2020-01-14 21:24:27

@dark, If that's the only thing that bothers you then at higher level it wouldn't anymore, because the progress would be much more harder! But  yeah gold keeps coming in and coming in as you keep visiting new areas.
IF i have not mentioned this before, i updated the config heading, you can use the config message command to make your combat brief if the flavor message is annoying you.

By the way when you go to the town, the blademaster has a quest called protecting Tralisia
This is a special quest and keeps recommending new areas for you as you level up for you to kill mobs on. I will explain this in another post I have to go walk my dog!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-14 21:45:17

Decided to make a dragon whelp. I'm hoping it's more than just slash and claw and bite

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-01-14 22:22:27 (edited by crescent 2020-01-14 23:44:10)

Currently playing this game, and loving it. I'm not far at all, still in the newbie quests, but its a nice change of pace to have a fantasy game that's more than just human, elf, dwarf, and mage or fighter. Interestingly though, I'm still playing an elf mage. I'm Lyeecia on game for anyone who is interested.

on a minor note, does anyone happen to have an updated discord invite link? i keep getting that the invitation has expired.
edit to add, was given a link in game that worked.

Still highly recommend this game. My character has died twice, but since I'm still under level 10, not much of an effect, accept for showing up in the town center and disrupting a few conversations. lol. I like that equipment is saved, and corpse retrieval isn't a thing. It makes it a little easier to get into the game.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-01-14 23:02:58

Regarding dragon. It is a different concept I advise to stay away from it. It may be boring for  a very long time. You need to get to level 100 and after that you become a young dragon, and will get more skills for your second run of level 100. The race is for dedicated players who love the game and are planning to stay for a very very long time.
Regardless, if you enjoy what it does go for it!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 02:02:26 (edited by Dark 2020-01-15 02:03:56)

I usually love the idea of playing dragons, but maybe i'll create an alt at
some point for that since I'm enjoying ranger combat.

At the moment I'm just enjoying the quests, though yee gods, why does everyone hate mudstalkers? big_smile.

I will say I'm loving the combat system, particularly the way that intelligent use of combat can make a big difference, especially advance and retreat.
My method at the moment is to use immobilization and/or acid, then ping the target with as many precise shots as possible.
The only thing I do find a littel odd is armour seems a wee bit hard to come bye, there are lots of clothes, but not much that gives actual protection, indeed the only armour I've got so far is quest gear, though that's okay since i'm never a big fan of eq balancing anyway, indeed combat here suits me since it's much more about taking turns and playing well than just wailing away automatically.

Oh, and once I got out of the newbie area, gold is now much easier to find.

the only miner access tweak I slightly would like to see, would be the ability to get individual information with single key presses.
Health will report hp and stamina, but the only way to find out gold on hand or level progress seems to be to use either inventory or score.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-15 02:10:57

I do agree on the armor thing, I hate eq balancing. Also kind of hoping the whole needing gold and ability points to raise skills balances out at some point. It just seems a little strange to need both, but its not a big deal.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-15 02:27:43 (edited by bookrage 2020-01-15 02:28:44)

I'm liking it but still trying to get used to the very involved combat. I also don't like that a lot of abilities cannot be abbreviated. I don't like having to rapidtype them out really fast when I use them, especially because I'm prone to typos.

Right now I'm playing a Vokion fighter with talented and brute force as my focus and specialization.

2020-01-15 02:41:27

A lot of abilities actually can be abreviated, just not the way you think. For example, a lot of muds use bs as the abreviation for backstab, but this mud uses bac. The lengthiest thing I have to type is unl doom mud ... for example. I also set up triggers to automated some stuff which is perfectly fine.
This is one of the few games where gold is actually one of the struggles. Even as a theft-dedicated rogue at level 36 I am ... well not exactly struggling to get gold but there are so many things to spend it on.
As for the armor, some quests give armor and other boosting items (you'll need a magnifying glass to detect magic effects, but examining it will say if it does have a magic effect so I just wear it). You have to buy most of your armor at the merchant district and I am telling you now to invest in everything made out of steel, since it offers the best protection.
Alas, I wish armor was found more in the wildernhess, but it'd be a pain to sort through all the gear (maybe a visible armor flag could be added to identify armor from just regular junk). Keep in mind that the game is in it's infency and a bigger world, crafting, more unique loot drops, etc etc are all potentially down the line and it won't come without the input from the community.

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2020-01-15 03:48:32 (edited by hadi.gsf 2020-01-15 03:55:13)

@snow, sorry i forgot to respond to you.
If you want to play this game, download psiphone, or vpngate.
If you need help with this, let me know on this topic so we can Private message each other.
I just had a talk with Dayrinni the owner of the mud, They are watching this thread and they noticed your post.  and they said that they will make you a character with a custom name if you like too. e.g., if you don't want to have a last name.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 08:31:12

I just tried the mud today and I do love the various systems and mechanics. I also like that it doesn't seem to be a super strict RP environment, which is its own feature in some ways.
I do have a problem with an RP intensive mud such as this being festooned with so many typos and grammar issues, particularly during the character creation process. It's at that stage that you really want to sell yourself to potential players, and having what's supposed to be a serious roleplaying game plagued by multiple spelling mistakes puts a bit of a damper on the initial experience.
What's worse is that there doesn't seem to be an integral command to report these typographical mistakes in the game. A new player isn't likely to want to join your forum or Discord just so they can report typos and spelling errors. That's a lot of investment for a player to make into a game's atmosphere before they can even begin to contribute such small reports.
By no means is this a deal breaker for the game, but it is (in my view) a bit of a hiccup in the interface. Off-game forums and discussion mediums are great, but they should always be ancillary to an in-game method of communicating concerns to the staff.

This issue aside, I really did enjoy the game and its quests. There seem to be plenty of things to unlock so that the game will remain fun for newbies and veterans alike, something that's usually hard to manage. Now if only we had a crafting system. smile


Spill chuck you spots!

2020-01-15 08:40:37

@18, i think you have the same problem of mine, try to access it's website and find out what it  will say, you can not access or something.

2020-01-15 08:42:30

I was thinking of playing a dragon, but I'll make that an alt for a future date.
Right now, I'm thinking ranger, but I can't decide what race.
With as much positive feedback as this one is getting, I imagine there may be crafting in the future. But it doesn't sound like I'll miss it much with all that seems to already be there.
It wants you to have a plan for your character, and a background, so I'm planning that out. See you all on there whenever I get it clear in my mind who I'm going to be.

2020-01-15 11:56:01

Look, the builders themselves admit a lot of the writing is attrocious ... that being because it stems from old concepts from the 90s. That being said, their responsiveness to feedback is incredible. Take time to write good descriptions for things you feel need it or need to be replaced, and it will be so --- I am sure.

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2020-01-15 12:11:22

@hadi.gsf and Dayrinni:

Sorry for stiring up so much trouble with this simple comment. I am not the target group for this particular mud I think and thats totally fine. Names are weirdly important to me but I mostly choose ones that are anticlimactily goofy and anti-heroic because I like to ridicule myself. Doesn't fit into a rp-environment to well though. What bothers me is the most intriguing for others. You don't have to design around everyones tastes tongue
I gave the mud a try already with a name I can't even remember... Looks fun, maybe I give it some more tries. But I wouldn't count on me as a player. I am more of a simple hack'n'slay guy.

Cool though that you'd go the extra mile for troublemakers like me. Seems to be a plus point for the administration. Good luck with this project!

2020-01-15 12:50:56 (edited by hadi.gsf 2020-01-15 13:42:54)

Dayrinni is  watching this topic and seeing dark's suggestions have implemented two commands
score basic

Try them and let us know how they are!
If you like hack and slash you should love this game there is huge amounts of mob killing if you'd like to get onto high levels and mobs have different traits and different abilities for you to discover and deal with. in any case, thanks for tyring and hope to see you there.
@Xoren, The admins are watching but i will make sure to deliver your feedback about in game methods of game communications; however, Because of how great discord is, I see a huge number of developers using it as their main method of communication; It's cross platform, you can take it with you anywhere there's a great mention system, etc.
Despite of it being in beta for a notable amount of time, the game was released in 2019 so please report any typos and suggest as many things as you can!

edit: I believe those two commands are added in game but they won't work until the mud has been restarted. I will let you know

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 14:12:33

So, made a human loner rogue as an alt. I'm unsure what to train now, got my daggers up and need to train it.

So, given I'm still doing th enewbie quests, what's a good start?

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-01-15 14:35:06

Much appreciation to Dayrinni for the responsiveness concerning accessibility.

I am now . a ranger frog person, . . (just went blank on the race name as I started the post). LOL.
I am impressed!
Character creation feels unique, maybe because of so many class and race choices.
I really enjoy the lack of mud school, and that instead, you go right into the game.
I love how quests are made clear so that you don't pass them up.

I haven't figured out archery yet, which is bad since I'm a ranger, and I am a little confused on skills, abilities, tier points, etc. But I will grasp all those concepts as I go along.

2020-01-15 14:50:57

I'm planning to try agent for my next alt...


Can I delete chars from my account, like if I want to delete my rogue, is that a thing? Also lol at wood daggers, I'm seriously debating gettting a copper dagger because why not.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-01-15 15:51:55

I don't think you can delete characters, but feel free to create new ones!
You can contact Dayrinni on the mud with tells or on discord if you want to ask that.
By the way, My character right now is Siyavash in the mud, feel free to send me a tell if i was online to ask questions and such!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 16:03:21

Hmm, This sounds interesting and I need to give it a try! I also hope this MUD will get soundpack eventually.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
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2020-01-15 16:11:45

So. I'm stuck, I activated the drill for a quest, left the area, and now the drill's permanently activated and can't get back there and still have the quest in my journal. Ideas?

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-01-15 16:16:57

Lirin wrote:

Hmm, This sounds interesting and I need to give it a try! I also hope this MUD will get soundpack eventually.

That would be amazing. Specially because as you  progress you have to take care of many things, e.g. risk, morale, being knocked over, bleeding etc.. Because each class has its own abilities and ways of doing things it might be not very easy to make one but i hope  we'll get one!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 16:30:40

Wow, great news on the suggestions.

With Armour that's one thing I'm not sure about myself at the moment, since it seems very few items actually give armour rating, though I haven't explored the merchant's district fully. Also, as a ranger who relies on swiftness I'm guessing wearing hulking plate or chain is a bad idea? That was why I chose the leather armour skill.
Then again as I said, I am never a fan of huge amounts of eq balancing in game and would much rather have a combat that can be won by your tactics in battle rather than your ability to minimax certain numbers, after all I doubt many real knights agonised about whether their battered spiked steel gauntlets were better than their well crafted bronze gauntlets big_smile.

Actually now that I'm out of the newbie area, I'm finding I like the gold costs in so much as they mean selling loot actually means something to your character, and are something to work towards, plus of course they make quest rewards from gold drops have a point.

Oddly enough, I'm finding no problem with abbreviations, since the game is a modern mud and will happily extrapolate from what I put in, EG fire P hood for when I want to shoot at one of those sneaky hoodlums in the newbie area.

@Mirage, oddly enough I'm also a ranger, though of the reptile race who apparently like snacking on the frog people big_smile.

The way archery works, is once you've equipped your bow, you need to decide what shot to fire, rapid, deft, or precise.
Each shot comes with a degree of risk. The higher your risk, and the worse your position, the more likely you are to miss or critical fail.

Rapid fire will increase your position, whereas precise shots will dicrease it. So combat is usually a matter of using precise when in a good or better position, then using rapid fire when your in a bad position.

In addition to this, you can advance and retreat. This doesn't actually mean advancing on or retreating from your target, it means moving either forward or back in the room, and obviously as a ranged fighter you want to be as far from your target as possible.
so my usual method, given that at the start of combat your always at the centre of the room with your target, is to retreat then start firing, and if the npc comes to get me, to advance/ retreat past them to the other end of the room and continue.
I've also found abilities that slow enemy movement down useful, like the reptile race's acid spit, or when I got it, immobilising shot.

This is also one of the few occasions I've found in a mud where I turn the prompt off completely. Usually I like to customise it to show a percentage of my hp, but in this game, since combat is in general more tactical, I prefer the psace to look at what I'm doing, then again I freely admit I like the full flavour of the combat messages for this one, which obviously necessitates cutting down other information.

speaking of prompts though, I am not sure at this stage if the game has a hunger and thirst system, since I've found and eaten food, but tdidn't overly notice effects from it, though obviously since there are skills in the wild to rest, camp etc, and if a crafting system is planned this is something I wouldn't mind clarification on, EG perhaps warnings when your character was hungry or thirsty.

Actually, from the little I've seen so far, it looks as if wilderness in the game is going to be interesting, particularly for rangers, since whilst there isn't a crafting system as such, you can already cut trees down for wood, which presumably is used to make fires with the camping skill and to fletch arrows (though I've not found any metal yet so haven't had chance to try fletching).

I'm away this evening at my parents, and since I don't have a working laptop there at the second won't be able to get back on tempest until tomorrow, but I'll be looking forward to it.

Btw, is there a way to give a one off donation to the game? I'd b more than happy to donate to keep things running, but I'd rather not commit myself to a monthly patrion account since finances on a monthly basis are a little tight at the moment.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-15 16:45:31

Ok so a few things
You can delete your character. log in to your character, and type delete now, then delete confirm
Now, regarding armor.
As far as i know, there is armor, (covers legs, chest, head and arms) and there's clothings (grants affects, and for roleplay reasons)
Now. when it comes to armor and weapons, there are  basically five materials each one being much much more expensive than the other one.
1. starting armor and weapons, which is wood/copper/leather
2. steel. that includes steel plated leather armor, steel plated chain armor, steel plated plate armor.
3. Orinsteel
4. Platinum
5. Titanium
For buying newbie  equipment and steel you only need gold  but any other material higher than that you need to loot ore and turn them to ingots in the ironworks shop and then  buy your equipments with gold and ingots.
IF you want to have a good idea of how it looks like, you have to start wearing steel armor from level 30. earlier if you manage to buy one, then  better!
same with weapons.
Don't forget to inspect your weapons before buying. some are one handed and some two!
And don't forget, one handed weapons deal much less damage than two handed ones, because you can double wield them  or wield them with a shield. I recommend two handed weapons as a starting weapon.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2020-01-15 18:24:42

So...bit of a quandry. I've done what I'm assuming are the rogue starter quests, up to the heist. It pointed me off to Lake Fortune, but poking around shows me there's still quests.

Am I right in assuming I've not done all the quests yet? I'm liking blade a lot and like how you progress skills by doing, then train them up at least where I'm at, level 6 (and I knocked off the bank heist there, win)

Now tempted to try a ranger alt once I get back on there. It's oddly fun.

Just wish I could turn off all the fluff atop room descs, like asterisks and such

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers