2019-06-21 06:50:09

I personally don't have a problem if someone wants to cheat on a game that they have beaten. And I don't have a problem with someone needing to cheat if they have been stuck for a long time.
I don't think people should cheat on a online game where they play against other people. Although it is cool to see what you can do with a game when you do cheat.

2019-06-24 09:25:20

It has been a week since we have heard anything about the cheat engine program. I am wondering if UltimateBlade has completed his guide on how to use this?
I am very curious to see what games I can use with this program.

2019-06-24 11:21:01

You can use it on manamon for sure.

2019-06-27 18:44:34

Can anyone please help me get started with this program? I really would like to use this program.

2019-06-30 00:28:14

Hey, I really appologize about that basic tutorial on this cheat engine cause i was not able to make a recording on it because I'm really busy for this past two weeks. To make up for it, I will just write the steps on how to use this cheat engine and of course, coupled with some illustration on how to use it to illustrate the two bites value, 4 bites value incripted value and so on. I promise to finish writing it today cause its sunday here in our area so I have time to finish it.

2019-06-30 01:05:11

okay, i will wate

2019-06-30 03:31:22

You can cheat Manamon for sure. I used to cheat this game before, and got a bunch of gold.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2019-06-30 05:13:32

haye Socheat, how to use the cheet engin to cheet manamon?

2019-06-30 06:22:31

1. Before we begin, I just want to tell you all people that I am not alsow in favour of hacking. However, I do understand the frustration of those people who despite doing everything to complete certain part of the game, they are not able to do it because of some factors beyond there control which prevent them from doing so. Isn’t it that is very frustrating specially if the game you are playing is a commercial game which you bought with real money? And aside, with some limitation, as an owner of a certain property be it real or personal, you have the right to do whatever you want to do with your property. You have the right to transfer, modify it to suit your needs or even destroy it. In this case, you are only modifying your computer game which is considered as personal property to suit your needs. And aside, I believe that one of the main purpose of playing games whether it is outdoor or indoor game is to enjoy  or to relax your self and not to cause you more stress. Cause after coming from school or work and you decide to play computer game to relax your self and instead you found out that the game you are playing causes you more stress and anxiety because it keeps on beating you or something else, that is very frustrating isn’t it? Hahahahahaha. With that said, let us start and let us begin by illustrating how to use this 4 bytes value on this cheat engine. For purposes of this illustration, let us use this manamon game.  I’m going to use this cheat engine 6.7 since it has portable version.  after creating my char on this manamon game, I head out of my house and from seroth city to amica town, I was able to accumulate 3182 gold.
1.    Open manamon and load your save game and open cheat engine.
Upon opening your cheat engine, Press altPlusF  on your keyboard and down arrow to the open process and press enter and tab until you rich the list of the opened programs on your computer and choose the manamon and tab to the open button and press enter.
2.    Tab 11 times till you rich the edit box before the combo box where that exact value, bigger than and unknown initial value is located and since I have a total gold of 3182, I’m going to type that on this edit box and tab to the combo box and make sure that this exact value is selected and tab again to the next combo box and make sure alsow that this 4bytes value is selected. tab until I will rich this first scan button and I will press enter on  it.
3.    It give me 6 results but sometimes, if you are scanning for a certain value, it will give you staggering results from a single digit and even up to 7 digits numbers. On this 6 results that I have, I can already see the address that contain the amount of my gold but let us assume that this result is 6000. In that case, all I have to do is go to the shop and buy me ahealing herb and from my 3182 gold, I now only have 2882 gold. I will type this 2882 again on the edit box and tab to the next scan and press enter. In case it will give you more than1 results again, just by you again another item on the shop and type the remaining amount on your hand on the edit box until you will see the address that represent the amount of your gold on the result.
4.    Select the address that represent your amount of gold and press application key and down arrow to the change value. In this illustration, since I have 2882 gold, I will change it to 500000 and I will press enter. And now, if I check the amount of my gold, from 2882, I now have 500000. In this game you know already what this means right? With so much gold, you can buy as many healing items as you want, you can buy as many token from the arcade game as you want to win you some credits and if you have sufficient credits to use in buying some items on the arcade shop, use the same process to get you as many credits as you want. Just repeat the 1 to 4 steps. I would like to illustrate the  process in finding the value of your training points on this game but since  my aquaffe have only 6 training points at the moment, I think that this is not sufficient so we use the gate for this purposes instead. I use this steps on the smuggler 5 invation in order to buy me an avalanche crucer by the way.

2019-06-30 06:30:12

2. On this second illustration, let us  use this unknown initial value on this game called The gate.
If in the first illustration, we modify the amount of our gold, this time, we are going to modify our stats focusing on the HP of our char.
1.    Same step in first illustration.
2.    Instead of typing some value on the edit box, don’t type anything, instead, tab directly to the combo box where this exact value is located and down arrow to unknown initial value and tab directly to the first scan button and press enter.
3.    Return to your game and move your character until you find a mob. On this illustration, I met this stupid goblin which start to attack me. Just let him continue to attack your char and return to the cheat engine instead and tab to the combo box where this exact value is located and down arrow to this decrease value and tab until you rich the next button and press enter.
4.    Each time this goblin attack you, press enter on the next button on the cheat engine until it show you this address which contain the value representing the hp of your char. Same process in illustration 1 if you want to change your HP. In my case, since 940 is the value representing my hp, it means that if I going to multiply this by 2, so 940 times 2 equals 1880, it will give me only 200 hp right? so its up to you how you are going to change the value of your hp. In my case, I will just replace this 940 to 940000000 so that I will give my char a hp of 1000000.
By the way, since you cannot save your game until you completed the floor, or certain level of this game, it is safe to just let your engine open containing that modified value representing your char until you rich the save point of this game. And aside, each time you rich that spring which heal your char, your hp will be back to normal which is 100. If that happen, just return to your engine again and just change that value representing the hp of your char. So it is really safe to not close the engine until you rich a save point of this game.

2019-06-30 06:52:33

3. In some games, the value of some items or your stats was save in different bytes. Like this cast away for example, my lumber was save in 4 bytes value while my bricks, wine, vegetables, meets and breads were save as 2 bytes value. I don’t know why that is but if in using this 4 bytes value, you cannot find the address which contain the value representing the items or stats you are trying to find in a game, just try using the other bytes value aside from this 4 bytes value. So if you cannot find what you are looking using 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes value, use the binary, double, flotation and so on in your cheat engine. Among this games save on my computer, I am trying to find a game wherein the items or stats was save as a flotation value but I cannot find any. By the way, in using this unknown initial value feature of this cheat engine, if the stats or number of items in your game is increasing, select the increase value and if it is decreasing, select the decrease value. Like in the second illustration for example. Since the attack of the goblin cause your hp to drop, we selected the decrease value but if the attack of that goblin for instance make your hp to go higher, we select the increase value instead. I use this unknown initial value by the way to find the value representing my training points in manamon before. If I remember it correctly, my groller that time has 35 training points. So everytime I train my stats I just keep on pressing the next button till the engine shows the single address which contain the value representing the training points of my growler. So I think, that covers all the basic tutorial of this cheat engine. With those two illustration, we have explain the process on how to find the value representing certain items or stats in your game. The second illustration by the way shows you how to find an incripted value in a game. I think, I going to end it here. Just a reminder, with the exception of those people who are only playing games just to enjoy or just to relax them selves Like I am, if you are really an avid computer gamer, try, try to beat the game you are playing without using any third party software. Have some respect to your ability as a person. However, if despite exhausting and doing everything, you still cannot complete certain part of the game or you still cannot finish it, maybe, using third party software is reasonable. Thats all O hell yeh!! whee!

2019-06-30 09:59:45

atUltimateBlade, thanks for the instrucktions!

2019-07-01 02:04:48

Hi, Phoenix here. I am trying to use Cheat Engine on A Hero's Call. It is simply too frustrating for me to try to work toward my attribute points. I would like to change the values, but when I try to, the program either closes or there is nothing on the list when I change the value in game after doing next scan. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


2019-07-01 20:01:59

Thanks for the instructions. I am going to give this a try.

2019-07-01 22:48:12

I dont have a heros cal game so I dont have an idea how the training of stats work in there or dont know where they save the values representing the stats in that game. Whether in 2 bytes, 4 8, floatation etc etc. I think, you just have to try them all. Afterall, that is how hacking works right? The hackers should be patience. O and by the way, if you are using the unknown initial value to scan,, try to eliminate those valuse in your game that keeps changing all the time like the time for example. For so you have to alternate between, increase value, unchange value or decrease value depending on what you are searching for.

2019-07-02 10:40:34

I have a question about cheet engin. what will I do when I want to reduce my gold to manamon?