2019-08-08 16:56:39

Hi guys. I've started dabbling in literature and I was wondering if you guys know a good place to upload the story. I wanted to upload it chapter by chapter so i could upload it in a tv show like mannor. so, if you guys could help me, that would be awesome. I have 3 stories. 1, is based on my friend's experience being scammed, but, with a fictional approach and the other 1 is where a kid has superpowers and must learn to control it, and the last 1 is based on my school events but with a threat of man made hybrid super mutants taking over the world. I also am in the process of making a chapter 18 of the iconic book, The Wooing Of Beppo Tate, by C Evrard Palmer. More pieces will be coming. I'm putting my writing on the front burner and game development on the back burner, although games will be developed. Hope you guys could help me.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-08-09 02:18:01


I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-08-09 11:34:36

Maybe it's wattpad

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2019-08-09 13:11:17

Google is your friend!

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Leave a thumbs up if you like what I write.

2019-08-09 15:33:23

speaking of storrys, i'm makeing one of my own.
you can see it here.
a house in the city of zamathrame. toyo, and his friends, all live in it.
there names are. hanako, chen, gakiD, haruka, satorry, and corama.
satorry was a good cook. she used spices like a crazyperson. I still cant get over the fackt she made vegys tased soooo good!
I was good at tech.
everyone else was your tipical every day person.
however, we all new how to fight.
hanako was good at makeing weapons. he's a nice person.
about gakiD
gakiD was his nicname. he would never tell me his real one. I think its inbarrissing to him.
one somer day...
we whent to the zamathrame pool, cause it was very very hot.
however, there was no water. we chekt, and chekt and chekt.
there was no water in the city of zamathrame!
hanako: what are we gonna do now?
satorry: I doen't know. anyone hungry?
toyo: now is not the time for food!
gakiD: so, find out who is doing this, and blow them the fuck out of the sky! ghahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha!
haruka: or, we could just stay here, ware ever they are is soooooooo far away!
chen: I think our water tank still has water in it, lets chek.
corama: yeah. lets chek it.
I went to chek the water tank. we had haf of a tank.
toyo: we have haf a tank!
everyone: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
strange voice: sorry, but ile be takeing that, thanks!
toyo: no! no no no! no no no! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o!
gakiD: stop talking and send this fucker to timbuck2! ghahahahahahhahahahahahaha!
gakiD slashed off the strange man's head.
he fell to the ground, dead.
gakiD: good. our water is safe! hehehe.
everyone: what the...
toyo: hum, uh, wow!
hanako: hay hay hay hay! what' was that?
gakiD: he was lookin for it, so he got it! ghahahahahahahahahahahahha!
toyo: nothing to say...
satorry: wow... I did'ent think you would do that! but still, if you did not react, we would have lost our water. well done, gakiD!
I looked at the man and chekked for weapons.
he had a hiper lazer.
hanako: wow! hiper lazer! give me! give it heeeere!
toyo: here.
hanako likes to repreduce weapons after preforming resurch on them.
corama: author, would you shut up?
little knife falling from the sky...
the knife kut corama.
corama: sorry sorry sorry! I will never say such a thing again!
gakiD: i'm gonna go sleep.
hanako: me to.
toyo: I also feel like sleeping...
toyo's dream...
toyo: no! no! no! how can you do this to me! why! why! whyyyyyyyyyyy!
unnone girl: sorry... not! hahahahhahahahhahaa! stupid! you are nothing! hahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahaha!
satorry: how could you do that to him! basterd!
everything whent black...
dark toyo: hahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
toyo: who are, you!
dark toyo: I am your sadness. your anger. I am all your negative amotions! hahahahahahhahahahhahahha!
toyo: wwwhat?
toyo: aa aa!
toyo: it... was a dream...
toyo: what a strange dream.
satorry: morning!
toyo: morning.
satorry: you ok? you seam a little friteful.
toyo: i'm? fine.
satorry: if you say so. today, ile make your favourite food!
toyo: what took you so long!


I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-08-10 13:22:19

I don't really like it when people say, just Google it for several reasons.
For one, the person being asked probably knew the answer, the asker may have Googled it and read about something else, plus it would save a lot of time and effort if you just get the answer immediately.
I myself and in search for a literary agent to solicit my debut novel, otherwise I would publish it on SmashWords and or Amazon CreateSpace.
Nobody here has mentioned Channillo, which fits your description perfectly. It is a serialised platform that will pay you for uploading chapters for a story.
I put in a request for consideration of a prospective series, but I never heard back.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2019-08-10 19:53:25

Thank you,
Green Gables Fan. Lord London has this way of saying google it. He is ridiculous. And, its people like him that makes the forum look bad.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-08-11 19:46:07 (edited by cat 2019-08-11 19:46:43)

if you trying upload voice story, I recommend to you youtube, youtube is lods of users, and what ever, Maybe some users can listen your story. 2. İf you trying upload document file, I recommend to you, watped

2019-08-11 21:09:46

Wattpad is quite good, but reading on it is a mess as a blind, or at least as I experienced it. Many years ago I found a page, created by a user of this forum, the page was called Quiller or something like that, hope I remember well.

2019-08-11 23:42:18

You can go to Fictionpress.com it's the sister site to fanfiction.net but for original stories.