2018-11-09 08:06:58

I'm looking for any podcast or audio drama that are free to listen. I want Horror, Thriller, Mystery, or Crime or even combination of them. Any you could recommend?

2018-11-09 14:51:09

For horror/mystery, I cannot recommend The Magnus Archives by Rusty Quill enough. Starts out as an anthology, becomes so much more.
So far there are three of five seasons released, each season being 40 episodes of 15-30 minutes.
You can find it on Spotify, YouTube, or via the podcast feed:

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2018-11-09 17:34:35

What did you mean by saying that you cannot recommend it enough?

And yeah. I'm not being rood. I just want to know why you posted a thing that you can't recommend enough instead of posting what you can greatly recommend.

2018-11-09 17:41:31

@zaraku that's basically what that means.

2018-11-09 18:23:38

@Zaraku: What he is basically trying to say is that it is such a good podcast that he will recommend it over and over again.

Ask, and you will receive.
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, And the door will be opened for you
Mat. 7:7

2018-11-09 19:46:17

For me, my favorite podcasts that i like to listen to is: Were Alive, Joseph by EarEpic, Bronzeville and Return Home.

2018-11-10 04:53:16

@Zaraku: As the others have already said, that's basically what it means. Sorry about the confusion there.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2018-11-10 06:04:19

Oh alright. It's okay. At least I got it now.
Thanks for explaining
What genre are those? Can you give me a background of those podcasts?

2018-11-10 07:10:07

Hi Zaraku.

I admit I've not really done a lot with free audio dramas or podcasts for a while since mostly for audio dramas I've got the doctor who stuff from big finish which is paid, but I hopefully do know a few things, albeit my knowledge is a wee bit out of date.

Firstly, if you go to This page on the whitestick.co.uk site you will find a good directory of audiobooks and podcasts.

On that list, two I'd particularly recommend are leviathan chronicles and Darker projects.

Leviathan chronicles is a sort of hybrid of audio drama and narrated audiobook. Its a science fiction storyh suspense and other elements, indeed its hard to pin down.
the basic premise is that there is a society of immortals hidden in the modern day. There are some government agencies who know about them and oppose them or each other, some immortals who've gone rogue and have other plans.

it has ties back to historical times and is definitely worth checking out, especially since hopefully we're going to see a continuation of season 2 soon.
There are a few paid only episodes which serve as specials and tie into the main plot, but the vast majority of it, including all the main season episodes are absolutely free.good one on that list is darker projects.
This is a company who do a lot   of ameter audio dramas. they do some that tie in to Startrek, doctor who etc, but my personal favourites are their original series, especially the byron chronicles, which is a sort of urban fantasy about a mysterious guy called byron set in a world of werewolves and vampires and zombies and such.

it has horror and fantasy elements and is worth a look if your into that type of thing, also find More episodes of Byrone here

If your into audiobooks I can also highly recommend the secret world chronicle. This is a story written by fantasy author Mercedes lackey. Its a very weird take on super heroes, with people gaining powers suddenly.
There is an invasion from another dimension, there are big action battles and great characters.
I confess I've not checked the series out for a while, but last I saw it was going pretty well and being down right awesome, its also absolutely free as well.

Then there is We're alive found here

This is probably the single best depiction of a zombocalypse I've ever heard. Great characters, an interweaving plot, tense action  absolutely top notch audio, really this is not just one of the best audio podcasts I've ever heard, but one of the best audio dramas I've ever heard generally!


There is likely more stuff out there, but as I said I've not really been hanging around the audio drama/audiobook internet scene for a while now.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-11-10 07:53:55

Oh, great! Thanks for that.

2018-11-11 09:14:50

I recommend Starcalled. It reminds me of Star Wars but with the Leviathan Chronicles style narration and music.

Also, Darkest Night for some good murdering action.

2018-11-11 11:00:14

Do you have a link toStarcalled there orin? That sounds like my sort of thing.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-11-11 12:00:06

I've checkout the darker projects and I found the Night Terror and Five Minute Fear. Fortunately I love them.

I ust checked out Were Alive and felt good.

I'll definitely check out other things that everyone suggested. Thanks for those recommendation.

2018-11-11 23:50:03

Starcalled sounds amazing.  Shame there are only a few episodes out.  I'm terrible at  keeping up with podcasts that are in-progress, especially when new chapters aren't published often.
There's also the Phenomenon Podcast which is based off a book by the same name.  It's basically about these aliens that wipe out the majority of Earth's population in a few days, and chronicles the lives of the few survivors remaining.  It can be found at thephenomenonpod.com

I'm really looking forward to the final half of season 2 of the Leviathan Chronicles.  That is, hands down, my favorite audio drama.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-13 10:13:55

Please don't listen to we're alive first. listen to other potcasts first. if you listen to we're alive, you have to lower your standards because it is probably the best  quality wise.
My next recommendation is wolf359. It's about a station,  USS Hephaestus, posted in deep space, orbitting around a star called wolf359. It's mission is to gain as much as knowledge as possible from the star, and also scan for any possible life signs. It is brilliant and the music is top.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-11-13 11:01:33

here's the discriptions of the podcasts i suggested a while ago:

Return Home wrote:

Return Home is the story of Jonathan Barker, who returns to his home of Melancholy Falls, NJ, after five years away. An unknown entity beckons him back East, in order to unravel the mystery of what his home town has become…or has always been. Reunited with his best friends, Buddy and Ami, Jonathan must discover the secrets of Melancholy Falls, and why he was told to return home.

You can listen to the podcast from Itunes or from any podcast app.
Here's the link:
Return Home - A Serialized Audio Drama.

Joseph from EarEpic wrote:

Set in The futuristic City of Polaris, Joseph the Bounty Hunter is asked to do the impossible as he takes on his most dangerous bounty contract yet. Tracking down an evil terrorist named Opus who's using exo-skeleton tech called Auto-Machs to exact his final revenge.

And here's the link for there website:
Ear Epic – Movies For Your Mind.

Were Alive wrote:

For Army Reserve Soldier Michael Cross, the world as he knew it ended in an instant. One minute, he’s in college, and in the next, rioters are roaming the highway around him, breaking into cars, and literally tearing people apart. This is the day the dead walk. This is the world of We’re Alive.
We’re Alive: Features chapters packing performances and sound effects that rival movies and prove that modern audio drama is undead and well. Join our survivors as they band together, struggle to fortify a safe haven known as the Tower, and discovers that zombies are far from the worst thing in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles where the rules of human decency no longer apply.
Little food. Little water. Little hope. Who is lucky enough to say “We’re Alive?

We're Alive.

2018-11-13 20:22:45

I'm not sure I agree with the claim that We're Alive is the best audio drama out there.  That's obviously very subjective, but I feel that though it is in the top 5, it wouldn't be number 1 for me.
If we're comparing it to any other zombie apocalypse type things out there, then yes, it is hands down the best.  I still think Leviathan Chronicles has the best acting and sound design out of any podcast I've heard yet. 
Those two podcasts have definitely spoiled me though. sad

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-13 20:51:53

I have to agree. We're alive isn't the best in sound design. People say it's better than GraphicAudio's sound design which... nah, I don't think so. Well maybe in some instances...

2018-11-14 03:57:52

Thanks for the link and descriptions.
Where can I find the Wolf359?