2020-07-08 00:37:48

Hello. So, it has been a while.
Anyway, trying to learn a new language, but can't find an accessible app that lets me do the SMS, step, repetission system.
Anyone have any ideas on accessible apps? Tried the, Anki, but from what I can tell, it is not as accessible as I would hope. Although, I did not take a very deep look, so I could be wrong.

2020-07-08 00:51:00

What language do you want to learn? I'm fluent in 4, and do well in 3 others. I used a combination of language learning podcasts, books, news, TV shows, music, and websites. Popular ones are Duolingo, and I like Innovative Language podcasts to get started.
Well, I cheated with the first two languages. lol I am a native Spanish and English speaker because I had the privilege of growing up in the US where those languages, depending on location, are prevalent.
It's also good to get on apps like iTalki or similar. Last I checked, iTalki was pretty accessible.
As for listening to media in a new language, I recommend it because although you may not be able to understand any of it, you can get some good exposure to the sounds made. That will facilitate your pronunciation.

2020-07-08 01:00:44

I've tried to learn other languages. I just.... can't. You can teach me phrases, but its putting all the peaces together that stumps me. Its building a mental grammar, a syntax, all that... that troubles me. I've tried learning Spanish and a few others and I run into that same roadblock. I just don't know how to get past it.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2020-07-08 02:01:20

Yeah I'm incapable of learning languages.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-07-08 14:12:53

At the moment, I’m trying to learn French.
I have gotten my hands on some French learning courses off audible, but yeah, it’s getting the whole mental grammar thing, and being able to have someone tell you something in English, and then automatically be able to think of it in French.
What other languages do you know aside from Spanish and English? I am thinking of learning Spanish after I finish French. That, or German. Will probably learn both, just depends on when.

2020-07-08 18:14:01

Now this... is the advantage of an actual tutor.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-08 21:30:55

god english is really easy to learn, the spelling is kinda hard but, if I speak to you I actually talk good english, though when it comes to spelling though i'm not good

2020-07-08 22:50:03

You are correct about the tutor. They do have advantages over programs and or books.

2020-07-09 01:12:36

Yeah, English has too many acceptions for me. That's why Creole Eglish we just don't bother with s's, the "H" in TH, and many many more.

I've learned Spanish, and I'm kinda fluent in it, but I must say Spanish does have some simularities to English. German as well.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
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2020-07-09 02:05:42

A tuter or videos would probably be your best bet.

Here's a french lesson with a woman called Alexa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq--V9P4rmM

I'm gone for real :)

2020-07-10 14:52:42

If it’s the one I’m thinking of, I think I actually did find her but a year ago, except I thank that the course cost like 600 or $700.
Although, speaking of stuff that’s online, I think there’s a more or less free Scottish Gaelic course? Type in something along the lines of: speaking our language, episode one. It should be one of the hits I think.

2020-07-13 16:21:31

In this topic, did someone say something about learning to do lingo? I did try it a while ago, and I wasn’t sure how accessible it was, but if someone else thinks it is accessible, I’m willing to run through it again. It seems useful, it was just  a lot of pictures, the flashcards are very useful for stuff like this.

2020-07-13 17:13:59

@walker, Duolingo is completely functionally accessible with screen readers, and they do seem to be shying away from completely visual flashcards in my experience. That being said, some people pan the app for its learning style, but you will really have to try that yourself. I kinda wish myself the lessons felt more structured. For example, I'll be learning Basics 1 in a language, and be taught things like man, woman, ETC, but don't we usually start from things like hello and other common greetings? I'm a little stumped as to the lesson content order, and I often find myself often not being able to remember all the content in the 5 lessons at the end when I'm reviewing, but when I do practice more, it feels slow, dull, and repetative. Is this the case for anyone? How could I maybe improve my learning with Duolingo?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-13 20:51:03

Hi there,
When cheating is allowed, then I am fluent in three languages. tongue
Slovak is my native, Czech is understandable without any problems for native Slovaks and English is my thirdone.

Actually, I'd say, that tutors or interactive lessons don't really matter. When you was a kid, did you have a tutor to teach you your native language?
I guess not, or at least I didn't. smile

The true way, how to truly learn a language is simply to work with it. Get yourself bombarded with input, and your brain will get everything into order. Just like when you was a kid.
There is actually even a learning method consisting purely of this approach, called mass immersion:
https://massimmersionapproach.com/table … art-guide/

There is one flaw to this approach though, and that is, that it takes quite long time. Regarding the site above, if you were practicing it for 5 hours actively and 5 hours passively each day, you'd become fluent approximately after two years.
At least for me, that's simply not possible.

So, you can take shortcut on the way, which will take you there much faster. My primary weapons are books for grammar and shadowing for listening / pronounciation.
And the rest is just about working with the language.

I have learned English in this way. I didn't shadow it, but I knew the grammar from school and I was working with the language naturally, as basically all good scientific and technical materials are in English these days.
On the other hand, we were taught German in the school, I had two hours per week synce my fifth class on elementary school, and four hours per week on middle school.
That means, 7 years in total, with a tutor. 7 years of totally wasted time.
I had always the best grades, but do you think I actually can speak German?
No, definitely not. It was not problem of our teacher, she was actually very good in German, working as a translator for court.
The reason was simply that I had no use for the language, so I didn't acquire any wordbase beyond what we had in school, I didn't work with the language, so grammar also disappeared very quickly, and thus any language knowledge was totally destroyed.
My only luck was, that when it comes to languages, I am very good at saying basically anything without using complicated grammar structures and any words beyond the most basicones. It may sound more or less weird, depends on how complicated is the thing I want to say, but it's technically correct.
So, i have passed my classes, with quite good results, but in practice, I don't know anything. An interesting sign of the school system, which is used to determine quality of people, when you want to get a job.

So, as I said, just work with the language, have fun and you'll be fluent in no time.

Best regards


2020-07-13 22:23:34


There is various ways to pick up a new language. However, unless you're a prodigy, language learning isn't a super quick process. It requires quite a bit of work, figuring out and making lots and lots of mistakes.
How you go about picking up a language depends very much on the language, how popular it is, what you aim to do with it, where your focuses lie.
Generally when I pick up a new language at first, I go about it in this order:

- What language family does the language belong to? E.G., romance, germanic, scandinavian etc.
- What do I know about that language family, and can I use that to supplement my learning? E.G. I know the Italian word, will that help me in Spanish?
Those are essentially my cheats. I have seen quite a few languages so I can ask myself these questions and get meaningful answers. If you can't, that's fine. You don't need it.
- Next, pronunciation guide. What sounds are in the language, how tricky are they to make and are there any troubling ones? If so, pronunciation will have to be a focus, because if there are for example distinct, but very similar sounds in a language, with differences I find hard to make or even hear, that means I might accidentally make it harderfor a native speaker to understand me without knowing it.
- How does braille in my chosen language work? Mandarin and Japanese have radically different braille systems that make it difficult to ascertain spelling based on braille, and if that is important to me I will need to learn the braille system.
- Next, screen reader tweaks.  I need to somehow be able to read my chosen language. That usually means grabbing either the oneCore or Vocalizer voice for NVDA, setting my language pair in the InstantTranslate addon and making sure that I have a gesture set for translate selection. At this point, doing a bit of research on what the closest to native-sounding TTS voice is.
- Next, resource diving.  We need to somehow cover all four of the main language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
This is by far where the majority of preparation time get eaten since depending on the language , this can be an absolute pain.
Some good starting points:
- See if there's a subreddit for the language you're learning. I've found many a good resource there.
- See if Babbel has your language. It's not free, but very affordable, and it gives you an good introduction to a language's basics in my opinion. It's pretty accessible and teaches you far more than Duolingo ever will.
- If Babbel doesn't have your language, check with Memrise and Elon.io . Memrise could be more accessible, but is usable after you get used to it, on Windows on the web that is. Elon.io is not very well known but has a pretty good free Japanese course and also allows you to create your own wordlists. They use a timed review system on those, but I'm not 100% sure it's one of the more popular SRS variants.
- If you absolutely must, Duolingo is an option but you will make very, very slow progress and often ask why things are the way they are without ever getting an answer.

- If you can at all get your hand on an accessible textbook of some kind, do so. They contain exercises, practice texts and grammar notes and usually have a good progression. The Colloquial Language books are somewhat pricy, but digital these days and they are a staple for many language learners.

- Podcasts, radio stations and audio stories are good for listening practice, although at first they will tire you out quickly if you listen to them actively. Having them in the background is good passive immersion, though. Movies and series with subtitles can help a lot too, use Podplayer to have the subtitles read to you.

- Simplified news, articles you find interesting or children's stories can be good reading practice. If your language has a subreddit, you'll most likely find your resources there. If not, see if Kindle has anything fun.

- Finally, applying your language knowledge is the best way to make the concepts stick. Find native speakers to practice on, talk to your devices in your chosen language if you can, play with phrases using InstantTranslate, the possibilities are many.

The rest depends on your language. If anyone needs help learning Dutch, English, Japanese, mandrin or Danish I can probably recommend some specific resources. If not ..well ...then not tongue

Hope that helps anyone smile

2020-07-13 22:31:20

@Zersiax, Well, someone else recommended Genki, but I'm still looking for maybe a digital service or resources that have also been tested. Thoughts anyone?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-14 12:27:39

If you knowof a place to get an accessible version of Genki, I'd say go for it. You'll find a lot of supplemental stuff online to help you there.
Also let me know, I've been looking for it smile
For Japanese, I would recommend Tae Kim's work, as well as the elon.io language course on the language. You will probably also want the Japanese version of NVDA, it helpsa bit.
For reading and listening there's quite a few resources  out there, NHK and Japanesepod101 come to mind. That last one is nauseating in the amount of marketing they do, so there's no real point subscribing to their podcast feed, but accessing their content through other means can be worth it. Follow the recommended listening order over at nihongonobaka.com is that is still around smile

2020-07-14 12:48:57 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-07-14 13:15:31)

@Zersiax, Wow, a lot of content to find then!
I've got the full beginners boxset for JapanesePod101's course on Audible, and I'm still looking for Genki.
Why would I want Japanese NVDA, where can I get the Japanese oriented version and what will happen to my current English installation?
Edit: Now I've got NVDA JP and disabled character descriptions, I'm trying to figure out why I got this in the first place, haha. Also, the JTalk voices just hurt my ears; were they the only Japanese voices they could have bundled aside from eSqueak?
Edit 2: I looked through eSqueak's voices, and no Japanese. So I guess that's why.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-14 21:48:12

Yeah, Protalker takes some getting used to. An alternative is grabbing the Japanese oneCore voices for a free option. Not amazing, but usable.
And eSpeak has a japanese voice, kinda, but it really doesn't work very well and to my knowledge only reads kana.

As for why Japanese NVDA, the character descriptions really come in handy once you get to a point where what you hear can mean various different things depending on what kanji were used. For example, romaji "kaze"  can either mean wind, or, when other kanji are used, it can also be the common cold, but in that case it's two kanji rather than just the one smile

2020-07-14 22:35:37

yeah, I want to learn japanese, too. Thanks for the info. However, are there free japanese courses, just to try and see if the language can be learned by my brain? words, opinions, thoughts, anyone?

2020-07-15 13:50:49 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-07-15 15:46:16)

@bgt lover, You could try Duolingo if you really have to. The other experience I've had is JapanesePod101's Ultimate Digital Boxset of all their beginner lessons. It's on Audible, so you can pay for it with a single credit.
Edit: I've decided to try elon.io first. How much content can I expect from the entire course and how much will it teach me?
I don't even mind ProTalker, but it doesn't seem to work on anything above Windows 7, and it's JTalk I'm talking about. Would the Vocalizer voices work in theory or do they just not switch like that?
A couple more questions.
Even Japanese OneCore voices don't say some symbols, then what?
On elon.io's cource, some symbols have, "component", next to them. What does this mean? I don't understand the explanation given, probably again because even the OneCore voices don't say all of them.
Are there any tips for writing with Japanese? Should I go with on an English keyboard in Windows 10? Should I go with kana or romaji?
In the 3rd lesson, both the kanji and hiragana are shown for words. Does this mean I can just use hiragana anywhere?
Sorry for the bombardment of potentially very dumb questions.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-15 16:54:45


Even Japanese OneCore voices don't say some symbols, then what?

At that point you can safely ignore them, I think. I's an Elon thing, see below.

On elon.io's cource, some symbols have, "component", next to them. What does this mean? I don't understand the explanation given, probably again because even the OneCore voices don't say all of them.
I asked myself this as well at first. I may be wrong, but I think these are radicals; e.g. parts of kanji that in themselves don't really havea meaning of their own. This is where my knowledge of Japanese script starts to hit it's limits, though.

Are there any tips for writing with Japanese? Should I go with on an English keyboard in Windows 10? Should I go with kana or romaji?
You will want to grab the Japanese IME (Input Method) , which is the Japanese keyboard option in Win10. You type in romaji and as you do, the ksystem will start suggesting what kana combination or kanji you probably mean.

In the 3rd lesson, both the kanji and hiragana are shown for words. Does this mean I can just use hiragana anywhere?

Remember what I said about kaze? Look at this:
かぜ 風邪 風

The first is hiragana ka and hiragana ze.  They can mean wind, or the common cold, or other things.
The second cluster are two kanji, which can individually be read as kaze and ma. There's other readings for both kanji I'm pretty sure. But together, these are pronounced as kaze, the common cold. Literally, wind and evil.
The third one is just the kanji that can be read as kaze, which is wind, or breeze etc. but is also pronounced kaze.

So to answer your question, hiragana are given for kanji to give their pronunciation when learning, because there can be multiple pronunciations for a kanji. And romaji is the way to try to represent that pronunciation in English letters.
And if you should use kanji or kana should be clearer now, too. You can technically use kana everywhere, but it will make it quite a bit harder for others to understand you because they would have to infer everything you're saying from context. It isn't wrong, but it isn't optimal.  It's hard to give an analogue  in English, the closest I can think of is to write everything in phonemes the way you would for the Dectalk synthesizer but that's not it entirely.
So if you know the kanji, use it smile
It seems a bit odd for screen reader users because there almost seems to be no difference when just reading a sentence but there most certainly is smile

I hope that helps smile

2020-07-15 17:29:05

@Zersiax, Phew. I have a lot to learn.
Thank you for your informative posts, and for answering these beginner questions LOL.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.