2019-01-03 04:05:29

Hello guys!
anyone know if it is possible to control a PC or an iPhone through an Android device by TeamViewer?

2019-01-03 04:52:43

Possible? Yes. Accessible? Probably not.

2019-01-04 04:21:27 (edited by Thatguy 2019-01-05 00:08:46)

Well sure, you can control a pc with an android device. But as post 2 stated, it may not be the most accessible thing ever. Controlling a pc with an iPhone isn't too bad though. It takes forever, as you have to individually press the keys in a key combo, but if your patient you can do it. Unless you're using a screenreader though, or have some vision, you won't have any idea of what's actually on your display.. If you are using a screenreader, the audio is actually transfered to the phone, which is pretty helpful. Now, I know your question was about android, but I'm hoping that in some way helps.
You cannot control an iPhone with anything, unfortunately. However, if you are looking to control another computer with a computer, and you're using NVDA as your screenreader, I believe there's an addon to make things a little easier on you. If you're interested, I can find it.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-01-16 03:08:19

Hello guys!
If I try to connect to a PC from someone who sees, can I work using NVDA?

2019-01-17 03:47:35

Somewhat. It's not terribly accessible, but I believe there's an addon somewhere's that'll help you out. It's been a while since I've seen it, but if you like, I'll try and look around for it again.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.