2005-05-11 17:18:53

yesterday, my dad went into 2 shops in a place called "newport."

"hmv" and "game". he asked about quake in both of them, and the man

"quake is very old. but, you should be able to download it." and i

is quake no longger for sail?
well it's not very old,
but they

said it's an old game and they arn't selling it any more.
any help

please, especially matthew t. atcinson/mattact? or wbatever he's called on

this forum

2005-05-12 17:11:04

please, reply! please! as soon as possible! even if you don't know

anything! please! it's my birthday soon and that's why i want you to reply

quickly, so that.. i can ask my mum and dad about it.

2005-05-12 17:32:28

no i

don't know anything about quake.

2005-05-13 23:26:53

You should be able to get it from amazon.com or something.