2019-05-13 20:38:39

oh right lol. thanks. no wonder i never saw them. i'm still in the baby pen lol.

2019-05-13 20:46:59

Na, you are in the toddler pen.
The baby pen is zone 1 big_smile

2019-05-13 21:48:12

hehhehheheheh yeah probably true. well i reset at level 60. oh i saw 2 options when i leveled up to z60 and i don't know what they mean. there were 2 options. 1 was i'm scared the next was i'm fine. any ideas?

2019-05-13 21:50:53

They don't do anything that effects the game.

2019-05-13 22:43:14

oh right. i did wonder as i couldn't see any noticeable affect.

2019-05-14 03:38:00

Is anyone else having the issue where after they break the planet and they create a map, they start doing something like -300qa% damage to enemies? It's only been recently and it can be fixed by saving manually and refreshing, though it can take a couple of attempts, but it's weird and annoying to have to deal with it and I want it fixed...

2019-05-14 10:51:27

I get that map issue whenever I start a new map but I'm unable to send trimps out.  I think the summary display assumes you have 0 attack and health until a group is sent out or something.  I'm not sure.  Anyway, if you're uncertain, you can always check your actual attack and health and compare them to your opponent's and not use the summary display.  It's far more informative anyway, because the summary only considers minimum damage.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-14 14:28:23

I should be hitting zone 100 this time around, though I think I'll concentrate on the challenges  which actually give perks and such before I start simply grinding for helium.

Coordinations seem to be the way to survival, though I still have to level up carpentry some more as I am beginning to miss them around zone 70 or so, still as is usual with Trimps I've done better each time around which is always good and I'll hopefully continue to  improve as I spend more on perks, get more heirlooms etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-05-14 20:42:27

So, this run is the first time I began to see that I'm growing more powerful each time I portal. I wiped out the scientist challenge struggling on cell 82 to 100 on The Block, but other than that it was pretty normal. Still, I can't imagine me ever liking the scientist challenges... lol.
On a good note, I did clear The Block in 3 hours and 8 minutes, all do to scientist, otherwise I might have done it in a little under 2 hours.
Now I'm considering what to do... I made it to zone 60 last run, so my carpentry is at level 11. I haven't built any hotels, 14 houses and 9 huts and we're at 2k trimps already, so that's a good sign of me not needing quite as much helium for wormholes. Still, I'm at a bit of a loss.
I could grind balance, but I'm a bit intimidated by the increase in damage. Same goes for meditation. Decay is down right terrifying and I don't stand a chance in hell in succeeding at it... It took me roughly a week to push from zone 40 to 60. I am a bit afraid of not being able to learn coordination if I do the Trimp challenge, I just don't know how much of my attack comes from the upgrade.
So suggestions, anyone? I know you can abandon challenges, but here's a thing: There is no way in hell I'll quit when I realize that I am too weak or I can't do something. If anything, I'll be even more determined to prove the game wrong and push through despite it taking years for me to succeed.
I'm also considering investing in packrat, as it's currently at level 3. I haven't experienced a lot of  benefits from it when I upgraded the perk, to be honest. Really, the only time it started hurting was at zones 55 to 59 when each equipment upgrade required about 2 storage upgrades.
I'm thinking of spending 5 days on each run and seeing how far I can get, though again, I might be tempted by all that nice and crisp helium...

2019-05-14 20:58:32

Actually, the modified enemies you get in challenges aren't so noticeable.
Meditation is not very hard.
In decay, you can easily and quickly turn zones to rubble.
Just don't fall into the loophole where you need to farm resources and get equipment upgrades, but your attack is lowering to the point where each shield takes a day or 2.
Balance is cool.
You probably won't notice the map damage much, I've run void maps at zone 40 in balance to get that nice extra helium and you'll need to run the world damage through a decimal calculator if you expect to get a large difference.
You *really* should upgrade carpentry 8 levels or so.
You will need the housing to get the coordination upgrades.
Keep in mind, the more carpentry you buy, the larger the effect becomes.
If I were to buy a level now, my houses would probably hold 150% more trimps.
My carpentry is level 30+, and I need more big_smile
The Trimp challenge gives a decent perk.
Once you've broken the planet 4 or 5 times, it'll get easier.
For me, I may break the planet in half an hour or so, and I'll sort of run into a wall, which is because my Trimps can't face the enemies at z 60, because those enemies can now penetrate the block that was my Trimps only defense.
It'll take me another hour I'd say to reach zone 70.

2019-05-14 21:45:22

carpentry is the best pirk i've come across so far. packrat is also really good because it sort of reduces the price of storage upgrades.

2019-05-14 23:04:16

Oh man, I gave up buying shield block on my last three runs. I haven't noticed it made much of a difference, but I wanted to be ready for post60.
The trimp challenge made me nervous, so I want to make sure I'm ready. Second time through though getting to 50 doesn't seem like a chore and I'm only down to 10 wormholes or so. A couple more runs and I'll probably be able to skimp on them altogether. The scientist challenges were really easy for me actually, Scientist II took me maybe half an hour tops?


2019-05-15 04:09:59

Still playing, still a great game. I'll soon have over 200k helium. I want to push to 110+. I love dailies, so cool!

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-05-15 06:30:35 (edited by aaron77 2019-05-15 06:37:37)

I'm currently trying to stumble my way through the life challenge.  I'm assuming losing stacks will only become an issue later on when opponents are much scarier than my trimps, but right now as of zone 40 something I haven't really had to worry about them.
I'll probably mess around with dailies after this though.
Edit:Aaaaaaand... I just ran out of stacks.  Progressing from this point will pretty much be impossible! lol

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-15 10:04:41

I beat Decay! I had to scramble near the end there because it was taking too long for me to get through the zones so I couldn't risk running maps for prestiges, and I had to spend some of my bones on twelve hours of resources to get the metal required to boost my eq enough to sprint the last one and a half zones. But I made it! Next challenge I'm going for is Trimp.

2019-05-15 10:14:22

Resilience is really nice, Trimp is definitely worth it!  Once you've completed all of your challenges you should go back to Decay!
I got this really awesome daily challenge that I'm trying to go through at the moment.
You have the 2019-05-11 Daily challenge active.
• Enemies gain a stack of Bloodthirst whenever Trimps die. Every 5 stacks, enemies will heal to full and gain an additive 50% attack. Stacks cap at 20 and reset after killing an enemy.
• Enemy health increased by 220%.
• Gain a stack after killing an enemy, increasing all non Helium loot by 0.60%. Stacks cap at 350, and reset after clearing a Zone.
• Enemies have a 26% chance to dodge your attacks on even Zones.
Challenge has no end point, and grants an additional 357% of all helium earned before finishing.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-15 11:34:43

morning all. well i'm at z40 and haven't had to build 1 wormhole. lets see if i can get to z50 without having to spend helium on wormholes. i've decided that's my next target. to be able to get to z50 without having to use 1 wormhole.

2019-05-15 11:59:34

ok so i'll have to do at least 1 more rerun. i got to z43 then i ran out of space for coordinations. i'm going to keep going though because i can use the helium to boost carpentry

2019-05-15 16:01:55

@amerikranian, coordination  makes a pretty huge difference to trimp attack and health, but if you've completed several of the scientist challenges you should be okay with the trimp challenge, particularly since it gives a really handy perk.
I found it relatively easy up until I hit zone 10, then I suddenly hit something of a miner brick wall and had to wait until I'd bought some more equipment levels to buff my trimp up enough, but still it wasn't too bad.

This time through things were really easy up until zone 70, then I hit the wall, but I assume as I do more challenges and increase perks that wall will go up a little. Really I suppose I should be portalling faster when things get tough, but its just too tempting to progress to higher zones.

With Carpentry, I followed the suggestion on the wiki of banging half my helium into carpentry which has been  helpful, though other perks are good, particularly looting, its at the stage where grinding a metal map can get me upgrades in an hour it'd take a couple of days of waiting for my miners to get.
I'm on 102 k total helium at the second, though as I'm just on zone 81 and want to hit a hundred this time I hope to be around the 150k  mark before I portal, then its going to be a case of choosing whether I fancy trapper or decay as my next challenge,  I definitely don't think I'm ready for electricity as yet.
I probably will bight the bullet and give decay a go, and I suspect like balance this won't be half as hard as it sounds, actually if I hadn't got a bit stuck on scientist iii, due to me hitting b a bit too quickly and buying the shield prestiege upgrade, then refusing to restart for several days I'd probably have decay finished now and be over zone 110, still hay, never mind, the game is still cool and there is always more to do as usual.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-05-15 16:37:39

I got this daily challenge here.
I am not liking grinding maps with this, because:
You have the 2019-05-14 Daily challenge active.
• Trimps gain a stack of Pressure every 55 seconds. Each stack of pressure reduces Trimp health by 1%. Max of 60 stacks, stacks reset after clearing a Zone.
• Enemy health in maps increased by 210%.
• Enemy health increased by 300%.
Challenge has no end point, and grants an additional 390% of all helium earned before finishing.
I bet the two health modifiers are buffing each other, so the enemies in maps have something like 1000% extra health!
It gives almost as much helium as life though.

2019-05-15 19:45:50

That is an evil, evil daily challenge!  It might give as much helium as life but Life actually gives you a really amazing advantage if you're able to use it! lol
@Dark:  Decay isn't difficult at all.  You may not be able to finish it your first few times, but that's okay because you'll reach your limit in like two hours and gain a lot of helium as a result.  The important thing is to ensure that you automatically return to the world when you finish acquiring every equipment upgrade you need from maps.  You shouldn't have trouble with resources until you hit zone 50 or so, but at that point it's just waiting to see if you can beat 55 or not.  If you can't, you can always abandon the challenge and complete your run, then portal again.  You still would have gotten a shortcut to zone 50!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-15 20:35:50

I agree big_smile
You have completed the Daily challenge! You have been rewarded with 166K extra Helium!

Wonder if I should try life.
Zone 110 is a rather extreme range for me, though.

2019-05-15 22:18:26

sounds like a lot of helium but how much pirk wise can you get with that?

2019-05-16 00:19:42

@aaron77, last time I went through the fifties I got to 60 before I knew it, and I can always make sure to sink a few extra points into power and related damage skills so that I can progress through maps faster, I hope to get to zone 100 tomorrow, since I'm at 84 at the second,  we will see.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-05-16 16:24:26

Hmm, maybe 1 in carpentry, and 5 or 6 in those perks like packrat or power that I don't upgrade so often.
I actually upgraded power quite a bit.
I am at zone 119 so far and My next challenge should give a perk that reduces Trimps required for coordination.
This is good, because I *am* sick and tired of missing coordination upgrades this far into the game.