2019-05-11 22:26:04

Hi all
So, I have heard a lot about A Heros Call, and I was wondering if, in your guys opinions, is it worth it?
Thank you,

2019-05-11 22:32:05

trust me, it sure worth it
for 20 bucks, you know, you should buy it

2019-05-11 23:17:35

A hero's call is a great game, and it's sure worth 20 bux.

2019-05-11 23:22:49

Its not IMO

2019-05-12 00:22:59

I don't think anyone could honestly say whether or not you would find the game worth it given only your original post, but judging from the pages upon pages of posts regarding the game, I'd say there were a lot of people who found it worth the price.

2019-05-12 01:01:13

I would say yes it is definitely worth it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-05-12 01:46:21

Yes it is worth the 20 dollars imo.

2019-05-12 01:58:10

It is worth it if you keep your expectations realistic. Overhype it in your own mind and it certainly will disappoint you.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-05-12 13:12:24

One month ago i was exactly in your place.Trust me its worth it.
For me atleast its one of the best game for blind people.
At first i didn't want to pay 20$ but then i did and even after one month thoose money was a good invest for me atleast.
So if you want a game that you can easyli can lose 1-3 hours in one stay buy it.
Thats my experience with the game!

2019-05-12 13:17:19

it is seriously.

Yours kindly

2019-05-12 13:28:49

it is, but it's also overrated.

2019-05-12 13:36:48

If the concept of an RPG with turn based combat and really emersive audio, plus full voice acting sounds appealing to you, then it's absolutely worth it. The game sounds really good and is extremely polished, especially considering the price, and the way the interface works with consistent use of hotkey to obtain information about enemies and items means equipment management can be done really quickly and easily.
That being said, if you much more prefer realtime action, things like first person shooters and side scrollers, and find battles in games like Crazy Party and Manamon boring you might not like AHC that much, because the majority of the game is spent in turn based battles.

2019-05-12 14:53:40

The game is worth 20 bucks, but I herd that it is abit short if you really have time.
I do not, so for me, it is not finished yet and I bought it what, on the same day of the release.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2019-05-12 16:28:18

Yeah it is a bit short compared to mainstream titles.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-05-12 16:32:00

I'm not used to games like this one so I had to give it time and now I can say it's good. I don't regret it but that's just me.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2019-05-12 22:27:29

Game isn't all -that short, not really. I mean, if you did an any-% speedrun you could probably do it in a few hours, and there are definitely mainstream games that are this short under the same requirements. But if you're thinking that you're gonna get 40 hours of complex quests, think again. The game is fairly simplistic in that regard, but it's also quite large, atmospheric and well put together after most of the bugs have been squashed.

For me, it was absolutely, no-doubt-about-it worth twenty bucks. It did not deserve every iota of hype it got, but few games do, and some of the games which end up apparently living up to their hype are...well, maybe not as good in my own opinion (Crazy Party, for one, which is a good game but maybe not as mind-blowing as some people believe). Also, all the breaking shooters. Seriously.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-05-13 05:59:13

The only reason a speed run would be halted is because items appear in random places... if not for that, a speedrunner could probably finish the whole game's 35 quests in just a little over an hour.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-05-13 07:14:40

I would love to see that actually happen without cheats or other manipulation. An hour for all 35 quests? I'd say maybe 3-4 hours, myself.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-05-14 06:00:03

It's overrated but the gameplay is solid.  If you want an amazing plot you're not going to find it here, so the game fell short for me but if it's worth it is subjective to what games you like to play.  I like good story and immersive battle systems, and didn't find either in A Hero's Call so the game wasn't worth it to me, but I'm debating playing it again knowing how the game is and seeing if my opinion of it will change.  Definitely have to accept the game as is, and not buy into the hype.

Look up some Let's plays of the game first if you're on the fence, I know Liam did one, can probs find a few others as well.

2019-05-14 07:16:32

In my humble opinion, not without a demo. There is no point in paying for a game if you don't have the chance to try it out first. That's like buying your first laptop without knowing where the keyboard is.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2019-05-14 08:07:31

Lol, if you don't know where you would find the keyboard on a laptop you shouldn't be using one anyway. but honestly, this comment doesn't really surprise me, with the things you post most of the times ... well.

On another note, as others have said, expect  no big plott, but if you like a very good audio environment, good voice acting, a pile of quests and loot, go for it.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-05-14 09:44:05

agreed, 21.

2019-05-14 12:37:55

As others have said, if you're looking for a game with a huge array of quests and things to do, you'll probably be vastly disappointed. Considering it was done by a very small team of people though, it's not bad. I've played through and beaten the main story once, tried to 100 percent the game but couldn't because of various bugs that I'm sure were resolved eventually. You get a new game plus mode at the end but can't speak for that because I've never played that. Navigation/equipment  system is solid, though I found I honestly didn't need 3 quarters of the equipment. I recall being vastly overleveled though, so there's that. There's some neat things that really aren't in any audio game too. Particularly, character's having their own sidestorie's. In short, yeah I'd say pick it up. Just remember that it might not be out to subvert expectations though.

2019-05-14 15:36:32

*snorts at 20*

I'd say around two hours to complete the main story. Now I know I couldn't do it in that but someone could I'm sure.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-05-14 17:38:46

As far as it not being worth it without a demo? Well, if there were no LP's available on youtube and no info available elsewhere, I'd agree with you. So maybe in the first week or so, that was a bit of an ask from players. Now though? Not...so much. The in-game help is very good, the manual is solid so you could conceivably teach yourself how to play before playing, so the only thing to decide would be whether or not the game is worthwhile. Given the way it works, it would be hard to make a demo, in any case, and I understand why it wasn't done. Open world games are harder to make demos for.
And the analogy about a laptop and not knowing where the keyboard is? Laughable, absolutely laughable. A more apt description is that it would be like buying a laptop without testing its key depth, so you might end up disliking the keyboard.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1