2019-04-19 18:53:58 (edited by assault_freak 2019-04-19 18:56:28)

The preload happens automatically, if you've allowed your console to download things by itself. I was seriously going to wait on this game but until SS comes out in June, I want something new to play... I may cave and by this afterall.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-19 19:11:57 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-19 19:13:38)

preload for steam has begun. if i''m not mistaking, file size is 64.5 gb!
@assault_freak great stuff, You might like this game as they moved away from long strings of combos to more neutral based play style.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-19 19:13:44

To pre-load a game on the xbox, if you check my games and apps and notice a game is 100 mb, but then check the game in the store and you notice that the file size has increased, if you stay on that store page you might find an install option.
Also, pre-loading may happen automatically if your console is in instant on mode, or sometimes even if you play a game. Depends on the situation. I had to preload the 32 gb downlaod manually yesterday.

2019-04-19 20:30:50 (edited by Shadowcat 2019-04-19 20:59:20)

So... don't know about everyone else, lol but I found this, and I am now much less excited for the game. I originally had this preordered for one of two people, or myself, but after reading, unless this gets patched, I might just wait until the complete edition. I like people who might play the game... but I can't support paying full price for it, and don't know anybody who'd willingly put up with it. And I'm not even just talking about accessibility any more... who legitimately likes this in a fighting game?

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-04-19 21:34:59 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-19 21:35:45)

@blind ninja, i see what you mean. for me, the actual gameplay is important than this though so i am not  worrying that much, however, I am pissed that i've payed $100 and i don't get to have all the intros and victories unlocked and i have to  grind / pay for them.
Am i disappointed, yes. did i expect this? yes. WB are real assholes and this was all expected. At least we don't have a fighting game with a proper singlePlayer content that we could say like, hey, they could make it like that game. street fighter had its own issues, It didn't even launch with arcade battles and it's netcode is still trash. soulcalibur's singleplayer content is just lame and after story you'll just end up playing online or vs friends or the arcades.
This still doesn't counter the argument  of the price though. paying 60 dollars and they still piss on their playerbase for implementing something like towers of time, crystals, a way to go around the phrasing of loot boxes and implementing it in a way that  the lawmen wouldn't care, and go on and go on.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-19 21:37:24

I'll still buy 2 copies of the game on launch day. I love mk too much to let something like that bother me.

2019-04-19 21:48:56 (edited by Shadowcat 2019-04-19 21:49:30)

Yeah... at least there's an arcade and story mode at launch... I've also heard rumors though that the game basically requires you to have an internet connection for almost everything, including the krypt, even saving character variations for whatever reason. Sorry switch players if you wanted to play on the go... to the training room with you!

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-04-19 21:51:34

steam users can preload the game now.

2019-04-19 22:58:12 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-19 23:01:00)

Guys, there is a new website by noble raptor that may be the only thing we need for move lists, combos, character guides and basically all sorts of guides and help for mortal kombat 11!
The site is in process, but guys this is it, basically. welcome to having accessible move data for mmortal kombat 11... whenever he adds the data of course.
Also post #1 updated.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-20 00:37:26 (edited by assault_freak 2019-04-20 00:44:17)

@hadi, long combos don't bother me. I play Tekken and KI. lol What bothers me is, as can be seen in the article posted, how much gimic and padding is in this game... if I didn't know this was MK I would think of it as an RPG. Do I love MK? Well, yes, when it wasn't trying to be both an rpg or emulate a super hero game fighting game. Say what you want about SFV and its lack of singleplayer content, yes it was horrible. But now that it has the content, people love it because it's first and foremost a great fighting game. Same with Soul Calibur. Singleplayer content is a nice extra, but if I had to pick between a game with tons of content and gimics but average gameplay or a game with lacklustre content but a fun fighting system, I would go with the second. But I know that I'm by and far the minority in this game. MK's amount of singleplayer stuf turns me off ore than anything, because if you just turn all your focus to the underlying mechanics, it doesn't have enough there to keep me coming back. Again, I'm the minority... but I still want to at least try this game. Soul Calibur and street Fighter are two games that I find very hard to put down. But again, I realize that my stance on fighting games is a very rare one on this forum. I still love SF V, because its netcode at least on ps4 where I play is great, and I can play matches with very few issues. SC is also the same. And I'd be willing to bet money that most people here will not touch Samurai Shodown because it probably won't have a mountain of singleplayer content. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 00:41:55

Well, the problem for me is that I don't get into the fighting mechanics of street fighter and soul calibur, I am missing the resources for the basics there, that's why I never really got aquainted with SFV, any tips for good repositorys on mechanics and the like?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-20 01:25:01

That's just it... the mechanics are all very simple to explain. There are tons of strategy guides that outline the basics. The trick with SF and SC is that much of where the complexity lies is in your fighting strategy more than the amount of commands there are. Block timing, spacing, are all fundamentals to any fighting game, not just those two. But that's off the scope of this topic... seriously though, just google street fighter or soul calibur basics and you will find plenty.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 01:31:50 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-20 01:34:32)

you may be the minority in audio games community or in the blind community in  general but street fighter still has the biggest chunk of the fighting game community and generates the most from e sports, tournaments and such. which NRS is going to try and level it up with mk11, which in my personal opinion might not succeed. SFV still is the most popular fighting game with a fun game mechanic like you said.
I wasn't trying to bash SFV or soulcalibur, i was just trying to point out the flaws that sfv has in which mk11 doesn't, which as an mk fan is valuable to me. for example the beginner friendlyness of mk11, the so much superior net code, the strong and stable launch compared to sfv's rather ridiculous launch, and such. for example  on mkx, which is much older and out of date compared to sfv i can easily play online vs my american friends without any lags, while in sfv i can't even play with a friend in Sweden.
You on the other hand may not even care for online play which is ok. we all have our  favorites and preferences.
Even though i am an mk fan, I would still bash them for their greediness. The tower of time may end up being not very accessible and fun do to how augments work and i will be pissed about it
and even though i played street fighter and also am a fan, I find capcom's greed and cheesy atempts to steal player's pockets by their horrendous way of implementing fight money to then  later decrease its gain to make grinding for costumes and colors and other dlc painful so players would be forced to pay for them,  very funny. As a blind player you wouldn't care for this sort of stuff which is a plus for sfv.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-20 01:42:44 (edited by assault_freak 2019-04-20 01:45:39)

I actually care lots about online... I already said that. lol That's why singleplayer content or lack there of bothers me. And yes, I know the series I mentioned have flaws. But I would rather have a product that is shabby at launch and then improved upon, rather than one that is launched and then dropped after a year or two. I play matches with people all over the world on ps4 and have no issues. Online, versus and arcade modes are where it's at for me. Extra modes are fun too, though. And I'm not an M fan anymore. The series just doesn't grab me anymore... MK 9 was the last one I enjoyed because it had all the things that made MK what it was when it was at the height of its popularity back in the 90s. MK x and 11 feel like superhero games, as I said. Still, I'll play it whenever I get the chance... but again, as Blind Ninja said, who wants so much rpg-like extras in a fighting game? I wish I could be an MK fan again, but there are just so many other good series that have interesting characters and deep gameplay without needing to resort to adding things like gear and stat buffs / nerfs.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 02:14:58

eh, agree with you about the rpg elements, but i still love mk11, they've gone ahead and improved on some characters that i love, johnny cage is cockyer than ever and liu kang has a badass voice acter and a nunchuck to play with.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-20 02:16:06

Having said everything I have, I will saywhat I always say on MK topics on this forum because I get accused by people for being close-minded. I am going to try this game when I get the chance. Everything I say is going simply off past experiences and my own preferences for good solid fighting over flashy extras. big_smile And maybe I just don't have much of a taste for blood and gore anymore. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 02:23:36


another game I am certainly expecting is the new Samurai Showdown game later this year, the fighting system looks a bit slower and more tacktical then the fast pased system of the mk games.

The biggest thing that mk 11 now has is the hype so close to release, it has to be seen if the game can live up to it or not.
I certainly play it for the new storie mode which is there, after doing that, well, I have to see, I was never the big online player because for that I am playing fighting games just to casually.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-20 02:57:23

That's personally why I just try to like every game for what it is. lol Main reason I can like SF for what it is, while also liking MK for the flashy combos and head cracking action. Granted, I'm also about 85 percent casual player, so maybe that has something to do with it.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-04-20 04:20:33

Hey, flameAlchemist.

You should re read my last post. I never said anything about there is something wrong with pre-ordering the game.
I pre-order the game months ago. By the way I am not the only one that feels that it is not right for those who pre-order the hard copy that they will get the game a day early then those who have pre-order the digital copy.

2019-04-20 04:34:05

I don't get the issue. what's it matter that some get the game early? eddventually we're all gonna play it.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

2019-04-20 10:05:04

ok let me clear up something here.
The people who are getting mk11 early are getting the physical edition of the xbox and ps4 versions. Because of the extremely high amount of local stores selling physical disks, NRS can not do  anything if these stores decide to ship the disks out early to please their buyers.
All the digital versions will be released at april 23, regardless or pre order or not.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-20 16:02:32

Hmm, I don't really mind the different loadouts of characters, I quite like messing around with different atributes and seeing how characters change. As long as they don't impact every mode of play, I am content.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-20 18:38:55

I don't honestly see the issue here, either. lol
@simba, yeah, I see what you're saying, and I'd be up for messing with attributes and things, if this was an RPG. But it's not an rpg. smile Still, it'll be cool to try it at least for awhile and see how long I can stay addicted. I have no doubts I'll enjoy the first couple days.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 18:55:55

Sorry for the double post... but the real curiocity for me at this oint will be how the menus are in terms of accessibility. I don't want to expect too much, but I'd definitely be a lot more positive about this game if the menus are improved from the way they were in the beta.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 19:42:34 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-20 19:44:48)

simba wrote:

Hmm, I don't really mind the different loadouts of characters, I quite like messing around with different atributes and seeing how characters change. As long as they don't impact every mode of play, I am content.

Greetings Moritz.

a few points.
1. All the gear are cosmetics and don't give you stats. so basically if you don't care about them you can just never worry about them at all.
2. augments are some sort of powerups that you can install on your gear and they only work in towers of time  mode. this may be the only inaccessible element as it's going to be a bit hard to level up your gear and install different augments on them. they don't effect local tournament mode, rank matches, player matches and basically everything online.
3. customizing moves, e.g. swapping abilities on the characters is pretty accessible  according to some of my friends who played the beta. also all the character abilities are unlocked from the start and you can  customize your character as you wish. this only works in local play and towers, and online casual play match.
4. ranked matches have preset character variations so you can't customize the abilities. same goes for local tournament mode i think.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi