2018-11-26 11:59:37 (edited by musicalman 2018-11-26 12:00:40)

boy wrote:

Personally, I think the worst game is the Alchemy version of Montezooma's Revenge. You can't even play it, you start the game, it loads fine and none of the keys accept for the status keys work. I mean you can't move, can't jump or anything unless you have a numpad. Since I have a laptop, I literally can't do anything with it.

In the main menu, you can press m to switch between desktop and laptop mode I believe. in laptop mode the arrow keys do what you expect and space is used to jump.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2018-11-26 15:02:26

If I only include games made by established devs, as in have written one or more audiogames which were popular yet made a pritty bad game it would have to be dog and cat from vipgameszone. It's funny, in a way, but I doubt it was actually ment that way. Just listen to the sfx and you know what I mean.

golfing in the kitchen

2018-11-26 15:40:32

my worst game that i ever played and made was deadland. it was so shit and broken, and had no consept.

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2018-11-26 19:32:48 (edited by defender 2018-11-27 19:26:21)

LOL Eliza, no one who doesn't strongly believe gives a crap anyway... and that's a large part of the western world. If the bible can use those things to scare the piss out of people in order to force them into line, than why not other media too, you'd think it'd actually be a good thing as long as the demons weren't the good guys. big_smile

Oh gosh, I almost forgot about psychostrike.
Yeah sure, killing people and breaking down doors and throwing bottles can be fun, and the music, voice acting, and some of the sounds were quite nice, but you need to wait around for ages at a certain point to heal which is totally opposite of what you'd expect in an action game.
Also the weapon sounds were pretty lame, and you couldn't pick your voice it was assigned randomly. After a while it just got so insane with the amount of enemies that even massive amounts of mines and three shielded people wasn't enough to keep you alive until you got basic shit, and it just ended up being a chore with so much going on that you couldn't even follow it.
The shotgun was also a huge disappointment.
And the story was just retarded for the little their was... It's like they didn't even try to give a shit.
That and weapon progression was very slow after the first few levels and you never really unlocked any new areas, never used platforming or even had stages with more interesting tile types or multiple ambiences or more than one hazard, plus the goals were just half assed.
Just an unfinished, overpriced game that never got updated, where the devs ghosted as soon as it went live and for weeks after as well. They probably didn't even break even with all the voice acting costs... And the fact that they were still using such a shitty old easily abused key system, in like, 2016.
I can not believe they asked for as much as they did for such an unfinished game, way to insult our intelligence. If the development process was really ruff or something, than they could have at least been honest about it, and tried to improve it later.

And yeah I could never even figure out how to properly play dog and cat my self. X hour was also a big disappointment when I finally heard Gorth play it on a stream... Some of their games I enjoyed, lords of the galaxy, super tennis, funny bowling, ETC, and I didn't mind galaxy ranger much either but their sounds (even if they were unique) and demo restrictions sucked hardcore, and their prices were high even for the time.
Super football might have been decent too but I was too young to understand it.

2018-11-27 03:08:41

Damn, I wouldn't shit on Psycho Strike that hard myself, but then again, I spent a fair amount of time defending the devs after its release, because some of the comments that were being made were super uncalled for. That, and on the old Audyssey list, there were some people who were trying to make the case that kids would buy the game and be corrupted and forever traumatized by it, and I remember coming down pretty hard on those people, because their arguments made zero sense.

And, yeah, your comments are true in a general sense, but I always enjoyed the game for what it was. I was quite disappointed once I realized there would be no updates, even though they were promised, but I'll always have kind of a soft spot for it, I guess. Although I do agree with you about the key system, that was pretty godawful.

As for Blindscape, what I meant was that you never found out why the guy was locked in the room in the first place, so the story should have been a lot more developed. Had it been, and the game mechanics weren't basically a dog turd on a plate, I think it actually could have been a nice game.

Finally, to the person who said this topic shouldn't have been created, that's your opinion, and, frankly, I've seen a lot worse insults hurled at devs around here that nothing was ever done about. As far as I can tell, this is a pretty constructive discussion.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-11-27 03:55:18

Ha, Dog And Cat by VIPgamezone? C R A P crap, or worse! The sounds were pretty bad, the concept was just wierd, and the keys to control it weren't the best. To the person who hadn't heard of Demise Or Domination: if you want to kill people, give it a try. It's on the audiogames archive, or I can upload it here. About Montezooma's revenge, I'll try pressing m in the main menu and seeing if it actually goes to Laptop mode. Judgeing by the intro sound, the game seems fun even if it's only, 1 level? Or 2. I'll try it after I finish my stupid term paper for school.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2018-11-27 04:41:00

Manaman.  It is a rip off of Pokémon. This is totally ridiculous, you can’t do that. That’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. The sounds are good yes, the story is long, yes. But does it have replay value? Absolutely not. Maybe to try new Manaman yes.  But come on, seriously? You’re just going to catch these creatures?

2018-11-27 05:50:07

@32, I have to disagree. There are so many different ways to play that game, plus fighting your friends online. I personally think it has replay value. I wish these developers were more accepting of user feedback, but for the most part, they don't seem to be.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2018-11-27 08:50:46

The worst game I ever played was that old Maze game by VIP Games Zone. I forget the name of it, but it was so weird. Half the time I couldn't get out of even the first room, and killing monsters was tedious.
I also thought those old games like Hunter and Pipe got downright unplayable at times. And you lost points for the stupidest things ever! Ahh well. Shows how much skill I have.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2018-11-27 19:26:59

Mortal maze, yeah it was confusing as hell, but the monsters sounded cool at least...

2018-11-27 20:12:07

well i hope the dev doesn't get offended but i think the worst audiogame ever i played was TLW the game just sucks

2018-11-27 20:45:26

@32, the only reason that it is a rip off of Pokémon is that Pokémon is not easily playable. Sure, it can be done, but not without a lot of hoops that you have to jump through.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2018-11-27 23:17:56

I love most of the BSC games myself, both classic Pipe and Blast Chamber are some of my favorite action titles. I also like Hunter quite a bit, although I got into playing it much later after it was released. By the time I tried it, I was running Windows 10. Now it won't even run under the latest update, and I've been too lazy to set up a VM.

I never much cared for Troopanum, though. I liked the sounds in the original version, the one where the sounds still needed to be decrypted before playing. When I finally got my hands on the later version, I was so disappointed and thrown off by the change in sounds that I never really played it again. I never touched Troopanum 2, either. I certainly wouldn't put them on a worst audio games list, since that's just me being really nitpicky.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-11-28 04:11:59

Yeh, the BSC games were kind of fun, I'd have to give them a 75 out of 100. I mean when I was about 12 I started with them and even the demos were fun, but they were also the first audiogames I ever played. Both Troopanum and Pipe games were good, but I never got Hunter to run propperly. It kind of works on my Windows 10 computer if I run it in compatability mode as XP and as administrator. I can complete the first 2 levels then it says not responding and closes. Oh and thanks for the tip about Montezooma's Revenge, it works and I started playing it. Only one problem, I can't get down from ropes. Mortal Maze by VIP Gameszone, that game sucks hard and so do pretty much all the other games by them. A 3 day demo, for a game that costs like 75 bucks or something? Post 32, Manamon, in my oppinion isn't too bad.  Yes it's similar, but I like the game, and the concept. I mean, at least we have something stable that's completely accessable. No offense to Braillemon, it's playable, it's pretty good, but sometimes it just crashes or closes, and it's much harder than Manamon. I've never tried the real Pokemon games because I was born blind, and I don't think they have any accessability features.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2018-12-03 17:55:40

psycho strike, guess the number, roflmao, and all the blindfold games

“Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.”
“You don’t tell me how to behave; you’re not my mother!”
“Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2019-06-10 07:02:03

Erick wrote:

Manaman.  It is a rip off of Pokémon. This is totally ridiculous, you can’t do that. That’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. The sounds are good yes, the story is long, yes. But does it have replay value? Absolutely not. Maybe to try new Manaman yes.  But come on, seriously? You’re just going to catch these creatures?

and dont forget the simon game in the game
you cant continue without to play the simon game

2019-06-10 07:11:17

the gate definitely. I never played ultrapower, so can't comment on that. also that tank battle onIOS is pretty bad. gold gun also.

2019-06-10 07:13:36

Erick wrote:

Manaman.  It is a rip off of Pokémon. This is totally ridiculous, you can’t do that. That’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. The sounds are good yes, the story is long, yes. But does it have replay value? Absolutely not. Maybe to try new Manaman yes.  But come on, seriously? You’re just going to catch these creatures?

I agree somewhat, but only because of the price of the game. if you can get over that, it's a great game. I played through it about 6 times.

2019-06-10 08:04:55


Ok, let's stick to known developer.

grizzly gulch and chillingham. Ok, they were fun the first few times around, the latter a bit more, but after some time they got really repetitive, the only close to entertaining thing you could then still do in gg was the shooting range at difficulty 12 and playing the saloon.
The sounds as well weren't that great to begin withh as well.
The voice acting and the missions were sorta fun, although it is confusing that you first by the horse, do a mission and then buy the saddle. I mean it works, but I wouldn't want to bring in a bandit that wway.

Let's see, blindfold games, I think we all know why. I still don't get why people see that guy as a god or something, but looking at applevis makes my stomach churn. Marty often posts to a german facebook group and I never leave a chance out to tell him how sucky his games are, yeah, I want that guy outa there.
Anything else?
Oh yeah. everyone come to the good side and play video games, much more entertaining.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-06-10 08:23:59

In my opinion, the Worst audio game is Alter eon and A blind legend.

Let's make this forum again a place where wont be any drama.

2019-06-10 08:28:14

Post 44: Yes, blindfold games are more Worst then Alter eon.

Let's make this forum again a place where wont be any drama.

2019-06-10 08:45:27

Alter Aeon is not an audiogame. Lol.
Guys: Do you think developers are willing to make more great games after reading this topic? If I was a developer, then I would start to think about spending my time on other things. I wouldn't really spend my time on developing games for a group of people, who compete on finding the worst things to say about the games which are made for them.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2019-06-10 09:05:25

Yes, maybe is better to close this topic.

Let's make this forum again a place where wont be any drama.

2019-06-10 09:23:12


Oh so, only the good things about games are allowed here? Get out of your bubbles people. Just because we are such a small comunity wwe should not accept everything we are handed, people seam to forget that.
And, let's look at youtube.
Worse EA Games.
Worse Starwars games.
Worse decisions of the mortal kombat franchise.
10 worse games of the 2000s, 90s or 80s.

You get my point.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-06-10 09:53:45

And let's not forget all those channels that are dedicated to raging out over and hating on games, like the angry video game nerd, etc. If a thing like this is perfectly acceptable in the mainstream community, why shouldn't it be at least tollerated here?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.