2018-10-11 15:01:42

I know this isn't exactly a new release but it's a game I've been championing for a while now. Silversword is an open-world RPG available on IOS. It was billed as accessible with Voiceover in its early releases but there were a few things that didn't work well. Updates to the game have slowed down dramatically over the last couple of years but they are still coming. Voiceover integration has been a major part of recent updates. Navigation and the coordinate system are much stronger as is the ability to learn what's around you. With 'A Hero's Call' attracting so much justifyable attention, I wanted to add to the expansive RPG arena. I urge anyone who shelved this game to give it another look and for new people to see what it's all about:

The game also has a forum which can be found here:

2018-10-11 15:08:26

As I remember when I last checked the coordinates system worked well, indeed it  very much what was suggested a few years ago back when discussion of this game first came up, though I hope some bits of the screen and interface wwhich are a bit less clear have been fixed, EG the directional arrows and compass.

Two questions I have are firstly about combat, and secondly about lock picking chests.

I remember when I first played the game, when I finally found a fight, the action was happening  quickly with text being pumped out on screen in real time, I had to basically slow the text scrolling speed down, stick my finger on the screen and hope I caught all of it.
There was talk of having some sort of post round battle review log with the text of what happened,  having each  piece of text appear along with a "continue" button so you got time to read it, or yet of writing the text directly to vo.
Did any of those things happen?

Secondly, there was something  about lock picking being a kind of visual puzzle, did that get fixed?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-10-11 15:52:01

I never got into this. Moving was just me turning in random directions and having no idea where anything was. If I'm doing it wrong or there's a better way, please let me know.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2018-10-11 15:56:52

Umm, asking it that way, how accessible is the game in the end and what has been actually done to assist people using voice over? I lastly touched the game about 5 or 6 years ago, somewhere in that region and I never got around doing anything.
So every little tip helps, I sadly didnt find anything about VoiceOver in the apps describtion.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2018-10-11 16:15:23

Is there a way to Change the language? Because the description was in german but the actual game is in english.

Ciri, the Witcher
(If you want to get in touch with me, contact me via twitter (ciri1240)

2018-10-11 17:25:08

last time I redownloaded this a couple months ago, there was apparently a new accessibility feature introduced which could be enabled in options.  I however couldn't see it anywhere.  WIll have a look again now, have always wanted to play this propperly.

2018-10-11 20:19:40

I'm not sure how to navigate in this game. I don't know how but once I got it to give me an announcement of where there were exits and such,  but so far the only thing I managed to do is just to walk blindly in 1 direction until I hit a wall, turn somewhere else and repeat. Would love to actually figure this game out though as it definitely looks cool.

One thing I can advice people though is that you want to use explore by touch more than flicking. There is a lot going on and VO likes to pick up on inactive screen elements. I also haven't managed to get out of the settings if I open them as the return to the game button didn't respond.

2018-10-11 22:30:11

Yeah that's the problem I always ran into, just exploring mindlessly and not getting anywhere. The game looks awesome, just wish I could get somewhere.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2018-10-11 23:44:36

Yeah if there's an easier way to navigate other than walk into walls and turn, please do let us know. I really would like to play this game.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2018-10-12 12:50:34

So walking and turning is pritty straight forward, the directional buttons are at the top left if you hold the phone with the home button to the right.
The magic tap, two finger double tell you the coordinates and exits you can move to.
I am standing in a castle of some sorts, castle cran berry or something like that, but I don't really know where to go actually, something like a map view would be neet to see what's around.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2018-10-12 13:30:58

I'm pretty sure there are settings for extra info that we currently can't get to.

2018-10-12 14:38:53

Yeah I mean the two finger double tap does actually help, but it only solves half the problem. Now we're wandering around with a slightly better idea of where to go, but still no idea what's around. We're still wandering around.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2018-10-12 22:17:28

Yep, map still isn't accessible, all we get are exits and coordinates, which don't help because we don't know what's actually around. So yeah, not that accessible.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2018-10-13 12:38:37

Accessible with voiceover? LOL. I have never heard anything so funny in my life. The user interface of this game is anything but accessible. Can someone please record a demonstration to show us how, accessible, this game is?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2018-10-13 20:00:45

For what its' worth, the setting in question is in an odd place, if you go into the Settings app and look for Silversword, you'll find the VoiceOver setting.

For the record, I still find this app kind of frustrating, but I just wanted to clear up that the setting is, in fact, accessible and exists.

2018-10-13 22:37:19

Well, it's certainly not the easiest app to use, but it's pritty much doable. When you enable the voice over accessibility on the compas buttons you will hear if the path is blocked or if you can go there, also, the map is layed out like a coordinate grid with x and y axis, so navigation is pritty simple. I haven't tried out combat yet though, i am still looking around the castle grounds to see what we have there.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2018-10-13 23:06:35

⠠⠎ I think that I've gotten pretty far in this game, and it's definitely doable, but there are some issues.
I had to use a walkthrough to get the general direction of where major landmarks are. This game is accessible, but not intuitive. The biggest thing that can be done to change this is to maae the map more easily read. It would be very helpful to have coordinates of major places to be labeled so that people aren't lost on their way.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2018-10-14 01:18:49

I can't seem to find the setting for some reason.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2018-10-14 15:06:27

It's in the settings app itself.  I agree, having landmarks given in coords would help.  because right now yes we know what's around us, but have no idea which direction to go.  I get it's open world, and I'm excited to give this a good go, but still.

2018-10-22 08:33:39


Just came across this topic  and thought I'd contribute, even if the topic is a bit dated at this point. I bought this game a couple of months ago, and didnt know about the voiceOver setting. Also, I was playing this game with a smart keyboard on my iPad Pro. I recently left a review on the app store with suggestions for improvement, not realizing that the developer had put in some extra work for VOiceOver already. Needless to say, the developer was not happy--he even threatened to remove the VOiceOver feature altogether. I hopesincerely that I havent done irredemable damage. I'll try enabling the VoiceOver for Silversword, if it isnt enabled by default.

When the wandering fire strikes the heart of stone, will you follow? Will you take ... the longest road?
Guy Gavriel Kay

discord: tayo134

2018-10-22 10:51:34

An easy mistake to make.

However, if I were a developer, I would point out that particular feature, rather than thretoning to remove it in a future update, but that's just me.

I read the app discription in the app store and it said the following.

Please note: The game has only limited VoiceOver functionality. Some screen elements (Minimap) can't be used by visually impaired people. If in doubt, don't buy. You have been warned.

A message like that is enough for me to be cautious of purchasing said title.

I shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to play a game, and if I miss out on a lot of games, so be it.

2018-10-22 15:59:51

Didn't see that message. Fortunately the game isn't eyewateringly expensive. Even halfway accessible RPGs are hard to find anywhere, so I wouldn't dismiss  what work the developer has done on Silversword. But we all know that every game or program has room for improvement, if only to squash bugs.

When the wandering fire strikes the heart of stone, will you follow? Will you take ... the longest road?
Guy Gavriel Kay

discord: tayo134

2018-10-23 10:11:53

I was considering this game, I really was.

Then I saw the threat to potentially remove voice-over support. Nope, nope, nope.

You do not, absolutely do not, threaten to take steps back where accessibility is concerned just because someone upsets you. Even if you have genuine reason to be annoyed or even angry, you do not yank access to something out of spite. This is unprofessional and petty. Worse, it gives the idea that we are being suffered to play the game, instead of being welcomed to play it. If a game is free, I don't have to care what a dev's attitude is. If a game asks me to pay a dev money, I absolutely do care about they put their best foot forward. This is why, for instance, I won't be buying anything more from VG Storm until or unless Aaron gets his act together. And it's why this Silver Sword developer isn't getting a penny from me until or unless that despicable attitude changes.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-10-23 17:41:05

Yeah, I'm baffled and outraged by this as well. I wonder if we're missing some context in the communication, but in any case my interest in this game is rapidly taking a beating.

2018-10-23 17:46:31

This guy has a history of being a major dick, so not surprised.

Take care, it's a desert out there.