2019-05-24 11:24:57

right i see. thanks.

2019-05-24 16:17:22

Gigastations are much more useful once you're not cramped at zone 60.
I start out building 20 or more before my first gigastation.

2019-05-24 21:14:59

yes but what's the advantage of building loads of warp stations before gigga stations?

2019-05-24 22:29:21

When you buy a gigastatiom, the price of gigastations is reset to what it was before.
If it's your first gigastation, it'll be 1qa metal and 100t gems.
Then, the price is increased by 20%
If you've build enough warpstations, the price will drop a lot when you buy a gigga. You also get that extra space.

2019-05-25 01:29:18

yay z67 furthest i've got yet! still haven't reset. it's slowing down somewhat now but well i like the helium rewards so i'm going to keep going until i hit a standstill.

2019-05-26 01:28:59

just started playing this game, I'm on zone 3. can someone tell me, how do you get other things like squimps and chimps? so far, I can only manage to get trimps. the game is really fun!

2019-05-26 10:59:20

trimps are what you have. you kill the others.

2019-05-27 09:24:15

ah ok.

2019-05-27 16:37:42

Well, I got to z 150 this week end and there's a new perk, I am not saying anything! big_smile
@Darren, at zone 70 you get a big damage bonus.
It's something like 600%*4, but you need to do the trapper challenge first, then switch formations when you get the new one.

2019-05-27 16:58:00

switch it to what? also i've noticed that for some strange reason the formations seem to change for some weird reason on their own. anybody else getting this?

2019-05-27 17:58:03

If you have hot keys on, pressing either x, h, d or b can change the formations.

2019-05-27 19:00:06

what and the screen reader of choice doesn't override that?

2019-05-27 19:46:38

Maybe, but it'll happen for sure if you press NVDA+space and start throwing around letters.

2019-05-27 20:00:06

ah right i see. well i haven't done that.

2019-05-29 07:29:40

what's up with the buttons?  with the jobs and huts nvda reads them all and they run together now is this something wrong with my chrome all of a sudden or did something change in game

2019-05-29 20:43:44

Not sure what you mean.
Could you post exactly what it said?

2019-06-03 16:24:34

ok so i finally have a question on Geneticist. are they actually worth getting? is the tradeoff breeding speed with the health boosts actually worth it? or should i just stick to gyms and shields etc? what do people think?

2019-06-04 10:52:48

Firstly I think you should use some punctuation, since your  posts aren't easy to listen to without it.

Secondly, consider that each geneticist costs %2 of your breed speed whilst each nursary increases it by %1, then work out how many you can comfortably get, though I believe there is a more serious use for geneticists when you have a particular perk.

Myself I've been sort of not well over the past few days, though at least it'll let my trimps top zone 100 so I can then start the decay challenge.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-06-04 16:25:05

Of course there worth it.
Believe it or not, eventually you'll output so many Trimps per second you have no good reason not to buy some geneticists, so you can trade extra breeding you don't really need for health.

2019-06-04 16:39:33

@Dark:  If you're nearing zone 100 and have yet to complete the trapper challenge, I strongly suggest you do so as soon as possible.  It grants one of those game-changing perks, like Carpentry and Coordinated.  It's also the perk you were just referring to.
Do you already have it?  Were you just trying not to spoil?

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-06-05 22:17:26

ok so finally i managed to get autostorage. boy have i been waiting for that, so firstly i assume it now stays with me throughout portling? secondly, will it cue buildings up over night? or only when i'm online. assuming that it doesn't, the moment i log back into the game, will it then buy the upgrades required?

2019-06-06 16:45:47

Auto storage is a permanent help.
I'm not sure about offline though.
It may buy when you come online again, but you'll probably use up resources.

2019-06-07 13:02:46

It buys stuff offline and you get most of the extra resources when you come back. Autostorage is one of my favourite things. big_smile

2019-06-07 13:28:04

yeah i love it myself. now doing the prison map. am thinking about what to do next. so does electrisity give a better helium reward than the balance challenge?

2019-06-10 18:55:09

A much better reward! But fair warning, it is not easy! Don't waste too much time on block when you run it—it won't help.