2019-06-22 17:17:51

So I wrote this up all you need is 1 6 sided dice. I know its not perfect and I'm looking for pointers to how I can make it a little better.
seths crawl
To make your player you will have three stats your skill, stamina, and luck.
For skill roll 1d6 and add 6.
For stamina roll 1d6 and add 12.
For luck roll 1d6 and add 6.
Luck can only be used when your hp drops below 10 in a fight. But you will subtract 1 luck point for every time this is used. Your skill is for combat. If your stamina drops to 0 in a fight you will die.
Generating rooms.
To generate rooms roll 2d6 the first is the type of room and the second is the size of the room.
1, 3, or 6 is a room.
2, 4, or, 5 is a hallway.
Finding gold.
To find gold in a room roll 2d6. The first roll is to check for gold. If there is no gold found then do not roll the second dice. The second dice is for the amount of gold found.
1, 3, or, 6 no gold.
2, 4, or, 5 gold is found.
Generate Monsters.
To generate monsters roll 1d6. To check its hp roll 2d6.
Monster types.
1 Zombie
2 dark elf.
3 ghost.
4 huge rat.
5 Spider.
6 Rabid dog.
To attack roll a 1d6 plus your skill if your attack is grater than the hp of the monster than you have hit. Please subtract 1 stamina point. If your attack is less than the monster's hp  then the monster has hit you. Please subtract 1 stamina point.
To check for objects in a room roll a a 1d6.
1, 3, or, 6 sword +2 damage.
2, 4, or, 5 shield -2 damage when the monster hits you.

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2019-06-22 18:44:51

Could this work with "ready to role" and GMA dice?
Also, can a web/game version of this be made because I really do think this is possible. I'm not a coder but basicly if dice is 1 3 or 6 then say room, etc.

2019-06-22 18:53:16

I'm not sure but I'm looking for player logs to see how people did? I think I might have did the combat a little weird. I will upload the dice program that I use. Its mostly accessible.

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