2019-05-16 21:36:16

there's a pirk that reduces coordination? at what level is that?

2019-05-17 02:01:09

The coordinated perk does.  You acquire it by completing the Coordinate challenge that is unlocked at zone 120.  It reduces the percentage of Trimps necessary to acquire coordination upgrades by 2% but leave the stat boosts the same.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-17 12:33:35

that's handy to know. shame i'm not near to that yet. i'm going to hit level 60 again soon. hopefully though i'll be able to get a little way passed it this time.

2019-05-17 16:37:59

@greensatellite, I cannot buy giga stations anymore. I don't know what happened, but now, when I click on giga station, I see a tooltip at the bottom with like top of tooltip, middle of tooltip, bottom of tooltip, but no make purchase or cancel option like there was before. Also those three sections feel strange, you might want to test with jaws how it renders.

Also, next thing I'd like to see improvement is the zone section. All those clickables like portal, maps, world, herlooms, etc. Some of the clickables are not labeled and I'd really like to have access to the repeat options and exit options. Like in the world to say to exit to maps after. Or in the maps to say repeat for any or something. I think Dark managed to use them with NVDA, but I never succeeded with jaws.

Thanks for the dedication you put into this!

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-05-17 17:30:22 (edited by keithwipf1 2019-05-17 17:31:24)

I've decided to do the life challenge.
I'm at zone 70 with 143 stacks.
My thoughts so far are:
You need to one shot enemies if you wanna keep max stacks or they have more of a chance to come alive.
There is no easy way to interpret the living squares.
Best I can think of is a status line that says the location of the next living imp, or a sound that plays when you should run to the map chamber to avoid an imp.

2019-05-17 17:31:48

@Origine:  I've had the exact same issue.  I've always been able to fix it by refresing the page.  Just remember to save before doing so, or you may lose a few minutes of progress!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-17 19:47:01

hi guys,

i've been looking a bit at the chamber. i keep seeing references to a well hidden book. anybody seen this? anybody gotten the well hidden books? if so what can you get from them.

2019-05-18 01:22:07

It's speedexplorers.


2019-05-18 11:14:34

oh right i see. thanks for that explination.

2019-05-18 20:28:38

well i am at z62. it's somewhat of a crawl but i've been busy for quite a bit of today so i'm ok with that to be honest. am getting helium at the end of each zone so that's the important thing.

2019-05-19 20:23:53

ok so i have now bought all of the exotic imports for zones. there's no way of doubling up on them is there?

2019-05-20 10:24:55

What do you mean by doubling up on them? 
I've just reached zone 120.  10 zones to go!  It may take another week to get there, but I'm determined to reach it!  Then I'll be able to finish all of the Scientist challenges, mapocalypse, coordinated and slow!  I know the smart thing to do would be to portal and cash in the 500k helium I have, because it'll make reaching 130 really easy after this, but I am too stubborn for my own good. sad

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-20 11:50:00

doubling up, buying the import again.

i'd probably do the same as you regards to pushing onward. then use the helium for 1 big pirk push afterward.

2019-05-20 22:43:40

Oh no.  You can't buy an import more than once.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-21 11:47:10

morning all. is it me or is it easier to boost hp than it is to boost attack? it's just something i seem to be finding. by the time i hit the likes of z60 my attack seems to drop very low but i can keep my health in a very good place.

2019-05-22 20:16:04

hi guys i've been unlocking formations every time i get to level 60. i can't see how you use them though. any ideas?

2019-05-22 20:22:28

You go to the trimp battle stats heading, then go up.
There are things that you can click on. Reading upwards from the bottom, there in this order, or at least they will be until you hit zone 70 and a new one is added to the bottom.

H means heap, it multiplies your hp by 4 but halves your block and attack.
x is your normal formation, it doesn't modify anything.

2019-05-22 20:42:07

oh! i saw that! i had no idea that it meant that though! lol oops. how do i know if i've activated the right one? is there a confirmation dialog? also can you switch back at any time or are you committed until the end of the map/zone?

2019-05-22 22:03:37

You can switch formations whenever you'd like.  You can switch by using those buttons, or by pressing the keys associated with the formation's letter.  e.g. press h to switch to heap, b for barrier, x for none, etc.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-22 22:03:54

You can switch at any time.
There is no conformation dialog.
You can see the effect of the formation, by viewing a breakdown of your health and damage.

2019-05-23 13:23:42

ok so i have a question on giga stations:.

based on the following text:
Gigastation: Costs gems: 100T (21.5%), metal: 1Qa (1 Min 59 Secs), science: 100B (3.70%)
Prestige your Warpstation, increasing the amount of Trimps it can house by 20% and the base cost by 75%. There's no turning back, learning these blueprints will make your previous model of Warpstation obsolete but functional, and you will keep all Trimps housed there. Learning this will build one new Warpstation. Holding Ctrl will cause as many Warpstations as you currently own to be purchased immediately after Gigastation, if you can afford them.

does the above mean that it will automatically upgrade my existing warp stations? what's this thing with holding down ctrl? does that work for us? does it mean it will build additional warp stations?

2019-05-23 14:44:25

If you buy that, your warp station will go back to 1, but the amount of trimps you owned will not decrease. Make sure to buy it after the cost of warpstation is higher than your gigastation, so you will use your resources more effitiently. You have to calculate the amount though

good day
sorry for my bad english

2019-05-23 15:17:57

ok so the 20% increase will that be from all the stations i have upgraded so far?

2019-05-24 00:30:34

i did think of that but here's the problem. every time i use the gigga station upgrade the next warp station is always more expensive than the gigga station. so at what point do i use the gigga station? also like i say do i get the 20% upgrade for all existing stations?

2019-05-24 06:05:03

You use the upgrade when your warpstations are too expensive to purchase new ones.  No.  Your previous warpstations will not gain 20% more capacity.  Only the future ones will.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr