2019-04-28 10:06:26

I've noticed weirdness about the save too. I tell it to skip the intro, and sometimes it only honors this after I quit and restart the game. Then after I play some, then quit, the next time I run it, the intro is back. It's as if the save is cleared for some reason.

Other than that, I love the new stuff! Keep it up!

2019-04-28 12:30:57 (edited by RemusLupin 2019-04-28 12:34:14)

hi sam
I find a bug: options for example skip intro, choose name, is not saving. You can see this in my audioclip whitch i recorded for anyaudio:

Yours kindly

2019-04-28 12:41:00

sam, I don't think that the behind pitch decreesing, and encreesing option is working. when I apply the changes in the options menu, I can't hear any differents

me and a friend of mine have made a youtube channel where we upload beats that we make. If you want to check it out, you can find it at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD0CxF … PFlCqjOtOA

2019-04-28 13:08:47

@78: The actual problem is that the options menu isn't working quite right in the first place. Sometimes options take, sometimes they don't, and sometimes when you run the game they return to defaults.

2019-04-28 15:21:19

I have one more suggestion. After you pick up a power up, maybe it could make a different sound for each powerup or read what powerup you got with speech that's not NVDA. It's really easy to miss which one you got unless you have sleep mode on, and even then it sometimes gets drowned out.

2019-04-28 16:33:03

Hi all, so I think for the next build which will hopefully be released soon, the buggy options menu has been fixed

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-04-29 00:42:21

I've noticed that a lot of times the powerup you get isn't being read. I'm using JAWS, and I'm pretty sure the problem is that if you're not extremely careful about just tapping arrow keys when near a powerup, if you have a key held down, speech is interrupted so you never get to hear what it said.

2019-04-29 02:09:58 (edited by defender 2019-04-29 02:14:12)

Same and I'm on NVDA.  I find that using prerecorded speech works better anyway, that way you don't miss it because the screen reader is disabled to avoid notifications from other programs, or just gets drowned out by other sounds.
Doesn't need to be voiced, just some TTS at a reasonable rate and volume would work fine.  Add an echo to make it cooler if you'd like tongue

I also think a slightly larger field or at least a higher expansion rate would be kinda nice, but maybe that's just me.

2019-04-29 02:45:21

Alternatively, I could easily make a key that repeats the last thing spoken if that would make it easier for some people. About the larger map size, we could, but I've found that if we do this, the field quickly becomes sparse and you can survive for 20 minutes for lack of entities in a given space.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-04-29 03:26:27

Also, it would be cool to see a Mac version as well.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
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Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2019-04-29 08:44:22

One thing I've noticed is that if you have something like a friendly bot or are possessed, a lot of times it'll cut down any cacti that spawn. Normally this is all well and good, but it's very likely to be fatal if that cactus spawned because a troll also spawned. You would think the goal of any AI would be, at the very least, not to get itself killed. Of course there's a problem here, since the AI probably doesn't take into account that if its actions get you killed, it's going to effectively die as well, since when you die, it's game over, and the entire field—and everything and everyone on it—is destroyed.

2019-04-29 09:10:32

I've seen the AI wait multiple times for trolls behind cactuses on purpose, so it's not going to destroy them unless it doesn't see a troll, which sometimes gets confusing because one may be away from its field of view, and you know what a troll without a cactus means tongue

2019-04-29 12:13:54

I just saw something happen which seems an outright bug.

So there I was, playing my little heart out, when I became possessed. Ah cool, I get to sit back and relax for ten seconds while the AI goes off and does good stuff for me! Well, not quite.

A cactus spawned. I could also hear that a troll had spawned. So my possessed self walks up to the cactus and…CHOP! Bye bye, cactus. Nice to see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

You can see where this quickly lead. Game over! The troll was no doubt very happy with the actions of my AI self, since it sealed my doom. Even if I'd somehow been able to rest control of my character from the bumbling idiot currently in the driver's seat, I could have done nothing to save myself.

2019-04-29 15:44:52

I think that's kind of sometimes the point, there has to be some risk factor involved with letting an AI controlled character sit behind the wheel. I feel it shouldn't be able to 100% of the time always keep itself or you safe (That's unrealistic)

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2019-04-29 15:56:04

So what happens is it only looks for a troll within 15 tiles of it, I'll change that and it should be way way better with dealing with trolls. The other thing that really confuses the AI that will be harder to fix is when it is waiting behind a cactus and a zombie comes traipsing over to it to take a nice bite, it then swings at the zombie, which also destroys the cactus, then the troll comes and kills it. But I will greatly increase the range of looking for cacti and trolls so it doesn't stupidly chop down the cactus while a troll is on the map.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-04-29 15:57:04

Also for a mac version, I have an old mac but I don't have a charger for it right now, so I can't build for mac at the moment. If I become able to I will certainly do so, though my knowledge of OSX is very limited

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-04-29 16:35:04

Wow! I really! Love games with AI!
I gotta try this!
Thanks for the fun game.
By the way, could I check out the NVG?

2019-04-29 16:59:23

As of now NVG is closed source, sorry

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-04-29 17:25:39

Funny idea, helicopter.
Picks up enemies or cactus's and drops them near you.
Moves quickly, takes 3 hits to destroy, spawns every 2 minutes or so, can drop bombs which destroy stuff and create pits, moves fast, but can't damage you if you jump.
My idea for a boss.

2019-04-29 18:19:13

Good job, man. Love it!

2019-04-29 22:44:16

@91, if you want or need help, I am more than happy to. I know you probably won't but if you need, I have a mac here that is already set to compile.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2019-04-30 00:01:28 (edited by defender 2019-05-01 08:25:16)

Yeah you can also get cheap but still decent chargers on amazon, they are off brand, but as long as they are somewhere between dirt cheap and basically the same price as the ones from Apple, you should be okay if the reviews look good and legit.
I've done that before my self like three times now.  No fucking way I'm paying 100 bucks for a god damn laptop charger.

And point taken about the field size.

I would prefer a prerecorded voice my self, since if you have your speech off, you'd need to turn it on and then use that key while not picking up any more items, then turn it off again.  That's kinda hard in the thick of things.  Plus, by the time things get quiet enough to understand it, you may have picked up another item again.

Have you considered using a system more like the older games, troop2, super deekout ETC, where you can use items you've picked up when ever you want?  That way you can use them more effectively...  You could use the number row, letters, or page up and down or something with the item name voiced as you scroll to it.
Maybe this would take too much out of the randomness though I don't know, but at least then you could choose when to use things like super speed and possession.

2019-04-30 02:32:21

Yeah we could do prerecorded speech, or make each powerup have a separate sound. I am thinking of the latter, because then it may be possible to add translations in the future

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2019-05-01 08:25:34

Yeah, that makes sense.  Good thinking.

2019-05-02 05:28:00

I'm in favor of having different sounds for powerups. I also agree that the AI shouldn't be too smart, having it not be infallible is kind of the fun of it, sort of like how in other games, a powerup might not be so helpful. It sucks when it makes you lose a game, but at the same time, it's all part of keeping you on edg as you play.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.