2018-10-12 05:36:46

Considering buying one of these.
probably the 256gb moddles, not in the US.
Any suggestions advice use experiences welcome. people suggesting Android, stay away.
pros of the 8 plus for me are:
Touch ID, home button,cheaper?
Pros of the max for me are:
better speakers, battery, newer better processor likely to last longer, plus better camera (yes, that's a thing) lol

Has anyone here used both devices?
and if you have, can you tell me the difference if any between the 2's speakers.
Is the home button or the way it now works on the max something one gets used to?
so on and so forth.
I maybe buying one soon, if not probably later when the prices go down a little. not very likely, though. the prices going down, that is.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-10-12 06:45:12

I took one look at the XS price tag and lost it. OK so it's not a valid basis for comparison, but sod it. And what's wrong with Touch ID anyway?

If you can, take a look at both. Also the iPhone 10 R, which is basically the low-end XS. But in the end, I went with the 8 Plus: familiar, big, and has Touch ID. FaceID might be the future but the blindness use case of feeling for the TouchID sensor while it's in your pocket is valuable, it's cheaper and it's more secure by default (because attention mode can be challenging, and without it anyone can just wave your phone in front of your face to unlock it).

But it's up to you in the end. There's no shame in an 8 Plus, though I should have bought it last year instead of this.

Just myself, as usual.

2018-10-12 06:54:19

I went through this process and ended up with the 8 plus, and love it.   The XS Max is more geared towards the visuals and imagry, which I didn't care for, and because I keep my screen curtain on, my battery lasts a long while.  I have the 256gb version and I have a feeling I will be sticking whit this phone for a while.

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2018-10-12 09:10:24

I'm buying the iPhone 8 soon. Not many reasons to spend an extra 300 dollars for something which I won't desperately need.
But yeah, were I you, I'd go with the Note 9. It runs the latest Android, it's powerful, it has an outstanding camera, and it has both Iris Scanner and fingerprint, so you won't be on the fence about what technology to choose. And, the most important of all, you will no longer have to endure the bloody limitations of Apple's crappy iOS. LOL! smile

2018-10-12 14:53:05

I'm not ready to give up my iPhone SE, but if I was, I'd go with the iPhone 8. Having used Android phones before, I can live without the home button, but I'm not yet ready to give up touch ID for face recognition.

2018-10-12 16:11:36

Hi guys,
Thank you all for your input.
So far they seem to echo my thoughts exactly, but The reason why I am considering an XS max at all besides the XR and the XS over an 8 plus is the speaker and the processor. Is the better speaker just my imagination?
The processor, because the better the processor the longer the phone will last with updates. in terms of logevity I.E still using the Iphone 6 plus here, no yearly upgrades here.  I think I got this one in around 2014? possibly early 2015.
I am also going to go for the 256gb moddle as 512 eitherways would be too expensive and excesive.
Would be great though lol

Afrin, all that's well and rosey and what you will, but having used android, I am not going to it as my primary, plus all those apps and games with my phone, that's a nich only iphone can fill.also, Talkback and VA are still meh as compared to VO anyway.
At all the ones that may take offence to this post, Just in case this turns into a slugfest between IOS and android, please keep your thoughts and opinions to yourselvs, I am not interested in an android phone, look at the topic's subject, and contribute anything if you can.
And no, I see the apple fanboy ringing in your head as you read this, to that I say, I have bought many android phones, pure stock and customs, mid as well as flagships recently, But alas, I am too used to the simplicity and ease of IOS plus all the games and apps that I have access to on IOS. and I don't see myself giving all that up.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-10-12 17:09:58

You sound like me, even though I use an iPhone, I'm not an Apple fan boy, I use iOS because, let's face it, iOS is still far more readily accessible than Android is.

I don't think that longevity is an issue. Especially since Apple optimized iOS 12 to run better on older devices than iOS 11 did. I think that even Apple is beginning to realize that the idea of buying a new phone every couple of years isn't sustainable or practicle. Now that the shininess of smart phones is pretty much gone, people are beginning to hold on to their phones longer.

2018-10-12 21:15:36

the xs max has good speakers yes from what I've been told, but idk, the 8+ wins for me.
It is cheaper, has touch ID and I think it is more secure than face ID, and I am not even talking about the problems blind people are having with the face ID.
Oh, and being able to unlock the phone from the pocket gives the 8+ a plus smile.
True the xs max has better speakers, but at least to me, it is not worth spending that much money just for those speakers.
And the xs max can record in stereo as well, my friend has tried it, and as I expected, it only works on videos, and not just any videos, they must be recorded using the camera app I believe.
That's an other feature that is not worth spending that much extra money for, even though I am into those stuff, testing mikes and all that jazz.

2018-10-12 23:15:55

@Grryff, my statement about Android was a joke; I still don't support Android in terms of accessibility.

2018-10-13 01:12:33

Being somebody who has gotten my hands on both the iPhone 8 plus, which I used to own, an iPhone XS and an iPhone XS Max, I can definitely confirm that the speakers on the XS and XS max are superior to the 8 plus by far.
I ordered an XS Max, but my carrier accidentally sent me the XS, so after correcting their mistake, I had both an XS and XS max that I could play with until I sent the XS back. 
The XS Max is an amazing phone, and I don't miss the home button at all.  I appreciate having the entire screen available to me as opposed to having the bottom third being taken up by a button that isn't even real in the first place.  Additionally, I haven't had any issues with Face ID, and don't know of a single blind person that has.  Vo does a really good job of helping you set it up by describing how to position your face, where to move the phone, etc, and once it's set up, the phone unlocks far too quickly for Vo to give any feedback.

People always freak out about the attention setting, but come on, guys, how many sighted people do you know that can use Vo, when/if Screen Curtain is on?  Also, most blind people have their speech rate really high.  The majority of sighted people are not going to know what to do with your phone, even if they do somehow manage to unlock it.

As for stereo recording, yes, you can currently only record videos in stereo, but a friend of mine made a shortcut that records a video in stereo, then converts it into an audio file and uploads it to Dropbox, so you will still get an audio file in the end.  Unfortunately, this does still mean increased battery drain when recording, but not much we can do about that until Apple decides to allow us to record in stereo if they ever do.
Anyway, to answer your question, I'd probably wait to see what the XR is like before purchasing.  It may offer exactly what you need, and will be somewhat cheaper than the Max.

I hope this was helpful. smile

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-10-13 01:35:34

first things first, please don't forget, the 8 has a virtual home button, 10s series don't have one at all. other than that, the others have nailed it. on an SE for now, after this, I'll go for an 8. 1) it's still big enough as it is, least compared to my SE. 2) has home button. 3) it will be real cheap by the time I get there.
I'm not overly an apple fan either, but I still feel as if people are better off with IOS currently.

2018-10-13 15:41:49 (edited by grryfindore 2018-10-13 16:59:37)

Afrin, my bad, I knew that you were joking and there was suppose to be a wink in there to tell you that, but apprantly I missed it.
That disclaimer was added just in case this turns into another android VS IOS topics.

About the speakers, yes. speakers alone don't make much sense for spending that kind of money, on a MAX (there are other things) despite the setbacks. But I have had this sort of thing with all  my phones laptops etc coming with either average or kinda meh speakers. while the other phones /devices speakers were better than mine... lol. so.
  And I say,when you make a one off purchase in 3 4 years, may as well get the latest.
  The current phone I have is a 6 plus like I said, and I wouldn't be tring to replace it even now, if it wasn't for the fact that its only 16gb, has its earpiece almost dieing that you have to use the phones speaker to talk on calls big_smile

When I tried the Iphone X for around 15 minutes, it took me longer than I expected to get used to the home gesture, and I am not sure how used to it I still am lol, but with use I suppose I may get used to it, but that's another point in favor of the 8 plus as against the MAX.

But yes, the face id isn't as huge of a deal as people aren't likely to take your phone away wave it at your face and run off (besides friends),and even if they do, the screen curten should be helpful. still not as secure as touch ID, unless they force your finger on it....
Again though, the convinience of having your phone in the pocket, or desk or under the desk (hello lectures) and unlocking with your fingers, and I don't think you could unlock the MAX like that with the face ID.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-10-14 02:09:26

If I know I'm going to want to manipulate my phone from  under my desk/in my pocket, I just unlock it beforehand.  There's nothing requiring you to lock it when storing it in your pocket.  Unless you've got specific things in your pocket, your screen won't randomly be set off for no reason.
My favorite thing about Touch ID at the moment is that you aren't locked out of your phone if your hands or face happen to be wet.  I have a glass screen protector on my phone, so not only will it unlock when my hands are wet, but I can also operate it without any problems too.
Again, unless you actually want a steel frame and the awesome back camera, I would either get the 8, or the XR.  The XR is pretty reasonably priced, if you ask me, especially compared to the competition.
If I didn't have leasing plans available to me, I'd probably still be on my iPhone 6 from ages ago. lol

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-10-14 06:39:58

does any one know how i can import a i phone 8? every time i try, amazone says, it can't be shipped

There's a place for me in this universe.

2018-10-14 07:44:22 (edited by Dan Gero 2018-10-14 07:45:45)

I'm still on an IPhone6, though I'd like to get something newer if I can. Alas, my financial situation prevents me from doing so.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-10-14 07:47:39

@flyby chow:
I advice you to never ever buy an IPhone from amazon.
It may tell you that it is unlocked but that doesn't mean that's always true.
If you get a locked IPhone, you will not be able  to use it in your country what so ever.
Then you have to go through returning it to them and that's just a lot of work, that's if the item is returnable by that time of course.

2018-10-14 08:25:30

hi, i got a samgsun phone. I tried to get an iphone but people don't trust me they think i'll break it. But if i'm helped and shown where everything is i stand a chance. I@d so love an iphone. Can anyone help me get one? And i'd give u some money to show my apresiation.

2018-10-14 12:10:33 (edited by grryfindore 2018-10-14 12:12:31)

stuff that I have read leaves me a bit clueless on this, but What's exactly the difference between the XR and the MAX for instence? just the camera, the brighter screen? or different material used for the screen. any difference in speakers and such? but I guess we'll only know those details when the thing comes out.
I suppose it won't have the 3d touch and all that nice stuff, although I haven't experienced 3d touch at all so can't say what I'll be missing out on, if I were to go the XR route.

When I get the 8 plus or the MAX I'll be getting it on finance anyway, hopefully, couldn't aford paying outright lol.

@aaron77, I usually keep my phone locked, the only times its unlocked is when I am using it, haha. the lectures or under the desk thing comes from when I am particularly bored and is one case where touch ID would be far better than the face id.
Dam it though, only if apple had kept in the finger scanner along with face ID I would've gotten the max no question asked.
I'll be so pissed if I get an Iphone now, and apple comes up with a new iphone with both a face ID and touch ID on the dam thing... unlikely though. lol

@flyby chow, don't you have any apple sellers dealers where are you are at?

@Anthony12, lmao mate, Iphone isn't a kind of thing I'd go asking people to get me. Its not exactly cheap, Apps and games are okay to a certain extent, and yes I know your feelings I have experienced wanting something badly and not being able to get it I.E Iphone, back then an Iphone 5 was so out of my range that I didn't even ask my parents for one, but in time eh? still not something I'd ask others for.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-10-14 21:22:36

Let me see what differences I remember off the top of my head.
The biggest ones would be the fact that the XR uses an LCD screen, and has an aluminum frame, whereas the  XS Max has an OLED display and a steel frame.
The cameras are exactly the same, but the XR has only one lens on the rear-facing camera.  The XS Max's camera is dual lens which allows it to do all sorts of fun things, apparently.
You still have face ID, presumably the same speakers, the same front-facing camera, the same internals.
The XR does not have 3d touch, but it has the uh, taptic touch?  I forget what it's called, but it's basically like what you have on modern Macbook trackpads or apple watches.
It can't determine exactly how much pressure you're applying to the screen, but I guess it can sense when the amount of force exceeds a certain amount and that triggers whatever would have originally been triggered by 3d touch.
I too usually lock my phone the instant I'm done using it, but if I know I'm going to need it and I won't be able to pull it out of my pocket, I'll just leave it unlocked.  That's pretty rare though, as I don't like sticking my hand into my pocket to fiddle with my phone.  It just looks really weird.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-10-15 04:44:53

I will get an iPad in a few months because all my tv shows and movies i bought through iTunes. I like android as the OS for my phones. and I wish apple would make an itunes app for android for managing apple movies, tv shows, books and music.

2018-10-17 09:45:58

flyby chow wrote:

does any one know how i can import a i phone 8? every time i try, amazone says, it can't be shipped

I can understand sometimes people prefer to get an imported set because it is cheaper compared to local deeler. Which country are you from?

2018-10-17 09:54:02

grryfindore wrote:

stuff that I have read leaves me a bit clueless on this, but What's exactly the difference between the XR and the MAX for instence? just the camera, the brighter screen? or different material used for the screen. any difference in speakers and such? but I guess we'll only know those details when the thing comes out.

For longevity, I would suggest you go for the XR or XS. It is newer and you could probably use it for the next 4 to 5 years without suffering any major lag in the future.
The XR uses LCD display instead of OLED which makes it cheaper. The XR is IP67 water resistance as compared to the XS and XS Max which is IP68. Apart from that the XR doesn't have 3d touch, if that's important for you, and it is just using a single back camera as compared to the XS Max.
Other than that you have pretty much the same as the XS, with A12 processor, Face ID, fast charging capable, etc.

Granted I need to get a new phone, the XR would be my first choice because I do not utilise all the other features that the XS Max has.

2018-10-17 14:02:48

Thank you, @conundrum for helping me with my you know what. wink
Sorry, couldn't resist.
seriously though, thankee for the informative post.
I had seriously forgotten about the XR to be entirely honest. I am leaning more and more towards the 8 plus as time goes by, but still I think either the XR or the max may be better in terms of longevity not majorly, but every bit matters  4 5 years down the line I am guessing.
If XR has the same speaker output base loudness as the MAX, then its probable that I'd go with an XR too,as a better screen does nothing for me, although the duel cameras of the max maybe slightly useful for object recognition thingys and other OCR stuff, not knowing exactly how those things work, I may just be blowing air here as duel cameras or lack there of may not end up mattering much, but still I figure the money I save on an XR if I go that root over the MAX would be more than worth the slightly shoddy cameras as compared to the MAX.
Sorry for my ramblings, I tend to do that quite a bit. smile

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-10-19 08:42:04

Grryf, the speakers are the same for both, and the dual camera versus single camera doesnt make much differene in recognising objects. That being said, one thing about the XR is that it only has 3gb of RAM while the XS and XS Max comes with 4gb RAM. I do not forsee any problem with that since iOS has been running with that sort of ram without suffering much problem.

2018-10-22 13:55:06

Thanks conundrum again.
  You are right, the latest IOS works just fine on my 6 plus, and this thing has probably 1gb ram if not lower. smile
My decision with slight variations remains quite the same. the 8 plus would be either my go to, but if its available cheaper I just might get the XR.
FaceID according to Iphonehacks isnt as failproof as touch ID, that is less prone to failing and much slower than the touch ID.
so its 8 plus all the way, unless longevity and any good offers make me reconsider and go for the XR instead. the only plus that MAX has at the moment is duel cameras possibly being helpful and the extra 1gb ram which should proove to be useful if I want 1 phone to stick  it out the longest but these things are not enough to justify the price difference between the XR and the max.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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