2020-02-11 13:59:53

Sorry, but the YouTuber was in the wrong here. That was a private beta they decided to share with the public. that in my book is not okay by any means.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-02-11 14:59:49

just seach blind drive on youtube and you will find it

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress.

2020-02-11 15:48:02

Hi, I'm one of the creators of Blind Drive. First of all thanks to all who played and enjoyed the beta. As creators it's great to know we're making something that excites and entertains!

However, as some have guessed, the PC version that has been circulating was indeed intended for a closed private beta. It was mostly used to collect difficulty and play time feedback from a small group of testers - the level design, story and graphics have changed since that version and it doesn't represent the complete experience of playing the game.

Unfortunately, several testers to whom we entrusted it decided to share it publicly, and here we are now. Needless to say, having an unauthorized version of the game doing the rounds hurts its chances of success.

We greatly appreciate your help in stopping this leaked version from getting further attention. Please don't share it!

The good news for us is that we discovered this forum, and are happy for the chance to join the discussion smile We will most likely need further beta testing before the upcoming release, so I welcome anyone interested to sign up to our mailing list on our website (where we will first announce the next beta) or follow our Twitter @BlindDriveGame for updates.

Thanks again for your help and support!

BlindDriveGame.com - An arcade comedy thriller played with your ears

2020-02-11 16:02:14

kruf wrote:

So once again I'm sorry I wronged the developers. I'm sad about the youtuber, but it also has its share of responsibility, so that's different. I was so happy to have made such a find and to have been able to share it with the community, it was really the first time I was involved in something here.
I wish all people a good day, and good luck with the game dev.

No worries! It's an understandable mistake and again, we're really happy people are excited enough to want to share it.

kruf wrote:

f they want this future game to have an impact, wouldn't it be better to put it forward, show the various modifications and give some details to those who follow the project from afar?

I wish we would too! But you should be aware of the insane amount of work that goes into developing an indie game on our own free time while working other jobs and supporting families. Every spare minute in our day goes into crafting another little bit of the game, solving bugs, etc. Community engagement, which I agree is extremely important, is hugely time consuming and just doesn't come naturally to us - some devs do it effortlessly while working, not us I'm afraid.

BlindDriveGame.com - An arcade comedy thriller played with your ears

2020-02-11 16:06:50

I'm glad you all decided to join the community, and apologies it happened this way. At least you're here though.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-02-11 19:01:50

Well, yeah agreed.
I assumed wrongly that since this game was supposed to be out last year that it had been abandoned.
Still even though there are obviously untrustworthy so and so"s about at least I got a game I was interested in and something I didn't know.
I have joined the news list and will be joining the beta team and I can assure you I will not be sharing it.
I look forward for playing this and any new games you have to offer in the future on pc.
I have never played a gangster game before so its good concept.
Its a rare thing these days to get something  brand spanking new which has not been done before so thanks anyway and I look forward to more things.

2020-02-11 19:14:35

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes, especially if there's even more new level design and story.

2020-02-12 12:20:14 (edited by kruf 2020-02-12 12:22:29)

daterre wrote:

I wish we would too! But you should be aware of the insane amount of work that goes into developing an indie game on our own free time while working other jobs and supporting families. Every spare minute in our day goes into crafting another little bit of the game, solving bugs, etc. Community engagement, which I agree is extremely important, is hugely time consuming and just doesn't come naturally to us - some devs do it effortlessly while working, not us I'm afraid.

Hello, Daterre,
I must confess that I had never seen things from this angle and it is true that the game seems so qualitative, that I unfortunately forgot the fact that you are independent. As far as sharing is concerned, anyway the mistake is made, but at least you won future betatesters! Maybe it's not such a bad thing. It's really great to learn that development hasn't stopped.
I'm really happy to know devs who don't fail their game and are doing their best. And honestly, if the game can get any better, at this price if development has to go on for another three years, I wouldn't bother.
So good luck for your team! I really like all of your job: actor's voices, sounds and atmospheres are really amazing.

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2020-02-13 21:55:39

Thanks so much!

I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone who's played the beta could take a few minutes to fill out our feedback form:


It'll really help us get the game to be the best it can be and get it over the finish line. Thanks smile

BlindDriveGame.com - An arcade comedy thriller played with your ears

2020-02-14 07:00:15

I'll surely do that. big_smile

Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with lies

2020-02-14 09:10:04

Sorry i'm late, but love this game, and sent feadback!

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2020-02-14 09:24:11

I subscribed, and I promiss to not share and I will  give as much feadback as possyble!

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2020-02-14 13:11:22

I have sent feedback to you as well.

2020-02-14 15:03:10

Ive also send mine!

73 Wj3u

2020-02-14 17:53:15

URL removed?
Where is the link.

2020-02-14 18:30:41

@65 link was shared with out of developer's permision so it has been remove.

Yours kindly

2020-02-16 02:48:22

I've submitted feedback as well. Hope it's helpful.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-02-16 10:02:36

Hi I joined your mailing list i want to test the game too

2020-02-17 01:29:54

I answered, and put my mail for the news.

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2020-02-18 09:19:29

So where can i find a link to download the game?

2020-02-18 15:27:00

You better registrate for the bita bia an email I don't remember

73 Wj3u

2020-02-18 18:04:15

There probably won't be any new links for a while.

2020-02-26 00:49:26

Hi. I've been told there is a beta of the iOS version. Can anyone please give it to me?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-02-26 03:26:47

You'd have to ask the dev.