2020-03-31 21:35:25

If a developer is no where to be found. Their site and server are no more.
Which means you can't purchase, download and even activate the software. Would it be wrong to use a crack to be able to activate the software?
Would it be wrong to do this even if you purchased the software in the past? I am wondering your thoughts on this.
I am not encouraging cracking software.

2020-03-31 22:13:50

well, if you bought the software in the past and you lost your information and the developer is nowhere to be found, I wouldn't say that
it's wrong.

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-03-31 22:34:05

The so-called moralists will tell you its wrong, but In My Honest Opinion, I believe nothing's wrong. The developer  has dropped off the earth, you made an attempt to contact said developer, and you got no response. Go for it, just don't share the crack or ask for it on here.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-03-31 22:49:45

It isn't particularly immoral in my mind. Software in particular is strange in this regard as you aren't directly stealing anything at that point, but you are recovering what is yours. On the other hand, it is illegal. So, my recommendation and high encouragement is to avoid cracking. It is fascinating how all this works, though. What is moral isn't always legal, and what is imoral isn't always illegal. Likewise, what is not immoral isn't always legal.

I have a website now.
"C: God's Programming Language
C++: The object-oriented programming language of a pagan deity" -- The Red Book
"There, but for the grace of God go I"

2020-04-01 00:19:30

This all comes down to who did what first. I.e. it is a commercial developer's responsibility to have a crashplan in place for when they legitimately go out of business, and if they vanish off the face of the net like Bavisoft did, then it's a legal grayarea, while not necessarily a moral one. The dawn of centralized distribution centers and subscription/rentware has actually made terms such as we can stop providing/terminate the service at any time without explanation actually enforceable on a technicality alone. However, for perpetual licenses none of that is actually enforceable. So recovering your own license, while it is still a grayarea, is probably ok. Distribution is quite another matter. This will more than likely end up being a discussion that needs to be had in light of Vipgameszone titles being literally rendered unplayable because of the developer vanishing.

2020-04-01 01:23:38

well man, I'm going to be honest. If dev no longer is a thing and you like your software, then do what ya want, get a cracked coppy, or don't. I don't go too far on this, it's really just up to you, you don't nead to get anyone elces thoughts or OKS. It's your choice, no pressure on this, do what you like man.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2020-04-01 03:42:00

Me personally I don't think it is wrong. Especially if you purchased the software.
I also don't think it is wrong if the developer just up and left with no trace to contact the developer. That is just like Bavisoft and VipGamesZone.
It is sad for those who want to get a copy of a software that is no longer available for purchase and download. I personally don't see anything wrong with giving that person a crack to activate the software. Obviously the developer don't care what happens to their software.
If the developer care for what happens with their software then they would do a couple of things. One they would unlock it so that people could get it.
Two they would at least have a way for you to contact them to get the software even if you have to pay for it. I see this happening a lot in the audio game world.

2020-04-01 04:39:50

If a developer is no longer active and you can't find their products any other way, then the reality of the situation dictates that there would be no other way to get the software in question other than to get a cracked version of it. Whether it would be legal or not to do so, if the person is no longer distributing it then that's not the problem of the one who seeks to obtain the product. The developer, or whomever the person selling it happens to be, needs to plan ahead for eventualities like that. Of course, you do have to watch with some cracked version of programs as there is the possibility you could get a virus in your system like I did when trying to get something that was cracked. If it is available to purchase, then I would say support the developer for sure. However, if not, and there's no other way to get it other than via a cracked version, then there is no morally gray area involved as the question of legality is a moot point at that time.

2020-04-01 07:46:12

If a developer is no where to be found. Their site and server are no more.
Which means you can't purchase, download and even activate the software. Would it be wrong to use a crack to be able to activate the software?
As I said, no its not rong because you can't find developer

2020-04-01 16:55:33 (edited by jack 2020-04-01 16:55:48)

As long as we are all on the same page that this means extrenuating circumstances oonly, such as a bavisoft or Vipgameszone situation. Just in case no one sees this and thinks just because a dev's site is down for a few months that means distribution time.
The fact is, even with all things considered, we still! cannot host Bavisoft titles on the Audiogames Archive, so there is more of a grayarea than you might think when it comes to things like this.