2019-04-25 18:01:54

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc … reamSource

Look at pygame.mixer.pre_init, your pre_init may need to be changed.

2019-04-25 18:23:31

Thanks, I'll give it a try.
By the way, the exact problem is that when I call the method, it doesn't do anything, weather or not I store the channel it returns in a variable.
Sometimes, I got the computer to play lots of white noise by setting the sound to looping, but that's the farthest I've gotten.
Would you say that Pygame is reliable as sound lib?

2019-04-25 20:22:23

No, I wouldn't. Pygame is also limited to 1d functionality if I remember correctly. You'll be stuck making side scrollers because pygame has limited pan functionality.

2019-04-25 21:00:16

Oh, the reason I wanted to try is because I can't figure out how to get an app created by py installer to load the sound_lib dlls.
I tried os.chdir(sys._MEIPASS) and that seemed to fix some problems, but the best I could do was a runtime hook to copy all the DLLS into the application's folder.
I also tried adding them as binaries using the .spec file, but no luck.
Also maybe you could find a way to reduce and increase the volume of pygame sounds so it would sound farther away or closer to you.
I did get it to work though.