated by all of the find quests, though I liked the way you needed to get a major sense of the city's geography, also the soundtrack was very nice and fitted in well with the ambience and very grim voice acting.

I'm afraid though, even for someone who generally enjoyed Blind quest, much else of the game just didn't sit as well with me. Maybe it's because I'm not really a huge fan of noire crime or racing, and was expecting something a bit more scifi than we got,or maybe it's just that fantasy is more my thing I don't know.

~It's just that a lot of the story felt slightly disconnected, there were a few too many sequences where I was just told what happened and didn't get to interact much, like the bit where Almonon or whatever the other racing drive was called crashed.

similarly, what is it with solving problems with weed in this city? honestly, I was sort of amused as to how often you got around people by chucking weed at them big_smile.

Also, maybe it's just that genre wise this is less my thing, but I didn't really get as much sense from a lot of the characters and locations as in blindquest, which meant a lot of the moments of the game that attempted to be emmotional just didn't seem to play out as much to me.

I'm afraid also, the action sequences all felt a little too samy, with all the various races you did having basically the same mechanics, hear something, react, with no differences in ambience or requirements to really change up even the feeling of the gameplay.

I do appreciate the massive amount of work that went into the game, especially the voicing and soundtrack, and working out the map, but the disconnected story, lack of emotional connection to characters, and a few to many moments of being "told", rather than letting you interact made this one a less satisfying experience, albeit though I will say since this is probably just less my preferd genre anyway, I might not be seeing matters in as positive a light as some.

Hope the next chapters of the game improve on things.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-01-27 14:55:59


Will there be an IOS version for the game?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-01-30 20:36:48

@65: I'm sorry for the poor quality of the writing. I'm the one who wrote the dialogues (Andrea d'Angelo wrote the story, checked and changed a few dialogues here and there), I did the best I could but I agree that some of the important scenes are not directed too well. The sequel won't be that much different story-wise, BUT I am planning on adding a few features to the races and combat. Those will take me a few weeks to develop since I'm alone in programming this and I don't know if complications will show up or not.
@66: there will be a iOs port of the game but I don't know when we'll start working on it. We'll start in a few months, probably.

2021-01-31 17:34:33 (edited by Dark 2021-01-31 17:53:07)

@Valkyrie, Part of the problem is admitedly that this is simply that I'm less of an overall fan of noire crime stories, so feel free to take my comments with a pinch of salt.

That being said, one of the simplest problems to fix, is just that a lot of the time your told what happened, rather than needing to interact with other characters or the environment, even just to get their take on things.
In Blindquest, you can talk to the princess at various points in the game, and get a sense of her personality, with her having different dialogues for each location, where as characters like Virgil's father remained static, and Hill you couldn't actually interact with at all.

If you'd been able to talk to alanon at different points, perhaps with him giving you race tips on upcoming races, and explaining his situation, then he would've been more of a character in the game over all, ditto with other familliar faces such as the trusted drug dealer who actually has a lot to do, but whom we find out nothing about during the game at all, either physical appearence, or personality.

I'd have also liked to see some of the story reflect a little more in the games' racing and combat sequences, EG when Alanon crashes, have the player start the race, race for a while then hear a sudden explosion and get an explanation of what happened, or when you end up in shootouts, have different thugs behave differently. Actually, this was one respect where I found the five a miner disappointment, since even though we were told that one driver used traps while another shot with his gun, this wasn't actually reflected in the racing mechanics.

One major plus in the game I did like, was the very open map and the fact you could go most anywhere, however it would've been awesome if the map changed a bit throughout the game, EG different people around at different times with different dialogues, perhaps even different times, with day and night occurring.

Either way, good luck on the Ios port and on the next chapter.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-02-01 19:25:21

@68: understood. Thank you for your input and the encouragement!

2021-04-07 21:11:28

Potential spoilers!

I just finished the mission in the suburbs involving the drug crates, and missed what I'm supposed to do next. Any tips?
Thanks in advance!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2021-04-09 10:35:22

@spiderManiac: Hi!
After delivering the drug crates you're supposed to look for some thieves in the ghetto, because they stole some of mr.Sin's "equipment".

2021-04-09 13:05:42

@71: Can you please answer my question in post 66?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-04-09 13:24:58

@72, will you please read post one?

2021-04-09 14:51:25

@72: yes, we'll start development of both Fury Driver 1 and Fury Driver 2 for mobile soon.

2021-04-09 15:33:09

@73: Sorry, I missed that.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW