2018-11-10 14:44:58

Yes, but at the end of the day, Cool and Ethin are right. Danny owes the community nothing. If he wants to pull his games off the archive, that's his choice and nobody else's. Also, no. Go reread the Fortune's Frontier topic. GO read the DM topics. Notice how the community acted. Reread Connor's post and think how all that would affect a person. I find it ironic you say you're more mature after trashing the games in post #3 and saying oh you'd do things differently. Remember when the first DM was released. Now look at how the community acting over time, would get to somebody.

Warning: Grumpy post above
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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-11-10 21:12:32

Agree wit h26. Defender, you really don't have a stand on either. Legality is irrelevant here. His games were copyrighted after he created them. After he manifested them in a form that was "fixed", they immediately fell under copyright law. It doesn't matter if he got a patent for it. That is 100-percent irrelevant. The community pressured him as all hell, and he told them to fuck off. Any developer has that right; the communities opinion is 100-percent irrelevant. Its Dannys game, not yours, not mine, not the communities. Deosn't matter if its the first FPS or if it was the best snowboarding game in existence, its still his game. And yeah, you don't really have a leg to stand on either after trashing his game (without any reason) and then playing up the entitlement attitude as if you deserve those games. You... kinda don't deserve any games. You get them. Deosn't mean you deserve them or are entitled to have them.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2018-11-11 12:13:32 (edited by defender 2018-11-11 12:16:36)

He should have just let it lie and asked for the abandoned tag, he wasn't exactly a great shining beacon of civility or common sense either on those threads... So while I agree that the community wasn't good to him, it was still only a subsection of it, and now he's punishing everyone equally, when he already took down the things that generated the majority of the problems anyway.
That's my problem with it... I don't think it's entitled to say it's wrong when you give someone a handmade gift that you know they'll enjoy which you worked hard on, but then their asshole friend makes a bunch of shitty comments about it after they leave the room, you take it back from them, and not only that but you take back everything you ever made for them, and you break it all right in front of both of their faces and say fine then assholes, happy now?

And I never suggested that I was more mature (though I hope I wouldn't act in the same way) I just thought he was, because he started out with a thick skin, which I respected, then took this step, and it's just unlike him.
Why is it okay to rip Mason a new asshole for doing similar, but not Danny?
He didn't have to keep responding for as long as he did as it was... So he helped his own stress along by not quitting sooner. People could have been nicer of course, but what did he expect after all the bad management and infighting?
No, he doesn't oh us anything, but a basic level of respect for those that didn't cause him any major problems (the majority of the community) would be appreciated, and by taking all games off the archive, for everyone, he's giving us all a big fuck you from my point of view.

Again, multiplayer servers are down, multiplayer games were the ones that generated most of the hate. So where is the problem here, why try to rewrite history?
You can separate your self from a toxic situation with grace, or you can do it like Danny did, messily and with all sorts of bitterness, but that second option just hurts you as well.

Yeah like I said, I'm not sure on the specifics of the copyright thing, but while claiming something does give you some rites, what I was getting at is that a court isn't really going to give a shit about it if your just some random dude with an online not company unless the other guy is some kind of Goliath and you can get enough press attention.
And yes, I did kinda trash his games, because most of them weren't that great in some way or another, not all of them, but the best ones were short lived anyway sadly.
Their was allot of potential wasted so sure, I'm kinda bitter especially after this crap, because Danny's thick skin and cool ideas were the biggest things I respected about him as a dev, but I also didn't keep posting for a year after the damn things were already dead like some others, who Danny should have known better than to listen too anyway.

2018-11-11 15:26:55

So hang on. You first trash his games in post 3. THen you start claiming things, you get responded to, then you say oh, Danny *should* have done X Y Z, and you act like you know how people act? What?

Again. Go reread the topics. Go reread Connor's posts. I'm not going to go into details, Defender, but the community grates on people. Danny got tired of the community and wanted to leave. He left and took his games with him. That's entirely his perogative. Connor knows what he's on about as well. Consider this, Defender. Consider that a game's developer had to avoid logging onto his own game because people were constantly spamming him, and every time he logged on, nobody would let him work on his own game. It resulted in the fact that he retreated from his own game.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-11-11 21:18:27

We're never going to agree about this Jace, I'd rather here it explained by Danny but I don't expect that to happen at this point...
I'm not going to argue it any more because I've explained my feelings about it as best as I can and you still don't except them, so running around in circles won't help anyone and will just cause more negativity.
Suffice it to say that, while I do feel pretty sympathetic for what Danny went through (I talked to him for months on Skype and was on his beta team for a bit so I do know what he went through) but I also know that he created allot of his own problems through inaction or lack of self control. You can see a person's faults without hating everything about them...
I'm really going to miss DMPA and I can't stand the fact that future audio gamers could miss out on it. I wish he had at least given people a warning via a topic a week before the request or something...
But, not much I can do about it except ask around for a copy of the games that still work and put them in my DB.

2018-11-11 22:22:10

Well I fore one understand how much pressure constant demands can put on a person and wile there's no denying that there mite have been better ways to handle it it is up to a developer to decide what they want to do with there projects and nothing lasts for ever after all. Although i will especially miss dmnb I had a lot of fun memories of that game, in fact a friend asked me if it would be possible to make something similar but i told him that i don't think so as it might be seen as copy rite infringement.
as i have said before nothing lasts fore ever.
Apologies fore this upseenly long post fokes.

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2018-11-30 19:46:39 (edited by big d 2018-11-30 19:51:34)


Would someone who does have contact info for Danny please ask him to contact me? I have been running/paying for  a vps of his for roughly 2.5 years. From the looks of it, it hasn't been touched in a while. I actually found this topic because some server maintenance had happened and the server was shut down. I hadn't heard from him in a while, and have been trying to get hold of him on the Skype name that I have for him. Having not kept up with Reality Software (I gave him the server, but wasn't really interested in the games myself), I was not aware of all this. Anyway, I poked at the server and saw it hadn't been touched since August 21 last year, so I came here to see if there was any news and found this topic.
If someone could pass this to him, I'd appreciate it. I will give appropriate contact information privately.

Many thanks!

PS: Please email me, I will not see a PM.

"Actually, they're just super-advanced holograms created for the sole purpose of enriching a children's cardgame."

2018-11-30 21:45:18

Also, an update. Danny has reconsidered and the games are back on the archive now, although we're missing DMNB because we don't have the server yet.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-11-30 23:33:37

what point is there in putting dmnb on the archive? If the server isn't up, you can't play anyway, and there was never a propper single player mode.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-12-01 00:28:18 (edited by Rich_Beardsley 2018-12-01 00:38:07)

Hey everyone. Let me explain a couple things. I cannot pretend to be anyone perfect because I’m not. As previously stated, developers are not obligated to give you games. Especially if the game is free. And paid games are not an obligation to them either, but free games especially are not. I don’t know the full story but I just wanted to put that out there.  I used to be one of those people who would constantly message developers whenever an online game was not working. And the developer was very blunt with me and taught me a lesson that since the game is free, they were not obligated to give it to us.  If you want these games that bad, go to TeamTalk servers or something and people might have the files to give you.  And remember, there are a whole bunch of other games out there. You don’t always have to play those particular games

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2018-12-01 00:57:13

@34, apparently there was a server program made available for a short time that would allow you to host your own server.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-12-01 02:11:23

That's good news!
Danny if your seeing this, thanks for reconsidering. And I'm sorry people wouldn't stop nagging you constantly... I wish the MODS would have stepped in.

And hannes, assuming DMNB even had a valid copyright, which I kind of doubt and even if it did since it's abandoned it probably wouldn't matter, just making something similar to it without cloning it down to the exact level design, sounds and story wouldn't be wrong in any way, I'm sure people would appreciate it if someone could continue off where DMNB stopped, and maybe expand/improve upon the concept.

2018-12-01 18:52:24

i would like to see the old deathmatch single player games up, for nostalgia purposes.
those were good games, and good times.

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2018-12-01 19:06:20

Death Match Project Alpha is up already.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-12-01 19:14:13

@slender do you think more deathmatch single player games will be up?

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2018-12-01 19:48:21

There were never any other Death Match single player games.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-12-01 19:55:31

There actually was. I have a really, really old alpha demo of deatmhatch in sidescroller form.

2018-12-01 21:40:36

@42, i guess i eeven know what that demo is and i really would like to get my hands on it to play it!