2018-10-21 05:28:51

I just recently discovered castaways, because I was told lovers of castaways would like night commander, loved knight commander, so I reversed the logic and tried castaways. Well, my question is, this keeps happening to me: I have 60 plus meat and some wine, and peasants carrying it to the tavern, and I have a cook on duty, yet the cook continues to be idle every time I look at him/her. And my people are starving. They start off good while they eat the meat from the ship, but I'm getting meat from fishing and I make sure the stock is replenished, yet they still starve. I haven't even gotten as far as fighting any goblins yet because of this starvation. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Meat? Check. Peasants? Check. Cook? Check. Tried multiple cooks? Check. Multiple cooks and bartenders? Check!

2018-10-21 06:43:09

Blake on the surface it sounds like you're doing everything right.  How close or far away are your buildings from each other?  If your storehouse is 2 or 3 tiles away from your tavern, then your workers will have no trouble moving supplies between them.  If your storehouse were to be 10 tiles away then you could literally have workers starve to death during their trip.  One key aspect to Castaways is arranging your settlement so that buildings are close to the other buildings they will interact with, and close to the resources they will gather.

It's my best guess for now, since you do seem to be doing things correctly with your check list.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-10-21 07:50:17

wow! Sounds like a hot game! Wow where can i download this awesome game? Could do with something completely classic. This game sounds totally great.

2018-10-21 08:02:46


@post 3, Yes, if you like strategy and building from the ground up and working with steadily more and more people, then enemies coming and then harder and harder and you're building different buildings for your settlement to grow... then yeah it's really cool. My kind of game, and I didn't know they had this genre in any blind friendly format until about a month ago.
@post 2, my tavern is right next to the storehouse. The storehouse is in the middle of all my basic buildings, normally if i can find enough land in a wide swath. I put my tavern on one side, and my saw mill on another, I put the storehouse in the middle. Do more storehouses make you able to store more? Also, update to my checklist is that I hadn't made a vegetable farm, and I'm guessing the workforce stopped eating meat? Can meat only be a certain percentage of their diet? Do you have to eventually have all food types? I restarted the game and put in a vegitable farm, and it took longer but now they're rarely fishing or farming and lol they're all going to starve to death again. sigh.

2018-10-21 09:52:24

hmm. I'm sure there are ways in general to get this all sorted, probably it might be a few updates need to be made to it, not sure but that's all that comes to mind

2018-10-21 16:42:54

Areyen I'm not sure what you mean.  Could you explain what you're talking about?

BlakeT, your workers should survive just fine on only 1 food source indefinitely.  The way the game works is that each of the food types works like a separate fuel tank in a vehicle.  If their diet consists of only 1 type (lets say meat), then they can do everything as normal but will need to come back to eat and refuel often.  For projects that require them to travel great distances, they may not even be able to complete the trip before running empty and starving.  Once you introduce a second food type, your people are potentially moving around with twice the overall fuel in their bellies.  This means they get more work done before coming back to sit in the tavern, plus they can handle longer trips without starving on the journey.  So more food types makes everything more efficient and lets you expand further safer, but this problem you're having is not because you only have 1 type of food.

You only need 1 storehouse to hold unlimited supplies.  The reason you may want more than 1 is because many tasks require workers to drop supplies off at a storehouse, and they'll always travel to the closest one.  As your settlement grows, it often makes sense to make a new storehouse so that they never have to travel a dozen tiles away to where your original storehouse happens to be.  The resources in the storehouses are magically linked, so even if someone drops bread off in one storehouse, workers can then instantly take it out of a storehouse on the other side of the map.  I didn't want players to have to worry about who dropped which supplies off in which storehouse.

Would you mind saving your Castaways game and sending me that file?  I'll load it up and see why your people aren't eating.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-11-01 01:40:20

I am so, so sorry I didn't see post 6 and so i waited and forgot about this post. Classic example of why I'm not an emailer or a forum type of person LOL. Anywho, I will play again and save it, will it save in a txt file I can attach here or how should I do this?
Thanks for all your help, and the storehouses make more sense now. And it seems I'm not ready to play with goblins yet... Between childbirth and goblins and mysterious starvation... Yeah the game got stressful when I played a mission lol.

2018-11-01 02:57:25

You can use the forum email option, and either paste or attach the save file.  Whenever someone posts, under their name there is an email, and often also a PM link.  Those let you email or private message other users.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-11-01 04:29:04

I think I may want to try getting back into this game again. I think I know why I failed it before. BTW Aprone, I never did apologize for what I said to you a few years ago about your game, so I'd like to do so now. Sorry for what I said a few years ago about your game.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-11-01 09:29:24

If it makes you feel any better Shotgunshell, I don't even remember you saying anything bad about any of my games.  big_smile  It's just one of those few benefits to me being scatter-brained and forgetful.  ROFL!  Apology accepted, even if I don't know what the apology is for.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-11-04 23:29:30

Actually, I think I know what was wrong. Can I clarify one of the faults with you? The light lunch. I thought it made all the people start out hungryer than normal. Well when I was having that problem, I'd make my tavern and they'd start out fine. But it would be later when I couldn't seem to make enough meat and vegitables for them to survive. Does that fault mean they get hungry faster or something? I changed my fault to the one where a house can only hold 3 people, and they seem to be fine on food. I do need to keep playing this particular game though to see if it happens still, if later than usual lol. But I might have changed the one thing that seems to be helping me.

2018-11-05 08:49:52 (edited by BlakeT 2018-11-05 09:12:40)

Update: it's still happening even without the light lunch fault. I have saved my latest game, called it starvation story, and am sending it to you.

I can't paste it in and there's no attach link or button when I try to email through the forum. it's just like posting something here, where I just have the subject and the body. I tried copy paste and it didn't paste anything.

2018-11-05 15:44:49

Sounds good, I'll see what I can do once your savegame arrives.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-11-05 17:24:34

Do you use a service like Dropbox?  You can copy the link to the file and paste it here.
If that doesn't work, you could just email it to him directly.  I don't write out email addresses that aren't mine on public forums (even when they're publicly available,) but his can be found at the bottom of his homepage thingy.

I actually had a lot of fun playing Castaways a few weeks ago.  I have a lot of trouble beating mission 1 (though I have done it) because rather than building the boat and leaving the island, I love seeing how long I can last before the goblins completely overwhelm me.  I'd actually love to see a survival mode that gives you access to all of the technology you get access to late in the game with a similar swarm concept.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-05 18:32:09

When I play it on easy or normal, I can actually support my civilization and have enough knights to keep the goblins completely off my territory; It takes about 8 knights to do that on the normal mode and maybe 5 on the easy though I may have my numbers wrong. I haven't played it in a year or so.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
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2018-11-05 18:45:19

Blake I haven't seen the save game yet so you probably haven't sent it.  You can attach the file to an email if you like, and the forum has the Email option under my name.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-11-05 20:21:53

Yeah.  I started to realize that last time I played.  See, for some stupid reason, I never bothered to build multiple store houses or guard towers in the past.  They just seemed too expensive.  How dumb I was! smile

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-11-09 03:35:09

Aprone, have you received anything from me? I can't possibly send an attachment with the sight's email option, it doesn't have a button to attach, and when I try to paste it just pasts a lot of blank lines. So i went to your site and got your email, but i think something went southwest with gmail... but I'm afraid to send the thing yet again in case I've already spammed you with one or more tries. I'm not used to mailing people via my pc but I have to to send this. If you say no I'll do it again, because I think I know what went wrong. I'm typing the body and subject and everything before the attachment and it's disappearing when I send the attachment. but when i added the attachment first it didn't go away. But I'm scared it sent instead of disappearing so i didn't send it again even though I figured it out.

2018-11-09 09:29:28

just upload it on dropbox, and send the link to him

2018-11-10 10:23:30

Blake I haven't received anything from you yet.  Sorry I lost track of this thread and forgot to check it until now.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software