2020-09-21 07:57:22

Hi guys,
So, I want to buy an audio recorder thatt is accessible. Can you give me lcurrent or recently released audio recorders to purchase? I'm waiting your responses before I go to sleep.

73 Wj3u

2020-09-21 11:21:58

olimpus series has screen readers

2020-09-21 14:40:32

Olympus LS-P4. The setup reads, and most screens read. The calendar doesn't read, file names don't read, and the contrast menu doesn't read. There may be one or two other things that don't talk, but for the most part it is very accessible

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-09-21 15:47:33 (edited by omer 2020-09-21 15:47:47)

i mean i used a beeping recorder for 6 or 7 years, and now i'M using one that doesnt beep at all
screen reading is not required in my apinion but, people are diffrent

2020-09-21 17:13:20

Related: does anyone know a resource that breaks down the differences between all the various Olympus recorders? There are so many, and I don't know what distinguishes them.

I'm particularly interested because I know the older Olympus recorders did all their speech via pre-recorded audio, but I thought there were 1-2 that actually had screen readers and synthesized speech. I might be wrong about that, but a definite disadvantage of the pre-recorded speech was that formatting the unit got rid of it, and you needed to restore it via software.

Thinking of replacing my old Olympus DM420 or DM520 with something newer, but having wiped the pre-recorded speech several times accidentally, if there's a synthesized option, I'd rather go for that. But even so, knowing the difference between these similarly-named models would also be nice, as I want something more for ambiance capture than for recording meetings and voice.

2020-09-21 19:12:42


I own a lot of different Olympus recorders, and as fare as I know, all the models with speech uses pre-recorded audio. However, all the Olympus-models on the marked right now with speech stores the speech audio in a safe place, so it doesn't disappear when you formate the recorder. I would recoment Olympus LS-P4, since it's really good at recording music and ambience. However, it has a few Things that isn't spoken, sutch as Things including numbers and file name. Another small disadvantage, in contrast to older Olympus recorders is, that it only uses one aaa-battery insteat of two, so the recording time is slightly less. However, it's rechargeable if you connect it to a computer.

There's also the DM-770, which cost a bit more than the LS-P4. On this recorder, everything is spoken, except file names. But everything with numbers is spoken. However, the sound quality isn't as good as LS-P4 in my upinion. I would not recoment any other Olympus recorders on the marked than those two.

2020-09-21 20:14:45

Thanks. Does the 4 charge over micro USB? One disadvantage of what I have right now is that it is literally the only gadget I own that charges over mini. I think I have a mini USB cable in some junk box at the back of some closet somewhere...

2020-09-21 20:34:37

Hello, Related question. Can we use Zoom F or H series? because I heard that it doesn't beep or play any sound like that, And I was wondering how people can navigate thru the menus reliably. Do you have a list of menus because I was thinking about buying one.
Another quick question, between zoom and olympus, What is better overall.

2020-09-21 20:43:03

What I need is an audio recorder with full accessibility / screen reading support.

73 Wj3u

2020-09-21 21:37:59

@nolan: The Olympus LS-P4 connects to the computer via a usb-connector build in to the recorder, which you can push in and out with a slider on the side of the recorder. No cables are required.

@mahadee: As fare as I know, the Zoom-recorders are not accesible for blind people at all, but personally, I like the sound of Olympus better than Zoom.

@Electro: If you only care about accesibility, and don't care about the audio isn't top professional quality, I would recoment that you buy the Olympus DM-770. It's audio quality isn't bad at all, the Olympus LS-P4 is just a Little better.

2020-09-21 22:46:17

Neat, thanks, I'll check one of these out. Wanted to take up field recording while traveling as a photo alternative, plus capturing ambience for games where it makes sense. Thanks for helping me sort through the pile of Olympuses. smile

2020-09-22 14:00:09

@4, It may not be necessary for everyone, but it does help.
And @7, like @10 said, the USB port is inside the recorder. In one of the menus, you can set the USB class, and which one it uses. Set what it uses to be manual, and don't set it to the Composite option. When you have it on manual, any time you plug into your comp or an AC adapter, you'll be asked if you want AC adapter or PC Connection. If charging, hit the AC adapter option and press ok like two or three times after. For whatever reason, hitting the AC Adapter option doesn't automatically start charging the device

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-09-22 15:55:35

thanks! the adapter thing was new for me. i always hit okay only once. but now, atleast i know.
and yes, i wote for the olympus lsp-4. or if you dont want something modern, but something which reads filenames too, then maybe eltrinex v12pro?
