2006-05-05 14:40:41 (edited by arjan 2006-05-06 07:37:44)

i have recently got a new key for my new computer for super deekout. it is just so cool. i am on place 3 on the high score board with a score of about 8 million, at level 32. i found myself being invisible for quite long, but eventually it worn off, and i can't manage to get a lot of items at the high levels. however, i have a question. what is power surge? how do you activate it? what does it do? anyone knows?
and yes, i have the cheats already. pretty nice. however, if you use this one of the cheats too many times, there seems to be a run-time error.
also, the invisibility should rather be called invulnerability, because the robot is still moving towarts me as if he can see me.
the rocket is not much of a problem for me - yes, it moves really fast, but doesn't seem to move towarts you all the time. sometimes i just found the rocket moving away from me especially when at the end of a bonus level the rocket is almost near me and goes all the way to the other side as if i'm not there. something that's more annoying is those bullets, especially when you've also got the robot himself on your tail. i never managed to kill the robot in the demo, i can in the registered version however, so i'm also asking this. can you actually kill the robot with oil slicks in the demo?
right, that's it i guess.
ps: if you're just bored, i've sent my stats to the danzgames score server as well so you can look at them.

2006-05-18 20:41:32

oh oh arjan! arjan arjan arjan! it's not super deekout, it's super dehckout! why? because your synthisizer pronounces that wierd! you rock at that game1

2006-05-19 06:42:58

nope, it is spelled like that shaf, my synthesizer pronounces it like super daykowt, lol. and yes. i had just to collect another 100000 points and i'd be on place 2 actually, it was sooo close.
it also seems like if you save oil slicks ie get them but quit the game, if you don't exit the program and start a new game, you can use them again, the slicks.