2019-06-04 02:57:52 (edited by the best in the world 2019-06-04 03:03:08)

Hello everyone, can someone please upload season 3 of suits, season 4 of wolfblood, and also the movy Thumbelina. and thank you very much

Hi, my Skype name is, anr1235, feel free to add me if you wish, i love to make new friends, and thanks.

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2019-06-05 05:57:57 (edited by grryfindore 2019-06-05 06:00:54)

shout out at Matt Campbell, Adam Morrison and Charanjeet Basi for their donation, thank you guys!
I have been backing up the server slowly in the last few days, and its going to take a while, hence the quiet smile
Many more movies have been added though, and we will be on the lookout for new stuff as always smile
@the best in the world, I will look around and see if I can manage to find those and add them to the vault.

My previous post may have been a bit harsh, so apologies if I offended anyone, but its this stupid hand ache that has me irritable But like Kool turk said, mentioning a timestamp to check for example would be neater and would help us figure out what's going on. Also, if the issue is miner that is, it doesn't affect the experience as much and is easy to ignore, do so wink
otherwise let us know, and we will note it down. in many cases though we can't do much until and unless we find a better version.
Thank you all for the support and I hope you continue to enjoy.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-06-06 07:48:57 (edited by grryfindore 2019-06-06 07:51:59)

Slightly OT this time, but I thought everybody ought to know, specially because it may affect you guys.
I hardly ever visit the feedback section of the forums because of the drama that goes on there these days, and all the nitpicking of rules and rules that are lible to turn into a law book that would require you have a lawyer read them and interprit them for you the way things are going wink just in case certain people didn't get it, that was a joke. Hardly a good one, but I am not so good with the words anyway big_smile But I digress
  a friend pointed out this topic
to me today, and I think you should have a look at this too.
as for what I think, post 14
says it all, or all that I can anyway.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-06-06 11:39:54

Is this the time to maybe launch a mailing list, in case the silly mods of this forum decide to close down this topic?
I know that you've made it clear that you want audiovault to be open to anyone, so you could create a different topic and give a link to the mailing list, not to the website directly.

There's a great amount of effort making and maintaining audiovault, would be a shame if you lost contact to donating users/ users who are helping to add content, and such.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

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2019-06-06 16:18:28

Perhaps creating a subreddit for the vault could be an idea too?

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

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2019-06-06 18:21:18

Yes, I'm all for the subreddit idea.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

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2019-06-06 18:38:57

Agree with establishing another way to talk about this, preferably while the topic is still open so that everyone can know about it. Have no idea how reddit works but I'll find out if that's what you end up going with.

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2019-06-06 20:06:44

Plus one to the subreddit idea.

Host of Sightless Fun, podcast about visual accessibility in modern Board Games.

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2019-06-06 21:16:53

we should move, anywhere but here. I don't understand the rules of this place, on most sites, anything is OK until the admins get a complaint, but someone tries to be extra annoying for little reason here.

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2019-06-07 05:33:29

Hi guys,
Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions.
As much as I used to like this place at least when dark was on the helm and kept things in order for the most part, if the mods indeed end up closing this topic we will need to open a channel of communication, probably either a mailing list or a subredit or both big_smile
Either way, it won't be a good thing for the vault, as most of our support be it financial or otherwise comes through this forum, and the fact that many blind people who don't know about audio described content being a thing, or people looking for an alternative to bmmv would miss out knowing about the audiovault and thereby miss out on the ADV, which goes against what I created this site for.
Anyhow, we will carry on, and thank you all again.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-06-07 06:20:31

I wonder weather the flixgrab application can be used to download stuff from netflix? I dont have the subscription so I cant test.

There once was a moviestar icon.
Who prefered to sleep with the light on.
They learnt how to code, devices sure glowed,
and lit the night using python.

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2019-06-07 09:46:18

to reply to the previous post, it can, but it's currently broken.

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2019-06-07 17:07:00

@kool_turk I have flixgrab plus, but it doesn't have a section to select audio description as the main audio so I could download it


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2019-06-08 13:59:13 (edited by gerech 2019-06-08 14:06:52)

i do believe we need to move it somewhere else. a subreddit maybee. you can also post about audiovault on the r/blind subreddit. the reason why i say this is because the mods or the admins may close, or delete this topic.
edit: this is what i mean by this topic may be closed or deleted.
https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/2924 … copyright/
TLDR: article 17 AKA article 13

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2019-06-08 18:49:45

The stance taken by the mods disgusts me. Can usually smell a coward and I smell a whole team of them.

A mailing list would probably be better than a subreddit, as reddit accessibility has a habit of changing with very little notice.

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2019-06-08 19:25:58

If someone sets up a mailing list, I'd love to join. This project is incredibly helpful in terms of finding really hard to find audio described content.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

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2019-06-09 06:01:33

yeah agreed @465 reddit is stable for now. but i agree that we need to move this somewhere else. a mailing list would be a good idea. you can setup one using groups.io and i will totaly join it.

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To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

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2019-06-10 06:26:43 (edited by grryfindore 2019-06-10 06:27:46)

I am floored, very surprised and thankful.
Shout out at Matt Campbell for their very very generous donation, That should have many people watching ADV for a while. smile

I have been backing up the server on my slow internet big_smile hence haven't updated you guys in a while, but couldn't wait to post the above before I had anything substancial to update you all with.
The mailing list will be created soon, but I hope the Mods actually listen to the many users that have posted disagreeing with their stance, or at least ask richard and Sandarman and carry on, rather than just stick to The utter letter of the law without consideration for humanity.
The copywrite trolls (I won't name any names here but looking at the topic I linked to ought to tell you who they are clearly enough) make me sick, But  all the people that have supported the audiovault so far, by either speaking for it (which shows how strongly they feel about it), the shows and movies of course, without those the vault wouldn't be where it is today, and the financial support, without which we couldn't keep the server going and let everyone no matter where they live have access to ADV as long as they have internet.
Thank you all
P.S. This turned out to be longer lol I thought I'd just write a few words above, but couldn't stop once I started. smile

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-06-10 08:06:04 (edited by gerech 2019-06-10 08:09:41)

@grryf i just want to thank you for all your hard work for bringing audiovault up. i use it everyday and my source for audio described content. if i could donate i would but i'm broke lol.

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To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

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2019-06-10 15:16:56

Has it been pointed out yet that the big companies literally don't give a shit about websites like these? Do they realise The Pirate Bay is still up and running after, what, 124 court cases? No one cares about this website, stop the copyright draama already! (No, I'm not going to change my mind.)

As for the future of the vault, I'll continue to donate whatever happens. I'm not a big fan of Reddit or a mailing list, but don't really need it either. As long as people continue to contribute to the vault, we don't really need to discuss a lot, in my view at least. Maybe we could create a forum on the site itself?

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2019-06-10 18:03:52

Reddit makes stuff much more discoverable for sighted people. I see a lot of requests like "I have a nephew/niece/old uncle with sight problems, where can I get audio description for xxx"? Audiovault is one thing, but an audiodescription Reddit would let people share links to content they ripped, ripping guides etc. Also Reddit only acts when they get a DMCA complaint, when they have to, not prematurely.

On a related note, article 13 should really worry you. If people were be given read-only ftp access to the Audiovault server, they could make backups. Of course, no one will grab the whole thing, but grabbing everything starting with a single letter of the alphabet is be realistic. That way, Audio Vault could easily be reconstructed if/when the servers are raided and Grryfindore goes to jail.

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2019-06-12 11:55:13

here is my opinion on the mods stance.
- it's cowardly.
- they are fixing something that aint broke.

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To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

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2019-06-12 13:54:35 (edited by grryfindore 2019-06-12 13:57:21)

A shout out at Paul lenn for his donation to the server!
Thank you paul for helping us in keeping the lights on big_smile

Been working on getting new content for you guys, but the back up has my internet pretty much tied up so its a little slow.

@blindaudiogamer, Thank you, and I totally understand that not everyone has the money to be able to support us financially, one of the major reasons for the vault's existance today.
@bollemanneke, the piratebay and the audiovault are a bit different, but yes, I do agree with you. smile
and thankee for all your donations and support so far.
@miki123211, I don't really want the vault to be all that discoverable, coughs what I mean by that whilst it would or ought to be easy enough to have someone else recreate the audiovault, I am in no hurry to have it taken down.
But yes, reddit is something that's under consideration, and feel free to pass the link to the audiovault to such users/ posters if you come across such. smile

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-06-12 21:57:38

Hi all. Does anybody have long walk to freedom audio described? Does it exist? Thanks.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

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2019-06-13 19:45:08

@Rtt, I looked on both the movie vault and audiovault, they don't seem to have it. Maybe it is audio described, it might not have been uploaded yet.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

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