2020-07-17 04:53:26

I was trying to download Scrolling Battles, but I got a 404 error. In shorter terms, It didn't go to the download page. Is this game still available?

”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4 verse 13
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2020-07-17 07:28:18


2020-07-17 09:37:09

scroling battles is renaimed to bloodstorm and now mohamed sulaiman is developing it
coolgamers.net is its website

2020-07-17 12:35:34

What version of scrolling are you looking for. I have a lot of versions and I might be able to upload the one you want

2020-07-17 15:09:04

as it seams he needed the latest one so I tolled the website for downloading it
i'm not sure if uploading other versions is allowed here

2020-07-17 15:25:21

@5: he is not talking about scroling battles pro

2020-07-17 15:37:23

LMAO sometimes peope on this forum amazes me. Why wwouldn't it be allowed if it was made opened source? Eitherways, its in the AG archieve for one, and you can also get SBRW from storage.masonasons.me

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-07-17 16:47:20

at6 oh!
I also have some of those

2020-07-17 20:04:41

Okay, as far as I know the main scrolling battles and scrolling battles rewrite versions were always freeware.
I've updated the game's entry with the download link to scrolling battles rewrite from the audiogames archive, since the link I provided to scrolling battles rewrite obviously no longer works, see <a href>https://www.agarchive.net/pages/devs/mason.htmlthis page</a>.

For other versions of the standard scrolling battles game, that is scrolling battles, not scrolling battles pro, or scrolling battles your world or scrolling battles anything else, I suggest people contact Jack of the audiogames archive, since after all having a centralised place for legitimate downloads is what the archive is for.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)