2018-10-03 20:06:43

hello everyone, especially those who are still using skype 7.
recently I just got an email from skype saying that the skype 7 app will be discontinued on november 1st for PC and mac, and on november 15th for mobile devices.
so for that, I guess we have no other choice other than to update to skype 8 which is more complicated for us, in addition to some missing features like jumping back to older chat history, some shortcut keys, ETC.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2018-10-03 20:31:49

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverhrhrhrhhrhhhrhhrhrhhrhhrhr! fuck to skype 8 but i need  skype! no! no! no! no! why! why! sorry for spam but skype 7 is more better for me than fucking shitty skype 8! sorry again all admins and moderators!

Yours kindly

2018-10-03 21:43:11

Yeah, right, I ot that fucking mail too. I fuck microsoft, I hate them! I couldn't believe that myself, I thought we can use it without problems now. I can't think of being without skype! For the XBox one they implement a screen reader and in skype they make such fucking fucking things!
Sorry for that hard words but I really could cry since this mail.

Thanks for helping!

2018-10-03 21:52:01

Lol. This isn't new. We're already talking about it in the original Skype is being discontinued thread.

2018-10-03 22:06:44

Lol, chill. Skype 8 is missing some features, but nothing life changing that makes me unable to use it. Eventually some of them will come back. What do you mean by not being able to jump far in the chat history though?

2018-10-03 23:11:06

they have been reported for ADA violation, which they have. they are going to kill a close friend. She legit can't use that piece of shit, so she would lose her friends. That would kill her. Americans, send in report forms to the ADA. The more they get reported, the better off we will be.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2018-10-03 23:34:14

well as far as I know, one of the main missing features is split window view witch makes it annoying to find messages people recently sent you and impossible to have multiple conversations open at once so you can flick between them. they are saying they may put that back in but unless they hurry I don't think i'll be using it after the end of October. some people have said Microsoft won't care that a few blind people don't like it, but if you read the forums on ms it's self and elsewhere, a lot of sighted people hate the new one as well. hundreds of thousands of them, if not millions.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2018-10-03 23:39:33

It's looking like split view will be added to the UWP app before Skype 8, but we'll see. I hear 8 is actually more accessible than the UWP version.

2018-10-03 23:51:45

6, Lol, you still dreaming about reporting Microsoft? Can't wait for that to actually bring any result.

2018-10-04 02:00:47

The idea of Microsoft being reported for this is so beyond ludicrous that there are no words to describe the depth of delusional thinking that would lead anyone to the conclusion that it could really happen.

And, yeah, split window view is the one thing I still miss about classic Skype. Well, that and the ability to customize sounds, although I've gotten used to the sounds they do have. They're pretty inoffensive, although that ringer volume could stand to be toned down a few notches.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-10-04 04:18:55

People need to chill I've been using skype 8 since like July and although I prefer the accessibility features in 7, 8 is very usable and I can still chat on it.  Like seriously anything that changes in the blind community causes apocalypse sized reactions and I'm getting tired of it.  I get not having the same usability as the old version, but this one works just fine.  I have a few work arounds for not being able to do some things, like just use E to go to the edit box, then scroll up to the last chat message and bam that's the last chat message.  Though I do miss being able to use 1 through 0 to read the last ten messages lol.

But yeah, sadly the only things we can do is not use skype, go to another chat client (I find skype still to be the most accessible) or learn and adapt to using new skype if we want to be able to still use it.  Sorry, it sucks, but that's how it goes most of the time for us and we should get used to it instead of blow these changes out of proportion every single time they happen.

2018-10-04 04:49:49

evil, criminal, sons of **** is!
my phone is android 4.4.4 how in the hell am i gonna install skype 8 on this shit! damn you microsoft!

2018-10-04 04:52:44

@6, calm down, you think an evil company like microsoft  can't buy their way out? they have been reported milions of times i bet and they've bought their way out of the cort.   they are criminal sons of bitches after all, aren't they?

2018-10-04 05:53:12

Okay, honestly, I've used skype 8.
I didn't like the upgrade at first, but I got used to it so easily.
As for accessibility, it is very accessible.
As for the missing features, true there are some features that are not there from skype7, and I don't like it that you can't view the old history, like, the old old one, I guess the most you can see is one year ago or something I am not sure, unless I am missing something.
But I like the new interface in all, I like that it is not heavy on the cpu, I like the simplicity of it all, it doesn't have all the options in skype 7, but I believe they will improve on that soon.

2018-10-04 06:35:49

Microsoft mafia. In any case, Android 4.4 is pretty old nowadays with Android 9 being the latest, though I do think you can ubgrade skype on there just fine.

2018-10-04 08:12:59

what! the!
hey evry one: dont let it close, like 1th september
skype8 fixed? no, so

2018-10-04 08:23:25

This is just my opinion here, but I disagree with the "just get used to it" mentality. We shouldn't have to be little blind sheep (no pun intended) and simply accept what Microsoft or anyone else throws at us. Does that mean we should scream from the rooftops about how evil said company is? Absolutely not. We do have rights as consumers to give constructive feedback about what we like and don't like though, and if something else comes along we can simply switch to it. Does this situation suck? Absolutely. Will we have to deal with it? Probably. Should we just get used to Microsoft screwing with things for seemingly no good reason? Hell no. Send feedback. Participate on the Microsoft Community forums and User Voice sites. Deal with things if you have to, but don't just take them lying down either. If you end up likeing the new stuff, awesome.

Lastly, it isn't about being blind. Look on the Microsoft Community forums and you'll see a crapload of sighted people expressing their displeasure too. The latest announcement spawned yet another monster thread about how many people dont' want Skype 8. This issue is a consumer issue, not a blind one.

2018-10-04 08:25:57

I don't like skype 8 to be honest. But if it's really their choice then guess I have to live with it.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-10-04 08:53:23

you can't fucking install fucking stupid skype 8 on fucking stupid fucking  android fucking 4.4.4

2018-10-04 09:09:57 (edited by afrim 2018-10-04 09:10:38)

Skype 8 works well, and they're going to implement new shortcuts if they haven't done so already. On the iPhone at least, Skype is one of the most accessible apps I have on my phone as of now. It reads everything and all dialogs, like "updating conversation", "one unread chat" and so on are automatically picked up by Voiceover. Something I really like about the new Skype is the popup Window which appears when you receive a call. It's much like on the iPhone where you simply double tap on that screen and the call is answered. I can navigate with tab to find "answer call with voice only" which replaces in some way the traditional shortcut alt+page up or alt+page down.
Not the best Skype we've ever had, but not the worst either. It's usable and people can get used to if they work a bit on it

2018-10-04 10:00:50

my android, 5.1.1, dont support skype 7 as well, how I can install fucking 8? I dont like it, computer, android, and for all

2018-10-04 10:29:06

@5, what I mean by jumping to older message is in skype 7, when you are in a chat list, if you press the applications key you'll see the back menu options. if you open this sub menu, you can go back to the very beginning of the chat history, back to 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 30 days, 7 days, yesterday, and recent.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2018-10-04 11:24:58

Um, guys, as much as you may hate skype 8 (I do too), there's no need to throw words eh?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-10-04 12:13:06

I dont reseeved any e-mails about skype

2018-10-04 12:51:17 (edited by sunshine 2018-10-04 12:52:07)

skype8 isn't that bad, gentlemen. I've been using it for months, I downgraded to skype7 after hearing how "legendary" and "awesome" it is, but it ended up screwing my PC very badly, like making it slow as hell, so uninstalled it. Considering that I've got a 2nd gen celerone processor with 2gigs of ram and I'm still fluidly using windows10 latest builds on it, and considering that skype7 is supposed to be lightweight when compared to latest skype8, this thing might appear a bit astounding to you all. Haven't installed skype8 either after I uninstalled skype7. I'm away from skype for now. tongue