2021-03-19 19:00:49 (edited by TouchMint 2021-06-22 23:12:43)

Download link for iPhone iPad and Mac:

https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adventure … 1084641332

This is a FREE game it includes IAP but everything can be unlocked for free just by playing the game.

If you want to support me so I can continue to make games by all means purchase some of the IAP I think the gem doubler is the best deal it doubles all the gems you get from playing the game so easily pays itself off.

If you cannot afford purchases in the game and still want to support me so I can keep making cool games for this community please leave a rating and review really really helps!!!  The more reviews I get the easier it is for people to find this game which helps a lot!!!!

I included unlock codes especially made just for this community.

Here are instructions on how to use the codes:
You need to be on the character creator screen.
Once on that screen type in “audiogames” in the character name field.
Then click the ranger class icon and it should unlock the ranger class for you as well as give you an extra 50 FATE GEMS!!?!!

Old info and content:

It’s been about 4-5 years but I am finally close to releasing a new adventure to fate game.

The game will be arena based (like my second game). This seemed to be a bit easier to play on the accessibility side of things so that should be good news for you guys.

The game will include many of the characters and features from quest to the future but with quite a few new classes skills items monsters etc.

The big new feature this time around is that each new arena you’ll choose from skills items pets etc as a sort of build your character dungeon run. So each play through should feel different since you’ll build your character as you go type deal.

This is a free game and as you guys know while there will be some in app purchases they are all optional and never required to play or enjoy the game.

The game itself has already gone through 1 testing phase about a month back and I’ll likely do another testing phase focusing on how the voiceover works. Apple has changed a lot since I’ve built the game so I imagine it’s about a months work to get everything completed. I’m aiming at releasing the game in may but testing should be next month in April.

Thanks for reading let me know if you have any questions.

2021-03-19 19:25:08

this is great man!

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2021-03-19 19:42:38

Hi. This is absolutely great news! I do have one question though. I found quest to the future to be extremely difficult to play with voice-over because of the nature of the game. Will this be improved in the new game? Also, what sort of things would we be able to buy with real money? How can we sign up for the beta?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2021-03-19 20:08:01

Great news! Will the beta be via Testflight?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-03-19 20:47:20

Hey, TouchMint.

How can I contact you off forum? Does your support email still work?

2021-03-19 21:06:18

oh fantastic! i enjoyed yur previous titles. it's a shame voiceover messed things up so we couldn't play them anymore. so very much looking forward to this new title. will the dungens be any bigger?

2021-03-19 21:22:10

This is some great news. I'm really looking forward to playing this.

@6 It won't have any dungeons, at least that's what post 1 sais.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2021-03-19 21:58:34

Will there be a cheat code for unlocking things like in the last games?

2021-03-19 22:04:36

This is, really, really cool, Til this day I do still play adventure to fate: battle arena and i'm looking forward to this

2021-03-19 23:43:34 (edited by lemm 2021-03-19 23:46:22)


@TouchMint, I actually only found out about adventure to fate battle Arena this week, I’m a huge fan of Turn based roguelike/JRPG style games, so was really excited to read about all the accessibility fixes you put into battle arena. Although I’ve downloaded it and had a really quick 5 ten minute play, I’ve been nonstop all week so not had a chance to properly  sit down and play, but really looking forward to trying to find some time this weekend to give it a proper play through. Just want to say a huge thanks for all the work you’ve put into the game to add accessibility.   I’m also really excited to hear about the new game you are working on, I’ll be definitely  checking that out once you release it. I saw in the adventure to fate battle arena post you were planning to possibly make the new game work in conjunction with the apple watch, is that still planned? If so will be interesting to see how that works.
keep up all the great work and again huge thanks for taking the time to add accessibility, it really is appreciated.

Paul Lemm

2021-03-20 01:52:33

Hey guys thanks so much for the support here it really means a lot as you can see it’s been a while since I’ve released a new game.

Second off sorry for posting in new releases haha. Not sure what I was thinking I meant to post in general I guess this will be a new release in about 1.5 months. Hopefully beta in about 3 weeks or so.

For those of you asking this is be very much like battle arena. Walk into the middle and do your battles rather than roaming around.

Each arena will be broke into 2 sections so a little more walking than the first battle arena but overall the same concept.

Yes I plan on putting an audio games cheat code into the game as well to unlock something not quite sure just yet what it will be. Your guys support means a lot so I want to thank you guys / girls any way I can.

As I said before I’m about 95% done with the base game atm. I’ve played it over and over and over haha and I pretty much have it where I want it.

Here is what’s left.

Fix final bugs (hopefully this week)

Build for voiceover (lots of stuff changed I’m not sure what’s ahead of me for this but I’ve got some work to make it all work. I assume it’s about 75% done since the base from old games is there)

Build for iPad. (Again the base from old games is there I just need to update for the changes I’ve made to the new game)

Audio games testing happens here.

Incorporate ads and in app purchases. (This is a total revamp so could be a bit of work)

Polishing and fixing bugs found in testing.

Marking revamp of website whatever else pops up.

Could be done in 3 weeks could be 2 more months just depends on how long this all takes.

Other questions: iap will be things like unlocking other classes, pets and professions.

For example you have 4 classes you start with and 6? You can unlock. This can all be done from playing the game or if you wanna do it faster or support the game you can pay to unlock type deal.

I will keep updating you guys as I know more. Will do some class previews and stuff too.

2021-03-20 02:24:44

TouchMint. I sent you a private message on this site.

2021-03-20 05:34:27

After spending most of the day working on the code it looks like a lot of the old voiceover carried over.

This is great news and means I’m going to start looking for about 5-7 voiceover testers to let me know what’s still missing what’s making stuff hard etc.

So post here or pm me if you are interested. I need your email and for you to have a good handle on voiceover and what’s needed for iOS games etc.

I will do more expansive testing a little later on but looking to start voiceover testing here in the next week. So I need a few people to get started.

2021-03-20 06:55:04

I am glad to hear this news.
and I've been playing for about 4 or 5 years.
me and my friend is really excited about the news.
anyway, i really want to participate in testing this game.
my email is [email protected]

and i can handle voiceover perfectly.

hi. i am a dark matter miner. yeah, i am setting mines that when something steps on it, it will explode and release huge amount of dark matters. oh sorry... i am a slave miner, i am mining dark matters...

2021-03-20 07:37:28

Op, I sent you a private message.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2021-03-20 07:46:04

@Touchmint, I am interested in beta testing the game.
My email id is [email protected]
I have been using voiceover extensively for the past 2 years.

2021-03-20 08:28:02 (edited by Ghaith 2021-03-20 15:08:29)

Hello, I want to testthis game as well, and i've mastered voice over, since well, been using it for about 6 years I believe.
Email: [email protected]

2021-03-20 16:27:28

Thanks guys between the people who responded here since my post and any previous people who responded on my tread before I should have enough. I’ll contact you guys when everything is ready. Hopefully a few days at the most next weekend. It can take Apple a while to approve for testing.

Thanks again guys if you didn’t make this round I’ll likely be doing 1 more round before release too.

2021-03-20 20:21:18

Oh man this is some of the best news around iOS gaming that I've heard in what feels like years!
I remember I was obsessed with the original arena game.  I'd usually pull my phone out between classes and go through a couple fights whenever I had a spare moment.
I'll definitely be picking this one up as soon as it's out!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2021-03-20 22:29:58


Wow! this is great news! I love this series of games! welcome back touchmint, good to have you back. Unfortunately I don't have an Iphone anymore but I'm thinking of getting an Ipod or something just to play this game when it comes out. I still play battle arena and quest to the future to this day as well and eagerly await the release of this game.

fantasy world creationist

2021-03-21 14:02:52

Hi touchmind,  I want to test this new game.
My email is [email protected]

2021-03-21 19:28:23 (edited by mata 2021-03-22 15:01:58)

This time I probably will be able to support you. I was a uni student without money of my own back there. Now I do, and you're great. Waiting for it.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2021-03-22 07:40:04

Great news. I never really got used to the previous games, but I might return to them to see if I can get used to them before the new game get released. I don't remember exactly what I found confusing with the previous games, but I hope I'll get used to the new game. Keep up the great job.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-03-23 00:12:52

Hey guys thanks again for all the support I’m checking this thread daily so I see all your support thanks.

As for progress I took the day off “real” work to put some good time into fixes and getting stuff ready for testing next weekend (that’s the goal).

I’ve played the game through on all the classes 10 of them over the past week or so (yes I’m pretty sick of the game haha). So I’m making those adjustments then some voiceover adjustments then I will be doing 1 more play through with a random class then submitting to apple for testing.

Won’t be a ton to share since it’s just coding and bug fixes until then but I will try to do a class preview since there are 2-4 new classes and some revamped classes as well.

Thanks again!

2021-03-23 12:56:55

I am so excited, I love adventure to fate battle arena and quest to the future, so I think that future arena will be really cool. Sadly we havent alot off good rpgs for ios, but your games are really great time killers.
By the way, it must be a strange feeling, when a developer plays his own game haha.