2020-07-25 15:36:10

Hi everyone,

We're a couple of indie creators from London, and we have built a simple fitness app that uses AI technology to design personalised video and audio workouts on demand. Jumpy Cat was built out of our frustration with wasting time to search for workouts online. We also wanted to make it minimalist so it can be used as audio workouts only.

Here's a link if you want to skip reading the rest of this post, and just try out the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1519669458

How it works: You pick your options such as duration, level, body area, and training style, and the algorithm designs the workout for you in a few seconds. The whole workout, including the audio, is unique every time. In total, our algorithm can create more than 15,000 different workouts.

We've got lots of great feedback from visually impaired people about the app, and we're working to make the audio guidance even better. We realised that blind and hard of sight people are generally a neglected group when it comes to fitness, and we're striving to make the app as inclusive as possible (also for seniors, people with injuries etc). We're doing this by focusing on creating the best audio guidance possible: currently it includes drill cues, tips on good exercise form, and exercise variations. And we'll be adding even more instructions soon.

All of this is completely free, and we've made more than 75% of the content free for everyone. There are just a few advanced paid options that you can get for 1.99/month if you'd like to support us, but even without those you've got literally thousands of unique workouts on-demand.

We only ask one small favour: please leave a review of your experience on the App Store to support the app so more people can find and use it.

If you're interested in trying it out, you can download JumpyCat for iOS here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1519669458

If you know individuals or communities who can benefit - please message me so I can reach out to them, or simply share with them yourself!

P.S. The app is named after our very playful kitty :)

2020-07-25 17:24:03

This is really cool. Maybe it may get me to work out.

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-07-25 17:37:45

it would be nice if this is for android as well

2020-07-25 18:56:46

i have this app. its cool, but i wish that exercises would have descriptions. I know this has already been brought up on appleis but i just wanted to throw it out here as well.

2020-07-25 22:21:40

That is literally my only gripe as well.
This app is literally exactly what I've been looking for, as I tend to do he same recycled workouts over and over, and this would break that monotony. The problem is that I just have no idea how to do the actual exercises it suggests, which makes the app unusable at present.
Another thing you might want to look into is either letting the app play music, or allowing for a second audio stream, which I am actually not sure iOS allows you to do API-wise. That would allow users to play music during a workout which, I think, is currently impossible smile
Great first steps though, keep up the good work smile

2020-07-25 23:17:03


I'd appreciate if you'd make this app available for Android as well, as not everyone can afford buying iOS devices.
Until then, I've got nothing to say as I can't test the app at all.

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions). If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2020-07-26 01:15:14

If the workouts were AI generated, it might be difficult to have those described. AI isn't that advanced yet for one thing. For another, the possible permutations are staggering, and become even more so depending on the size of the combined source materials used; which I would estimate to be well into the terabyte range and maybe into petabytes if we're talking about pulling from online sources. There could be a list of hand-curated videos that someone can dub a description track on top of, but that rather misses the point of the app as I've read it from OP's post.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-07-26 01:43:31

I think the AI part mainly comes into play when generating a workout based on the choices made, and perhaps to know what cue to give next. The cues are currently performed using TTS, and I am going to assume that the amount of different exercises is finite. Therefore, adding a description to each exercise would be doable, and the triviality of it depends on the amount and complexity of the exercises.
How to intelligently play those cues is another story though. My first thought was a gesture, that plays a description for the currently required exercise and pauses the clock. However, that might not be optimal mid-workout.
Perhaps a list of all exercises + descriptions in another window might work, but that would require theuser to memorize them all. Curious what others think?

2020-07-26 08:31:21

this crashes on iOS 14.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-07-26 09:28:40 (edited by SilviaEm 2020-07-26 09:30:45)

Hello everyone!

Thanks for trying it out!

@jescat277 Give it a shot! It really works for us, saves us from begin sedentary for 10 hours a day...

@Boo15mario We did build it for Android, but we're having a lot of issues with the audio there - basically the diversity of devices makes the audio super delayed sometimes. Since we produce the audio on the go (it's also unique every time, even for the same exercise), the delay makes the whole guidance stutter horribly on some devices. But we don't know which ones! So, we're looking for a solution at the moment. It's no good having it on the Play Store with such unreliable user experience.

@Warcat Thanks for your feedback! We're working on releasing this in the next couple of weeks. Just thinking about what's the best way to add the feature so the experience stays as sooth as possible.

@Zersiax Not sure if it would be possible to get an external source of audio mixed in - so people can play their own music from Spotify etc. We'd love to add music, but we'll need to get our hands on royalty-free music, and the quality and availability is not as high as for regular paid music.

@StormProductions See my response to @Boo15mario above. We're doing our best to bring it back to the Play Store. The variety of devices makes it quite challenging to ensure consistently good experience.

@ironcross32 The exercise instructions will be available in the next couple weeks smile And yes, the combinations are a lot, what we're still working on is polishing which workouts people get. The workouts should make sense and feel structured, not just random exercises, like some other apps do. It's cool stuff! We love working on it smile

@ogomez92 Thanks for your feedback! We just got in a report about a crash on the App Store analytics, and we're looking into it, so we can release a fix.

2020-07-26 11:10:18


@SilviaEm, thank you for your response. You could send me an APK and I could test it and tell you if everything works properly on my rooted Xiaomi Mi A1 device, with CRDroid Custom ROM installed.
Let me know if I can help test the app.
Thank you.

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions). If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2020-07-26 14:38:26

Hi. I love the app. I used to go to the gym for exercise, but now with lockdown in effect, this app helps me to stay in shape. I do most of these exercises on a regular basis, so I know exactly what to do when it tells me. Thanks for this app!

Ask, and you will receive.
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, And the door will be opened for you
Mat. 7:7

2020-07-27 11:14:39

@BrendanGriesel1 Thanks so much for your feedback! I hope you don't mind my asking directly - would you take a minute to leave a review for the app on the App store? It really means so much to us to hear such encouragement, and also helps other people discover it.

2020-07-28 02:33:16

Not sure how you'd go about it, but if you go to rsgames.org, you should hopefully find something about advertising there. You would be able to hit an even larger audience

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-07-28 10:23:12

@Rich_Beardsley thanks for the pointer, I'll give it a shot!

And please share with anyone who may be interested to try it out. We're a couple developer people only so we're really hoping we can keep this high-quality and free!

This is one of the world's problems that's actually solvable - some simple technology to help people move, and stay healthy. and we've already built it, so it would be a pity for it to go to waste.

2020-07-28 11:19:36

This sounds amazing!
I'm going to pass it along to the lighthouse in my area, and they have a lot of clients with varying degrees of vision, additional disabilities, different ages, etc.
PS - I love the name! It's what made me click on this topic.

2020-07-28 17:59:54

@Mirage Haha. Fellow cat servant? wink
Thanks for all your support! Please leave a review on the App Store to support us. We need a minimum number of those (unknown), otherwise it just says "not enough reviews".

2020-08-13 10:55:18

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to add an update here: we've just released the detailed exercise instructions with Jumpy Cat. Make sure you're updated to the latest version, then you can switch from the basic voice guidance to the detailed voice guidance by simply going to the More tab, and choosing that option.

Hope you give it a spin! Excited to hear how you're liking it!

2020-08-13 11:03:23

Oh. I can not wait to try this. I'm always looking for exercise apps. Extra thanks for adding detailed instructions.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-08-13 14:35:28

hi. I've tried this detailed guidance and it is very good. I like the fact that it begins by explaining the exercise and then the time starts, so you can listen to what you're about to do and then you can try to do the exercise as best you can. All exercises in my workout have descriptions now. Does every exercise have instructions or are there some that don't? Just curious...

2020-08-13 20:56:35

Oh wow, is that for android? I almost want to have my creativity going on just by taking exercises, so I'll definitively go for the app. Aha, aha, aha.

73 Wj3u

2020-08-20 05:55:53

will be released for android?

2020-08-24 16:41:18

@Liam - great! let me know how you like it!
@Warcat - nice nickname! And thanks for trying it out! To answer your question - each and every exercise has instructions. Except fot the active rest for the rest periods, but that's your call if you wanna jog in place, march, swing your arms or whatever, as long as you don't sit down  wink
@electro @Diego Not right now, it's only available for iPhone and iPad.

2022-10-26 15:22:46

Sorry for buming this threa, but I want to add my two cents. I've recently started using Jumpy Cat and I'm absolutely happy with it. I used to train at gym, but currently, I'm doing workouts at home. I should say, sometimes I lack desire and motivation. Thanks to this app, my workouts became more diverse that helps me exercise regularly.

2022-10-26 19:10:13 (edited by Nikole234 2022-10-31 11:27:22)

@24 Thanks for sharing your experience! I understand what you are talking about. Training at home requires self-organization. It is pretty easy in the beginning, but later a lot of people just give up. I personally stopped working with a trainer after I achieved my goal of weight loss. But still, I do workouts and want to keep fit. Currently, I'm following the guide from https://betterme.world/articles/get-a-f … here-else/ that is supposed to help me get a flat stomach. But it would be great to use an app that can make my training different and more interesting. I'll give Jumpy Cat a try for sure.