2020-01-24 03:53:46

@200 Exactly!
If you're going to release a game and share it on this forum, then tell us what it's about. Don't just redirect us to another page. At that point we may as well just go to your web page and not bother looking at the forum topic

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-02-07 02:37:31

just updated Perilous marathon to version 1.4 with some level fixes, UI changes and other bug fixes.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-02-07 05:24:47

7 in my case, since I was charged 6.99 for a 5.99 game and never received the promised refund. These practices are worse than outrageous. If you overcharge your customers for something, refund them like you publicly said you would.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-02-07 08:52:39

Ivan, information about this game needs to be updated on your website, as it still mentions cross-platform capabilities when this is clearly no longer the case. Just thought I would bring this to your attention.

2020-02-07 10:25:42

There are a few bugs in this version which were also in the last version.

First, at least for me, scoreboard posting doesn't work, I get the traceback posted at the end of this message.

Second, sometimes, especially if I've played several games in a session, there will be some hazards that don't make any sound except the footstep boundry/alarm sounds as I approach. Since they don't make the electric/fire/chasm noise, I'm not expecting them so many times I don't jump in time, fall in, and die. This also occasionally happens with walls, sometimes I'll be walking, then out of nowhere I smash into a wall and die.

Here's the traceback when posting scores.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "PerilousMarathon.pyw", line 20, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 35, in run
  File "core\menus.py", line 147, in mainmenu
  File "core\menus.py", line 146, in mainmenu
  File "game.py", line 288, in start
  File "game.py", line 127, in gameloop
  File "core\blade.py", line 27, in bladeloop
  File "core\blade.py", line 19, in loop
  File "player.py", line 75, in die
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'error failed database connection'

2020-02-07 15:56:18

You guys know how this dude works, you know what eventually happens to his games,.  So why keep on supporting him?  I understand you all want new games, but are these games worth the money you will eventually end up loosing from someone who is looking to make a quick buck?  Spend your money on a dev who actually cares about their players.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2020-02-08 05:21:51

@206, Yeah, because there are like a ton of them around.  Sadly, I think we're screwed.  We're screwed as a community because we settle for clones, for sitting around and whining when expectations are not met, for wanting free and paid products to be one and the same.  We're screwed because the audiogames market is currently saturated with games that are devalued, disenchanted developers and toxic communities.  We're screwed because instead of all of us coming together and taking stabs in directions we should we take stabs at each other.
We say we want a bigger, better, more awesome site and forum!  But will we ever get it done?  Absolutely not, and for two reasons.  There are far too many people who believe in this site because it seems to have stood the test of time and people have enough fond recollections of it not to just want to give it away.  That isn't the problem; the problem is that the people who can do anything to allow it to expand either don't have the time or the inspiration and desire and drive required to make it happen... I'm going to go with the former over the latter because I neither know the developers nor want to assume anything bad about them.
But that leave sus all hanging; those of us who want to see progress don't go about trying to make a bigger better site because we don't want to be seen as misfits or whiners or corn door darting douchebags who just want to start trouble and pull people away from a centralized location.  Then there are those who wonder if that is even truly the solution to the problem or if we just need stricter guidelines or what have you.  There's far too many varialbes to consider and my head is hurting at present... I"ll have to come back to this some other time.  Until then, this marathon wins.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-02-08 07:58:32

At 205,
I fixed the bug with the hazards. Will have to take a look at the walls bug, I don't think walls should stay across games, but I'll look at the code one more time.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-02-14 14:16:22

Once again the server can't find my registration key. This happened once before. I know my key is correct and valid because it's worked fine up to this point.

2020-02-14 20:48:36

are you using the newest version of the game? Also, are you making sure there is no firewalls blocking IMS Productions and the website?

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-02-14 21:16:28

I'm using the version released several days ago. The game doesn't say there are any updates, and a web browser on the same computer is able to access the site. This just started happening out of the blue this morning. In case you need it for any reason, my name is Jayson Smith which apparently equates to a registration name of JaysonSmith.

2020-02-14 22:53:35


At Nocturnus yes, I agree with you 100 percent. The audiogames market is in shambles for years now as it seams, ever since that whole forking thing came up we got a bunch of games not worth the disk space on anyones harddrive.
Seriously people. Take the price of the game, add three more dollars so you have about 8 or 9, depending on the current price, go to a key reseller of your choosing and get a key for Injustice 2 ultimate edition for around 8.99. There, you have a two year old game at a very good price and alot of playing time.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-02-14 22:57:30

Hey there,
sorry about the registration fuck up. My server database screwed up over night or something must have happened, anyway, expect a new update in the next few hours

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-02-15 00:41:05

Just as another thing, with this latest version I'm still occasionally getting silent walls. I'm just walking around and out of the blue I hit a wall and die. This is sometimes happening in the first game of a session, so it's definitely not an unsmashed wall left over from a prior game.

2020-02-15 05:04:47

Hey, can you let me know if the registration server works now?

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-02-15 11:30:43

It worked several hours ago once the new version came out. Thanks.

2020-02-16 04:58:23

So where is my refund that this guy publicly states he gives? I e-mailed the address on my PayPal receipt.. So I pay for the Mac version, and right as he gets my money he decides to not develop it for Mac anymore.. I'm not understanding this.

2020-02-16 06:15:11


At 217 well I would just go and open a paypal conflict and demand a refund, paypal is generally more on the buyers side of things, so I would give it a try, he has to react to that. Asking for it doesn't help as it seams, so get Paypal in there as well.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-02-16 10:21:23 (edited by Dark 2020-02-16 10:22:12)


The game now has a db page Find it here.

Note that because there didn't seem to be a download for the mac version on the website, I've only listed the platform as windows so far.

Also, I could only go by the manual in terms of what was available in the full version, so I guessed at the achievements etc, since they were in balloon master, but if someone with the full version or indeed Ivan himself wants to update me with the current state of the game, I'll be glad to expand the entry, indeed it seems the manual needs a little updating anyway since for example it lists the  demo as only two minutes long, not five minutes, and still mentions you need to hit spacebar to pick up items.

Lastly, i really couldn't get how walls and the sonar work myself, everytime I got to level 2 it was instant death, no matter when during the first sonar I jumped.
Some learn game sounds, or at least learn sonar kews might be appreciated here, since obviously unlike the pits or bombs, walls do not make a continuous sound and you can't tell where they are just from your footsteps, indeed Ivan might consider adding in some footstep echo to give players an idea of when to jump, since whilst the manual mentions smashing them with rocks, there didn't seem to be any rolling rocks around on level 2 so you needed to jump them.

Anyway, hope the entry is okay, and that development is going well.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-02-16 12:54:32

As far as I know, there are no achievements. As of a few weeks ago, the game is now Windows only.

You use the r key to throw a rock, and you have to throw rocks at walls to smash them, jumping will get you killed as you found out. You seem to have an infinite supply of rocks to be thrown at rocks and boulders.

2020-02-16 14:16:35

Okay, I'll update the entry, though it might be helpful to also update the game's manual.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-02-24 01:04:17

Hi there,
I have now fixed my Mac that I used for development, and after I get this UI fix, I will try to reenable the mac version again.
A lot of things happened so quickly, and now that I have a job I can get this thing going and signed.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-03-05 10:58:21

Hey everyone,
happy to let you know that the scoreboard has been fixed! It is all server-side, so you don't have to do a thing! Just start posting scores!

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-03-05 18:31:22 (edited by amerikranian 2020-03-05 18:44:43)

So, I picked this game up again and... it is actually pretty good! I am not going to buy it, but hey. A lot of the sounds have been switched, a learn game sounds menu has been added, and over all it's pretty good. You don't actually take 2 minutes to get to an interesting part, which is encouraging, and you would be hard-pressed to make it through the demo. Good job, Ivan. Even if I am not going to purchase the full version, you still got a solid product on your hands.
Some suggestions and or bug reports.
When the horse walks into a fire pit, it still plays the water splash sound.
Make the countdown optional when you start the game. It was cool the first  2 or so times, now it's just annoying.
If you are going as slow as possible, slow down items should instead be changed to speed up or some other beneficial effect to prevent item waste.
At level 5 you are running like the flash. Please change the random position of obstacles to account for this. One time I had a spike spawn just out of my hearing range and slice me open because I couldn't hear the telltale woosh in time. You should also consider raising the volume of pits. The pulling effect is only cool if you don't have 0.1 of a second to react, which is what level 5 got to when I played.
The horse's footsteps and it's actual noise aren't quite together, the steps are slightly ahead.
Consider raising the volume of the horse's steps, as it's sound doesn't play constantly and is sometimes difficult to pick out when you have 5 or 6 things playing at once.

2020-03-05 20:31:58

I agree that the new countdown voice, as well as the Game Over! voice, can get annoying. I'd like to see an option to disable those.