2020-12-24 01:25:52

I'm looking at the announcement page, and I saw that there was an XBoxOne version of this game. Is there a way to beta test it?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-12-24 04:18:26

You kind of have to just click around and experiment. Once you get past the login screen, it's fairly usable.

I have a local patch that improves the app's accessibility some. I'll dust it off and upstream it in the next week or two.

2020-12-24 06:27:31

Click around and experiment with what?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-12-24 08:18:12

Guys is anyone playing this on mac? I am, and get no speech. Both on my 2016 mbp and my m1 mac mini. It's strange, and I've  tried getting godot tts and it worked fine.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-12-24 08:54:54

@78 Sorry, that was in relation to the Itch app. No Xbox version yet. When I tried it last, it ran for about a minute then locked up. I've made some changes since that might have fixed this, but I haven't jumped through the hoops of rebooting into dev mode to test it out.

@79 Sorry you're still having issues. Hoping someone here can help you debug it. It's odd that you don't get a TTS failure message on stderr, followed by debug logs of whatever would have spoken. That's what should happen. I'll be busy for the rest of this week, but I'll send you a debug build on Discord early next week and we'll see if we can track it down further.

2020-12-24 09:49:40

Hi, no,  nothing on stderr, yeah it's weird.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-12-24 18:50:38

nolan wrote:

I'll still post new projects here, but I'd rather redirect interested readers to my own communities/resources for updates.

I'm busy keeping myself updated on this forum, Applevis, Twitter, Facebook, a ton of mailinglists in my own country and properly Discord in the future, so I don't have room to follow more forums. But that's of course up to you.
Regarding posting on this forum, you could just post it in clear text without any formating, and then format it into the other systems where you wanna post it with formating etc. Just an idea.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-12-25 07:56:48

I'm not sure if this was a problem, or if it's now fixed, but I'm trying to pay with paypal and I'm getting a mismatched token message. Anything on that?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2020-12-25 21:07:24

I am playing this game on my Mac and everything is working just fine.

2020-12-26 03:45:22

@83 Sorry you're having trouble. Please reach out to Itch support, [email protected]. I pay them to handle the purchasing logistics for me, so if Paypal is giving you issues, they'd probably appreciate the heads-up.

2021-01-04 19:51:06

Hey folks,

I wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I've been reading your feedback and watching streams when I can. To that end, I know Onslaught is loud and overwhelming, particularly as you level up. To some extent, there isn't much I can do about this, but I'm trying.

To that end, version has an experimental setting to silence asteroids more than roughly a quarter screen away. This doesn't change focus modes, nor does it silence asteroids that are colliding with you. This can't completely eliminate overwhelmingness, but I played a few rounds on wave 12, and had moments with 30 asteroids active but none audible because they were all jammed up near the edge of the field.

I also reduced bullets' base speed by 25%. This means that they cover less distance, but because a bullet's speed is their base plus the ship's speed, moving makes them travel further. Hopefully this incentivizes hunting, and makes it a bit more difficult to stay in one place. You can certainly still spray-and-pray, but that strategy has risks too, like fragmenting asteroids that are close by when you don't intend to.

Please try out the new setting. If it is an improvement, I want to remove it, make it the default, and work it into the docs and tutorial.

Thanks everyone!

2021-01-04 20:26:24

Is this game open source? If so, I'd be interested in seeing the GDScript and maybe even scenes for it.

2021-01-04 20:45:09

No, sorry. On sale for $4.99. Happy to talk about the source in general terms, though, and maybe share select snippets if it helps others.

2021-01-05 00:42:33

I don't want the scripts for your asteroids game, but I would really like some kind of textual step-by-step guide that says "We're going to make an Alien Outback-style game, here's how".

Apologies if your GitHub already has this; I've not checked it in a while.

I have code on GitHub

2021-01-05 01:22:00

I really like the new silence asteroids setting as it can make gameplay more challenging, particularly when there is only 1 target remaining.

2021-01-05 06:50:09

I'm honestly not sure I'll keep going with Godot. It gets us 95% or so to where we want to be, but that remaining 5% is something sighted gamers don't miss but we as blind gamers do.

I.e. right now I'm hitting issues where a) controllers sometimes don't work on Android b) the controller button mappings are weird and c) some keycodes on Android are off. I imagine most sighted developers just want a game running on mobile period. They don't care if the keybindings don't map up because no one is using keyboards on mobile. But if we as blind players want control schemes more complex than A Blind Legend, we're probably going to need controller or keyboard support on Android and iOS. And I'm not super keen to dive into the engine sources to investigate and finish that off.

Fortunately, I'm eyeing a Rust engine with Android/iOS/desktop support that should give me all the flexibility I'll need, and will soon have an editor so I can potentially work with developers/designers needing a graphical editor environment. If Godot gets its act together re: mobile keyboard/controller support then I might invest more effort in it. And I think it's a good tool to have in the box regardless, but my next title won't use it.

2021-01-05 10:08:56

I finally used controlers on android, both PS4 and X-Box and I can say that I am sorta fast with them, but I don't know if I can do bigger waves with them since I didn't have enough time to practice when I had any of them.
Also, another thing that I didn't know how to fix were the haptics, I thought you got them with the controllers, I didn't.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2021-01-05 12:08:47

That's a shame, but I can see why you're doing it.

Would be very interested to hear how you get on with the Rust Engine.

I feel like at this point - with all the engines floating about - there should be some kind of comparison page somewhere, with each user contributing their own spin on their favourite engine.

I have code on GitHub

2021-01-05 14:44:14

@92 That's another thing, no haptics on Android AFAIK. I don't know if that's a limitation of Godot or of the Android gamepad APIs.

2021-01-09 13:19:02

ok i totally love this! feels very much like the original atari game of asteroids. well worth the buy.

2021-01-09 16:47:07

Cool, be sure to check out the "Silence distant asteroids" setting, first in the settings menu. I'll probably switch that on by default next week, then do away with it entirely in another week or so if no one complains. SO in all likelihood, that'll be how the game behaves going forward.

2021-01-10 05:16:46

So I just finished a nearly three hour game with a final score of 624730. The biggest issue I noticed was that the asteroid collisions need to obey the hide distant asteroids setting. Once the waves get into the mid 20s, the early part of the wave is just a wall of collision sounds. I'd also like to see the different asteroid sizes have different pitches. I suggest pitching the small asteroids up slightly, and the large ones down. Otherwise, it's a really fun game. Good work.

2021-01-10 05:21:42

Thanks for the feedback. I'll give making colliding asteroids obey the setting some thought. Right now colliding and focused asteroids are zoomed (I.e. have their audio unpaused and their volumes amplified.) To some extent, high waves being overwhelming is part of what makes the game a bit more difficult, because otherwise, what would make wave 25 harder than wave 5? But I'm open to perspectives, so convince me. smile

And congrats on the high score! A 3-hour run is amazing!

2021-01-10 05:31:53

Once you get 80 targets on a level, the collision sounds drown out anything else except the alarm. At that point it doesn't really add to the difficulty, it just becomes headache inducing. I think at that point there would be plenty of collisions from the asteroids in range for difficulty purposes.

2021-01-10 07:16:56

Fair, but easy access to lots of targets also means easy access to lots of points and extra lives. I think cutting the asteroid audible range down is definitely the right move, and your point about the collisions themselves becoming overwhelming is valid. But I think I also need to add a counter-balancing element so games don't go on infinitely.

Previously, asteroids moved faster as waves increased, though the speed ramp-up had a wide range and seemed less predictable than it was. I may introduce a slightly higher speed per wave, so even if targets in the immediate area are less overwhelming, you have less and less time to react to them as the wave increases. Thoughts?