2011-08-13 00:28:24

Can anyone help me i am after an email browser that works great with jaws i use a hotmail account and it takes an age just to locate my inbox so i was hoping there was a better and simple browser i can use thanks .

2011-08-13 00:49:03

You're using browser based email, what you're asking for is an email client. You can set up some browser email accounts to work with a normal email client using SMTP and POP3 but I'm not sure if Hotmail has that option.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-13 13:50:46

Of course there is also Imp withc I know google can use. There is also MS exchange wich is another protocall. I use outlook on my PC to check my gmail and school email, but that might cost to much for you. If you have an IPod touch or an IPhone, then the mail app on that device may be what you are looking for. it helps to know what OS you are running with how much you are will to pay, if anything, and how much configering you are will to do.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
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2011-08-13 15:46:58

there's also thunderbird, the problem though is that it works the best with nvda and window-eyes. jfw not so much.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2011-08-13 22:56:35

I will say though I'm using Thunderbird with Jaws and I don't have any major issues.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-14 09:34:22

Well, the last time I used tb with jfw was back with tb3 and  jaws10, so things may had changed since then.
You could also switch email providers - gmail webUI is miles better than hotmails.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2011-08-14 18:42:15

Just be aware of the privacy concerns. It's known that Google record certain words used in GTalk chat to alter your search results, it wouldn't surprise me if they did that in GMail as well. That includes the ads too probably. Not to mention that depending on how liberal your country is and how paranoid you are about privacy. They might ask Google for information on your account, from what I gather of Google's policies they're willing to hand over such information without a written warrant or similar official permissions. All they need is a nod from any government official, or person from a body working for the government.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-14 19:14:28

Then again, any info you have on the internet has a chance of being seen by someone that you didn't atend to see it. this includes email. When you have an account on hotmail, yahoo, gmail and etc, you run the chance that your email pervider wil use the info in your email for marketing and the like. Then again your ISP has access to all of your serfing habbits too.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
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2011-08-14 21:29:30

True but there is a difference between potentially being able to record or access these things on the one hand and having been proven repeatedly to do so on the other. There are laws about interception of private communications which often apply even to the provider of the service you're using to transmit them, even if they're not breaking them Google is getting closer and closer with everything they do.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-15 19:08:03

can any 1 post a link where i can download thunderbird please.    thanks

2011-08-16 07:35:57

Right here.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-16 10:17:42

You can also use windows live mail or outlook express. You can find windows live mail in your windows live installer, which you can get it by searching on google.
Thank ya,

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2011-08-21 14:03:20 (edited by hadi.gsf 2011-08-21 14:04:32)


well, i have an email account which supports pop3 and imap

will you advise what is a good email client to use?
i want a fast one, and something to use easily without any problems.

i'm using jaws 11, and i may get thunderbird, but first need advise if there's other fast and easy email clients available?

thank you

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2011-08-22 01:08:43

I'm using Jaws 11, I have the SMA to get 12 but I couldn't be bothered installing it thus far. I'm running the latest version of Thunderbird with no real issues, just that some of the keyboard shortcuts aren't quite what you would expect but that applies to anyone not just a screen reader user. I probably couldn't find a more reliable email client if I tried.

I'll note that speed of email clients isn't generally an issue, most of the time it's the server you're connecting to that makes it slow or fast. When you're checking for mail it's just a data transfer from there onward and there aren't any tricks clients can use to speed that up.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-22 05:34:35

After a long time on the forum,but nevermind that. Am useing thunderbird as well just started,and its my first email client. I used to just use the gmail on the browsers such as IE etc. now are there any scripts availible for it?not that it needs one but I heard some where that there are scripts for it but couldn't get my hands on it.
I think though,manageing the emails with thunderbird is a bit eazyer than web gmail. but I am not too sure about that yet. for example.I see that there's nothing in my trash folder of thunderbird,and in the web baced gmail,there are something like,300 messeges in trash! lol.
Thanks all. for any help .Grryf.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2011-08-22 09:17:49

I use outlook express. It's easy to use after you setup your gmail account.

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2011-08-22 10:23:48

I seem to recall that jamal Mazrui wrote some scripts for tb, but seeing he doesn't keep any index of what files he has I forgot the link to them.
I think it may be worth explaining what's pop3 and imap as well. So, the way pop3 works is that your email program, goes out to the server and  retrieves all new messages, downloading them onto your pc, while with imap what actually happens is the email program downloads only the headers IE from, subject, etc, and downloads the message when you open it. The advantage of this is that if you have multiple devices they will all remember what you read and what you didn't, and also you can have your eMail provider take care of sorting them into folders or what ever, and again, you will see it on all your devices.
Personally I do prefer pop3 though, since I'm not exactly keen on all of my messages being stored in the cloud, and also I do like to archive them.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2011-08-22 11:53:30

hi. i am using pop peeper... in my opinion this is a good and very easy to use with jaws. you just add your e-mail to the program and when you want to check your mails you just click on the check now button and wait a little and your mails are displayed in a list... it's so easy.... do a search on google and you will find it.. i am using it with jaws so you will not have problems using it..

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2011-08-22 19:59:25

You can use the header thing with POP3 as well, plus setting it not to delete them from the server so your other devices can get them too. The downside is that your provider might auto delete them after a while depending on the way they have it set up, and that it isn't capable of handling folders on the server. Imap is mostly for the folders on the server thing as far as I know. I'm with you on not liking having everything in the cloud though.

Thunderbird won't import your trash folder from GMail. It'll only put things in there that you delete from within Thunderbird so that shouldn't be anything to panic about.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-23 13:33:54

well, firstly, i don't like outlook at all, well, that's just my idea i really don't like working with its interface.

i'm going to check out this pop peeper, though as cx2 said, i guess there is not any reliable clients out there accept thunderbird.

lastly, i started to use GMX as my e-mail service.
do you know GMX? how is it.

my old e-mail is on hotmail i'm not sure if thunderbird works with hotmail or not

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2011-08-24 09:59:47

I'd personally consider pop peeper as more of a new email notifier. Sure, I use it, but only to tell me if new mail came in and if so, then from who or what subject it is. It can display a windows baloon with said info, or you can buy a plugin pack which will add sapi to it. you can read and write email, but if you're like me and are subscribed to multiple mailing lists, you're going to miss folders and threading.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2011-08-24 12:26:35

right i have been using a couple of clients now i find thunderbird 5 to hard to get to grips with because i use windows 7 i do not have outlook express which i was familiar with i am now using windows live  but when i reply i cant find the send button using either thee tab or alt key its so frustrating i think i am going to try pop peeper next.

2011-08-24 13:20:15

I never said Thunderbird was the only reliable client, what I said was that the client doesn't tend to make much difference to speed. I did mention that Thunderbird was pretty reliable but that doesn't exclude the possibility that other clients may be reliable as well.

Anthony I'll first point out that a lot, though not all, email clients will send an email when you press control plus return/enter. Saves looking for a send button. Secondly I'll ask if there was anything specific you found difficult about Thunderbird, since if there was we could help you out. Thunderbird takes a little more work to set up your accounts but once it's done it's no worse than outlook express when you're checking your mail or writing messages.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.

2011-08-24 15:04:41

thanks cx2 i will try control and enter first as i think everything else about windows live is great it was just that dam send button i had to get my girlfriend to click send after everything i wrote lol.

2011-08-24 21:52:52

actually, I found thunderbird much easier to set up. in the newer versions it pretty much knows the proper configurations for the common email providers, so when I was setting up my gmail account, I just set the display name, user and password, and then it just asked if I prefer pop3 or imap, and that's the basics configured. with outlook you had to go into some advanced settings to change ports around.
You can actually get back windows mail on seven (this is what vista had, it's pretty much OE with spam filtering). if you search around on the internet for the files, it's not difficult, it's just microsoft disabled it for some reason.

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