2018-11-05 16:00:18

Hi guys. I believe the time is right. I would like to become a moderator. Firstly, I believe I have a level head. I am not one to normally choose one side over another until I have heard the full story. I feel that I am also extremely mature. What do you guys think? G should I become a moderator?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2018-11-05 16:34:46

This is how this sort of thing works in business and politics, if that tells you anything.
Or to be more clear: my general thoughts are that asking to be a moderator should disqualify one from becoming a moderator.
But I don't make mod-selection policy, so don't let me bother you.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-11-05 16:36:00

The only thing I have to say is, thumbs up to post 2

2018-11-05 16:39:49

Prove it with your actions. This doesn't do that, BTW.

2018-11-05 16:43:36

um, sir, if you were fit to become a mod, you wouldn't post this in the wrong room would you?

2018-11-05 17:05:52

Hi. Post two, if asking to become a moderator should disqualify you from being able to become a moderator, how exactly would you be able to be added in the first place?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2018-11-05 17:13:08

hi, as I think the sight and forum faq states, moderation appointment is done by invitation, and the mods keep a look out for promissing members. At least, this is how it's always been so far.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-11-05 17:14:34

Indeed. However, asking to become a mod should not get you disqualified, but for now, I do not think we are searching for any more for the moment.

2018-11-05 17:14:46

Do you enjoy regular interaction with denizens of the internet?  Do you like dealing with regular flamewars (with real torches or flamethrowers?)  Does the idea of standing before an angry mob wielding pitchforks excite you?
If you answered ''yes' to any of these questions? you're in luck!  For the low price of $0, you too can become a moderator!
So what are you waiting for?  Don't delay, apply today!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-05 17:16:42

Thumbs up to post 5 lol. Asking to be a moderator and posting about it in the wrong room with no regards for the forum rules isn't helpfull.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2018-11-05 18:02:58 (edited by Mitch 2018-11-05 18:34:25)

The way you ask about it and put it in the wrong room, it kinda seems like you want to be a mod just based on the title alone.
EDIT: @12 hopefuly it works better. I think it didn't get translated from when I typed it in.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2018-11-05 18:30:14

wait, what does that braille thing mean? i can understand some of letters but not all of them, what language is that?

2018-11-05 18:47:19

Don't delay, apply today!

this ingenious bit of made my week, hahaha it serves as a nice audio mixing technique for creating just a bit more room.. so thank you thank you

As for me, I would not want to be a moderator... For one, time constraints, and for two? lol due to how some thing have headed recently I would not like to have absolutely any of that.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

2018-11-05 19:13:35 (edited by musicalman 2018-11-05 19:18:41)

Lol aaron77! I have to agree though.

RTT entertainment wrote:

I believe I have a level head. I am not one to normally choose one side over another until I have heard the full story. I feel that I am also extremely mature.

I think a lot of us say that. Even I do sometimes. I like to think I have a level head. I like to think I won't take sides until I have heard the whole story. I like to think that I am mature enough to handle moderation duties. But that doesn't alone make anyone suitable to be a moderator. I, for instance, would refuse to take the position if someone approached me. I am too emotionally fragile and have too much anxiety to make fair decisions in times of crisis. I get too wound up over whether I should put something off to tomorrow or do it today. I like to think I have a level head and can work it out. I like to think I can reasonably assume what will happen in both cases, and that I have the maturity to weigh them and consider all reasonable implications. but I still have so much trouble with even simple decisions that it isn't even funny. Therefore I have no business running a forum.

When applying for any job, you are encouraged to specify things that will convince your future employer that you are fit for the job. But what you have said doesn't do this in the least. All you have explained thus far is that your heart is pretty much in the same place all of our hearts are. You aren't mentioning how you hope to make this community a better place. And no matter how you spin it, some drastic things need to be done at the moment, whether it be officially on the forums or privately in our minds and hearts. I think it's a combination of the two at this point.

Every moderator, past, present and future will have said what you are saying now. But look at how many times a mod says or does something with good intentions, or at least they tell a story that suggests good intentions, but it ends up backfiring spectacularly. Part of this is because we all have our own visions and agendas as to what this community should be. We all have our own perception of information we receive and affective sollutions to problems. Given how imperfect we are as human beings and the wide variability with which individuals perceive things, it's amazing to me that our societies and communities run as well as they do.

Furthermore, anyone can say words, words that are well-meant and from the heart. The trouble is that words have a nasty way of meaning what each individual who reads them wants them to mean. Those meanings are often derived from many things, the most significant of which probably being writing style, past actions and perceived agendas. All three are dangerous to assume anything about, but we all do it as part of our mental make-up. It's unavoidable and it ultimately leads to our sense of trust, or lack thereof.

At the risk of being labeled a hypocrite, I will go against my advice not to assume, and I'll assume that you are just frustrated and want to take an active role on setting things right, and that you would be way in over your head if you were taken seriously and allowed to be a moderator. I could well be wrong of course. But if I am right and your moderator application is coming from frustration and a desire to save the day, that will never end well. Your intentions are good, but trust me, it's going to take more than encouraging words and making promises to get us out of this mess. It's going to take us as a community to rebuild trust and remember our vision and work together. That is what we need to do, not consider vague moderation applications.

And before anyone argues that I am not giving him a chance, I will point out that being vague is what led to distrust and got us in a lot of this mess in the first place. Clearly, it has its downsides, so let's try not to do it needlessly. Unfortunately, none of us really know the best course of action to take at this point. It's too complicated now to have any hope of a truly happy ending for everyone. There's no simple goldilocks sollution to be found here, the chances of that dried up long ago.

All I really want is for us, as a community of individuals, to work with each other. Regardless of our positions on all of these matters, most of us want to see this place through. So let's try to refrain from saying things or making decisions out of haste. Let's think ahead into the future and assess what we honestly feel we are capable of practically getting accomplished in 6 months or a year's time.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
If you like what you're reading, please give a thumbs-up.

2018-11-05 19:56:40

I am going to give some advice, I was wondering where to put this, but I think here's the perfect place as I think it's a good story.
When I signed up as a mod, it was much simpler.
I could just get rid of a few spambots here and there, maybe throw out the odd warning.
Now, the recent crisis as I like to call it, well, this feels a lot more like a job and sometimes not a fun one.
I am in the UK. I moderated on here, from 23:30 pm until around 2:52 approx in the morning, on Saturday night and into Sunday morning. I was watching Jayde get so much heat and trying to control it all as well, and when all this starts to pile up, it is safe to say that I woke up on Sunday morning with a pit in my stomach, wondering what sort of topics I am going to wake up to. But I'm still going to pull through. The fact that things are calm for the moment is OK, it's allowing me personally to catch my breath, and I think I speak for most of the mods when I say that they are probably feeling the same thing.

2018-11-05 20:01:51

14, the only thing that I can say is, thumbs up.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2018-11-05 20:05:56 (edited by zakc93 2018-11-05 20:07:44)

It might not be a bad idea to get a few more mods though given how many people have left your team recently. With extra people you could probably spread the load more so that it's less stressful on everyone. Don't know who you would prefer to get, but maybe promoting news posters like CAE Jones might be a good place to start, I'm assuming them kind of already being in the loop would make it an easier transition. But I really don't know how the internal dynamics work so this is just what makes sense to me based on the limited info we have.

2018-11-05 21:14:36

I am not sure what's going to happen yet, new mods isn't really something we've discussed at the moment. I think our next port of call will be the rules.

2018-11-05 22:19:31

I wonder if this topic was a joke, based off of the fact that Jade was brought strait into the team after asking. I'm wondering if he's implying, "Well you brought him in right away, so why don't you let us all in?" I don't blame the moderators for that though, they needed to fill the gaps. It would be as if a boat lost some of the boards holding it together and it began falling apart at sea, and the crew needed to put in some new boards quickly, even if said boards were rotting and would give way at some point. BTW Jade I don't mean this to be offensive towards you, I don't think your moderator abilities are as bad as a rotting board and I don't think you as a person are like one either. That was simply the best analogy I could come up with to describe the moderator's current situation.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-11-05 22:31:04

Count me among the ones that thik that telling people publically that you're mature enough to be a moderator probably doesn't make you fit for being one. If anything, this should've been brought to the current team privately. It isn't up for the general forum public to vote for who should be a moderator unless asked by the moderation team.

Discord: clemchowder633

2018-11-05 22:42:43

@14, I fully agree with you. If I were offered a moderator position myself on here, I would refuse, purely because of two things: first, I have college and education to gain, and second, I have other things to manage. Plus, I can be rather persistant when I want to be, so I probably wouldn't work well with the team, even though if I were a mod I'd try. The crisis that has just happened was a long time coming and there was no way to stop it. Even if the things that did instigate it hadn't happened, something else would've come along to make it happen, and to be honest, I think that a community like this one needs a crisis like the one that we're in right now every once and a while to ensure that the community doesn't get lax. Just because something works never always means its right, and someone will upset it, and want to change something. But no matter how heated debates and arguments on how something should be can get, the community will be better for it in the end. Some may say that my persistence with Jade recently was needless and way too harsh, but overall I think that, even if it was or wasn't, it will change us all for the better, because these crises give us all time to make serious mistakes, and those mistakes are mistakes we learn from in the aftermath.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2018-11-05 23:14:22

I feel like if one wants to become a moderator they would be better suited to I dunno. Privately email the moderation team, and also, not publicly post about it?
People who publicly write on forums about how they want to be an LWorks beta tester and how they'd do a good job, 99 point 100 percent of the time never get picked.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2018-11-06 01:12:55

Dude!  I would be the best L-Works beta tester, hands down!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-06 02:24:40

lol, that's cute.

2018-11-06 04:00:37

@aaron77, bullshit. I, of corse, would be the best l works tester you could dream of. I have good bug spotting skills, i am level headed, i am, wait why am i even wasting my time talking? Liam, why the fuck haven’t you added me to your beta team already? Less talk, more adding me to your beta folder. Don’t delay! Apply today!