2018-11-12 21:37:35

Good afternoon. We are a lesser race now. For the man, the myth, th Legend passed away this morning.
Stan Lee gave me a passion. A passion for comics. Heroes. The right way of living my life. He created Captain America, my idol. He created Spider-Man, my childhood. He made me feel powerful as a blind man with Daredevil. Stan, thank you. For everything. May you drink with Odin in the halls of Valhalla forever. Excelsior!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2018-11-12 22:13:48

That is sad to hear, may he rest in peace, Spider-Man is a part of my kildhood too, so, yeah, he always will be remembered.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-11-12 22:38:59

Perhaps. Or perhaps a different day is at hand, Apocalypse. A day of new possibilities… of heroes rediscovered and heroes reborn. The champions of Earth are but mortal men. Their passing, however tragic, is inevitable… but their legacy will endure, so long as their memory is not forgotten.

- Uatu, The Watcher, at the end of The Age of Wonder.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-11-13 02:39:22

What Stan Lee Means To Me
by Baylee "Xlc0r" Alger
  Imagine for a moment, if you will, a blind freshman in highschool. He doesn't know what he's doing with his life. He just knows he likes his movies and his music. He's blind, so naturally his life isn't easy. He deals with pity and condescension every day.
  But when he returns home for the day and sits down in his room, he can escape to the worlds of Marvel Comics. Where Captain America throws his mighty shield, the Mighty Thor conquers enemies by the score, and the Amazing Spider-Man slings his webs with ease.
  That person, dear reader, is me. Stan Lee passed away today. I was eating lunch at the cafeteria at my college, a burger, pizza and fries, and got a notification on my phone. The notification was a News post from The Hollywood Reporter telling me my hero was dead.
  I was shocked. I paused for a moment, subconsciously finished my food, and left there in a daze. I trundled through my last two classes, donning my Spider-Man suit in tribute to this great man. And as I walked back with my friend from my final class, I could only think: Stan Lee is the reason I am who I am. Let's go back.
  I've always been a nerdy sort. Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars and Transformers always held my attention. But both were relatively small, at least in the mediums I had access to. I was about 13 or 14 at the time and thought that comics are a distant thing, never to be read by me, a blind boy.
  So I moved on. I tried to staunch that thirst for the worlds of comics. To root myself in the ground and not fly among the stars with Ms. Marvel and Adam Warlock. But then, I found GraphicAudio, an audiobook company that fully dramatizes their audiobooks. I was roped into the world of the Ultimates, an alternate reality version of the Avengers. Oh by now, I'd watched the movies of the MCU, but again, I didn't delve deeper than casually watching simply because I thought if I did, my sadness at not being able to read comics would get all the more demoralizing. But GraphicAudio opened the door. I reaed anything they had that I had access to: Secret Wars, Civil War, Kraven's Last Hunt, and their most recent, Avengers VS X-Men. I finally had a place to escape! To explore! And that's when I started roleplay.
  I began seeing Roleplayers popping up on Twitter. So I thought, "Hey. I should try that." After a few failed attempts at certain characters, I settled on Captain America, and I met a plethora of people, most of whom I still talk to to this day. At this point, I started really getting into it. I saw Age Of Ultron as soon as I could. I started action figure collecting around this time, almost exclusively Marvel. I found Comicstorian on Youtube. I found Comic Vine for summaries of comic issues I'd never be able to look at in print. And as my action figure collection and my knowledge grew, I started to branch out to meet fellow afficianados.
  That's when I found the group Action Figure Junkies. And they have supported me in all my Marvel collecting endeavors.
  So, in a few short words: Stan Lee shaped my life forever. He helped me make new friends, find love, and find a group of people I can fit in with. And perhaps the most profound thing he ever did for me was he gave me a name to truly commemorate him. Not long ago, at my college, I joined a social group entitled BIG. They knew from the start I was a massive Marvel fan. So, upon induction into the ranks of BIG, I was given the name Excelsior. That, friends, is my last living tribute to Stan Lee. He lives on through me and all the comics he's written and the people who love them.
  Thank you, Mr. Lee. May you and Jack Kirby write the best comics in Heaven. Excelsior!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2018-11-13 04:38:54

RIP, he provided us lots of funtimes with spider man animated series, and all his spiderman comics.

2018-11-13 08:34:28

Stan Lee didn't just create super heroes, he created characters we can identify with. Real people who just happen to have powers, which, like most things have the potential to create good or cause harm. The Hulk has immense strength through rage, but as Banner he's always contemplating the destruction he causes. Daredevil is a blind lawyer seeking justice through the courts by day and walking the knife edge of being a vigilante by night, constantly tempted to step over the line, but always finding the strength to find his way back. Rogue has the ability to absorb any other mutants power by touching their skin, but has almost lost all physical intimacy as a result. Pick any Marvel hero and you will find they are dealing with something human. I'm saddened by the loss of Stan Lee, but not as much as I am thankful that he lived and gave us such incredible symbols of hope, courage, love and strength. Vale Stan Lee.

2018-11-13 14:10:30

He did so much for comics. I had this whole discussion with a few friends. Stan Lee IS the reason why comics have a a full credits page, down to the editor's secretary, hthe guy who brought the writers pencils, and so on. Everyone gets credited.

Warning: Grumpy post above
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