2021-02-05 00:32:28

Open an issue against GitHub please. I also need to know how short the files are in samples and how low pitch_bend can go before it begins to break.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-05 00:40:40

Hi Camlorn,

I've gone ahead and opened the issue.

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2021-02-08 21:32:57

Hi All.
Can somebody resume for me what is the current state of Synthetizer? Is there available the wrapper for Python and how is it called? Thanks.

2021-02-08 22:05:37

Would you consider reading the documentation please?
see here
It explains everything, the current state (see release notes), as well as the python bindings (they're called synthizer btw).

2021-02-08 22:32:20

The docs are definitely something I encourage everyone to read first, but basically I expect everything that currently exists to work, there will be one or two more C-level API breakages that shouldn't affect Python users much, and I encourage people to use it.  Think relatively stable beta, but where new features might be buggy for a release or two after they happen.  Fortunately I have enough users that bugs get found quickly.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-10 11:19:22

Hijacker wrote:

Would you consider reading the documentation please?
see here
It explains everything, the current state (see release notes), as well as the python bindings (they're called synthizer btw).

Thank you Hijacker.
My apologize but I couldn't read all the thread in forum and I've missed the URL for documentation.
Thanks to have reported it under my attention.

2021-02-10 11:49:47

Hi, is there plans to implement the possibility to create sounds from scratch?
I mean not taking audio from a prerecorded audio file but generate it directly with matematical waveform, formulas and ADSR for volume and filter controls.

2021-02-10 12:35:31 (edited by Hijacker 2021-02-10 12:36:02)

There are already noise generators in Synthizer AFAIK, and you can do such things already with the help of some toolkits like numpy or scikit, although you'd have to save it to disk in the end and play it back via Synthizer that way.
I don't know Camlorn's plan here, but that doesn't seem to be in the scope of a game audio library, thus it might be at low priority, if it is considered at all.

2021-02-10 17:33:38

The thing that lets you read buffers from memory will technically let you do it, once it's implemented.  Also see this issue.

There's some room for being able to generate audio, but I'm not going to go crazy with it because the point of the library isn't generating audio.  If you want to play with writing synthesizers or something, I recommend looking into csound or faust.

After 1.0, there will be some components for e.g. playing a sound that repeats on an interval, which is different from looping because the interval needn't match the buffer and they can overlap.  And probably one for triggering it without building a generator.  I don't know what other pieces.  On the one hand yeah it's a game library, but on the other hand audiogames wanting to do stuff like build radars means there's at least *some* room for those pieces.  But I haven't scoped any of it, and any asks right now are going to be answered with "ask again in 3 months".

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-10 18:01:51 (edited by Turkce_Rap 2021-02-10 18:02:25)

i will be very happy if You can add this equaliser and bass functions big_smile i m stucked at building bass and eq functions.

2021-02-10 18:27:39

There'll be some filters before 1.0 but you don't need an equalizer for a game.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-10 18:30:10

and yes, i have to have a toor on synthizer docs once, and camlorn, can you write an example describing effects like echo? in python and c if you can

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2021-02-10 18:35:32

That's issue 28.  But also see bindings/python/examples, and if you need it from C you can just read the manual which contains a section on effects already.

Or read the Python bindings, or Earwax, or whatever else.  In general if you're going to need tutorials for everything you should wait until 1.0.  In practice the API is simple enough that you should be able to work it out on your own and documented enough that the edge cases are covered, but I don't have the time to fully document Python and fully document C so yes, you'll have to put pieces together yourself.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-10 18:46:50 (edited by bhanuponguru 2021-02-10 18:49:21)

oh yes camlorn. sorry, i din't notice python examples. it's more then enough, again, i give you a huge thanks from my side for your wonder full on going work. please keep it up

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2021-02-14 03:20:33

I've just pushed Synthizer 0.8.10 with the long-awaited HRTF improvement.  When I listen to it and the Aureal 3D demo side by side they sound about the same.  If you have feedback/problems, please report them here and I'll get to them as soon as I can.

This may not be good enough, but it's at least way better with respect to not introducing artifacts, I've explicitly got a lowpass on things behind you, and so on.  Elevation works as well as it ever has in any HRTF, which is to say not super well, but better than previously for Synthizer, which is to say not at all.

I'll see about a demo at some point but that was actually something like a 9 hour continuous coding session to get it done so I'm totally not playing with Virtual Audio Cable for a while.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-14 06:34:49

nice to see this camlorn. thanks

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2021-02-16 19:51:25 (edited by mohamed 2021-02-16 19:55:19)

hey @camlorn, Sorry if this question has been asked before or already exists in the docks, But i read the FDNReverb chapter and am really confused about something, When you set the reverb time, Which from what i understood, Is that you set it from something called T60, However i don't really get how can i set it, Is it a function? Or a something value i set?
Also, Another question, If i want a source to has something like a minimum and maximum x and y and z, Is there a way to do that? Or not yet?
Again, Sorry if those questions has been asked and ansered before.

2021-02-16 20:39:39

T60 is a property in the property table that you set like any other property, which should have been covered in the tutorial. For things like max distance see the chapter on 3D panning, as well as the properties on source and context related to distance model.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-16 20:40:45

Hi @392,

I can answer your question about setting the t60. The way you would do it is this.

Say your reverb is called verb.
verb = synthizer.GlobalFdnReverb(context)
You can set the t60 of the reverb like so:

Then, you can route a sound through your reverb:

context.config_route(some_source, verb)

Hope this helps!

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Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
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2021-02-20 14:11:57 (edited by mohamed 2021-02-20 14:12:17)

hi @camlorn, Just found an odd issue, Not sure why this happens, But when i get too many sounds playing at once, The audio starts glitching, An example of it can be found

2021-02-20 15:12:13

hey @mohamed, it happens even in every thing. an example is on mason's sb, i sponned 10000 like enimys and audio got glitching like this. so i think it's a common problem

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2021-02-20 15:39:31

no, When i were using bass that problem didn't come at all, Sure, Audios may sound weird because they are too much, But they glitching the main audio thing? No, That didn't happen, Though still, Maybe am doing something wrong but whatever i do still causes the same thing.

2021-02-20 16:27:29

How many sounds exactly?  If it's actually thousands or so I'm not interested in fixing this case and you should use the library properly by not intentionally overloading it.  You're either getting clipping because you're playing too many sounds or you're using too much CPU.

If it's a smaller number then try lowering the gains on things and see if that fixes it.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-02-20 16:42:02

it's around 400 or so, But true, I shouldn't spam it that way, Anyway my intention wasn't spamming the library, I did that to test another thing and i got that result so just thought to tell you about it because thought that it may be importint, Also, I remember this happening a bit when like 70 sounds or so are playing, For example am fighting someone with a machinegun that fires a bullet every 70 milliseconds, But will try lowering the gain and tell you if that issue still exist with low numberings.

2021-02-20 19:11:42

yeah. So every sound outputs roughly between -1 and 1 if it's a very loud sound.  Audio is supposed to be between -1 and 1.  If you have 400 loud sources it will be between -400 and 400.  This is, obviously, a problem.

There are things that can be done about this.  I'm betting that bass silences other sounds when there's too many and you don't notice because of how many there are.  The library could also lower the volume.  But all of these things are noticeable.

In terms of CPU though, 400 sounds should be fine and if it's not then that maybe needs optimization.  if changing the gain doesn't help, see what task manager says the CPU usage is, and tell me both that and the number of cores in your machine.

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Twitter: @ajhicks1992