2019-06-10 22:34:03

i never use block i never run the block.

2019-06-11 14:13:07

I don't either any more. Most use I got out of it was when running Balance. Block kept me safe then. Since I go well past zone 60 these days, though, I don't run the block any more, though I do buy gyms and trainers.

2019-06-20 01:11:06

Hi, apologies if this has been asked before but I'm having problems hiring workers after importing an export string I made previously. Basically it says the workers aren't affordable even though I have plenty of food to hire them, also I don't seem to have access to the fight button. Has anybody else dealt with this after copying/pasting export strings onto the import screen?

Boldly going where everyone's already been.

2019-06-20 13:04:47

wow so i am doing the the trimp challenge at the moment and its harder than it looks. only using 1 trimp you have to heavily rely on your armour upgrades. its taking far far longer than i thought it was going to take.

2019-06-22 20:25:41 (edited by keithwipf1 2019-06-22 20:26:44)

Only thing I can think of is that you need to let your Trimps to breed to max population.

2019-06-25 12:05:04

hi all,

is there any reason to do the prison map whilst not running the electricity challenge?

2019-06-25 21:49:17

No, don't think so.

2019-06-25 22:18:07

There are achievements for completing it within certain amounts of time.  That would be a good reason.  Otherwise though, I don't bother.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-06-25 22:45:43

achievements for completing the actual map or from z1 to 80 then the prison?

2019-06-27 13:02:58

hi guys,

whats a good guide for genetisists? i mean how many should i put in so it doesn't hurt my breeding speeds too much? as the ratio between the nursury and geneticist.

2019-06-28 21:17:43

2 for each nursery.
However, you might soon start getting big breeding speed boosters so that makes it less reliable.

2019-06-28 22:22:54

so for 1 nursery
placed i should put down 2 geneticists?

2019-06-29 01:35:17

I don't think I've ever needed to have quite that many, but then again I've noticed breed speed can be effected by number of Trimps as well as number of nurseries due to having more to breed with, and I have venimps, so that also has an effect.

2019-06-29 11:41:19

yeah i got venimps as well. so for every 100 nurseries i can get away with 50 geneticists?

2019-06-29 17:57:06

I usually put in ten at a time and check the anticipation timer, but you might not have that perk yet. I don't know...

2019-07-04 18:58:31

ok guys this may seem like a really stupid question after all this time playing the game. but i can't see exactly what trainers do? i increase the amount of trainers i have but my block doesn't seem to increase. so can someone please tell me what they do and how they work? tried looking in the wiki doesn't seem to explain it.

2019-07-05 06:04:08

Each trainer will increase the base amount your soldiers can block by some percent.


2019-07-05 11:40:35

but that doesn't seem to increase the block?

2019-07-05 16:17:22

Wait until your trimps die and you send a new batch.


2019-07-06 14:55:19

so i'm taking the plunge and doing the decay challenge. i've been doing it since last night. i'm at cell 89 of z55. it's taking ages but i fully intend on finishing this. if it was this difficult early on in the challenge i probably would have aborted it. but seeming as i'm only 11 cells away from completion, i'm going to plod my way through to the end of this. i'm determined to complete this.

2019-07-06 15:03:27

That one was a pain. Hang through. It is worth it.


2019-07-06 16:33:52

I arsed up  and just after starting the decay challenge, realised I'd hit clear all and lost all my perks. So I had to respec and clear the challenge, which is annoying, but I'll have a go at it next time around.

I will admit my trimps playing has slowed down a wee bit lately with playing breed memorial and such, but I'm stil definitely interested in seeing how far I can go.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-07-06 19:42:44

well i completed the challenge. luckily it happened whilst i was out. so now i'm just keeping going for a while to gain some helium.

2019-07-06 20:14:29

Urg, is anyone else got to zone 181 yet?
It definitely gets interesting there (normal enemies now drop helium!)
If you can kill them anyway...

2019-07-06 21:02:57

lol na i haven't even got to z100 yet