2020-03-25 19:49:59

I was reading stw changelog, I saw some things about RTig scripting engine, just wants to know what is it and how to get it

2020-03-25 20:36:04

You cannot.
From what I understand, the engine was built by Sam specifically for STW.

2020-03-25 22:02:08

it's a scripting language made by sam just for stw. Written in bgt. Yes, a scripting languages, written in a scripting languages, written in a scripting language, written in c++. And, it's not available, same with NVG, accept that's for python.

2020-03-26 02:31:32

Ty, so its a scripting languages, written in a scripting languages, written in a scripting language, written in c++, which is techically a scripting language that was written in binary, etc? correct me.

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2020-03-26 12:05:47

thanks at 2, 3, an yes at4

2020-03-26 12:37:09

I have to wonder why he thought mentioning it in the changelog would be a good idea? Like, to me at least, it pretty much comes across as hey, guess what, I have this code and you don't. Hahahahahaha. There was literally no reason this had to be included in the changelog.

2020-03-26 15:32:08

at 6: Since the rtig engine is used in game for several things, I don't see the issue for putting it in the changelog. Follo.ing your logic, no game should then include improovements for admin stuff in any changelog, because not everyone is admin. For hames with standalone server apps, those improvements should also not be in changelogs, because not everyone will host. The plain and simple truth is that the engine is part of the game, and as such, deserves entries like everything else.

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2020-03-27 11:07:35 (edited by Radiant 2020-03-27 11:09:23)

@6, you didnt even bother to read what exactly he mentioned about RTig.
he mentioned things like improved lags because of RTig. he didn't mention anywhere that hey, I created RTig on my own, only I have it.

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2020-03-27 12:28:48

I agree with 7 and 8 at6

2020-03-27 14:10:21

@8, that's besides the point. He could have just said something like improved lag without mentioning the engine. I'm just wondering why he felt the need to get the hole community curious what this thing even was when he clearly has no intention of releasing it? He's done the same shit with NVG, even going to the trouble of writing out a license document and making a website when we all know he has no intention what so ever of releasing it. Oh and I was talking to one of NVG's developers about this recently, so yes I do know what I'm talking about thank you very much.
Your examples of mentioning admin changes don't really work either. Unless a change to the admin system is made that will impact the player base in some way, I see no need to mention that to the players either. That information should be givven to those who actually need it and no one else. That example does not work even further when you consider that there are very few mentions of admin changes in the hole of the changelog. There are a few mentions of changes to the notify command and a few other minor things, but the average player still doesn't really know the half of what admins can actually do. I know about more of the commands than probably most of the players, but even I probably don't know everything because the information I have is at least a couple years out of date.
Thanks for playing, try again.