2018-09-15 16:15:08 (edited by amerikranian 2018-09-15 16:18:04)

If you are considering paying for the game but arn't sure, give a read to my review which can be found Here
Also, let me know what you think.

2018-09-15 20:12:34

I feel the same way. I'm very disapointed. meh.

2018-09-15 22:55:44

Agree with 1 and 2.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2018-09-16 05:37:54

Hi people.

So let's address a thing.

The demo was a prerelease of the game, and thus should not be used. The downloadable full version has a demo of it's own. This builtin demo allows saving.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
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Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2018-09-16 17:07:13

Thanks a lot for the review of this game. I've been taking a look at the various feedback while considering whether or not to purchase it, and I don't think I have to read any further.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2018-09-17 04:48:43

can't even exit the full game with escape.

2018-09-17 04:51:17


Yes, you can. You just need to hold escape. We're working to add an option for a later version to change this.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2018-09-17 10:45:52

I am wondering if there might be lack of a story because it might be more in the style of older arcade games.
In older arcade-released games, there would usually be one bit of story before it drops you in, letting the background sprights and visuals do the rest.
At the same time, as this is a more modern game, I am wondering if there could be more of a story mode which features texts/scenes and some lore added, although it would probably take Mason more time to write, but would in theory make the game more of a complete package, while also making an arcade mode option available for those who just want to go inside the tombs without story.

2018-09-17 15:19:44

Oi, nothing makes enough sense for further storyline anyway from what I can see. If someone here can come up as to how a thousand year old tomb has magnetic lifts, robots and all that crap inside, that'd be a start. Make a story that explains why they're even there in the first place, will you? Or does the oldest tomb near Mason's house contain them?
Let's just say if it's a normal, present-day  graveyard, it would make more sense if someone builds a building with rows of coffins for people to pay respect to the dead. But since these tombs stand for senturies and are mysterious to the point of warding people from entering them, who the heck would go in and build robots and all that in there, unless he's super mad? He'd end up dying anyway if it is so. Besides, there's no explanation what so ever as to why the main character gets sucked into the tombs. Why him? Why not someone else? Is he anything of a cliche chosen one?
And from what I've seen so far, there's a very crude story, something I would call nonsense cliche at the beginning of the game and that's it.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-09-17 16:03:47

It's just a story, after all. What really counts, IMO, is the game content.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2018-09-17 19:04:10

Gonna go ahead and partially disagree with this last point.

Hammy, bad story can kill a game. If you really don't want to bother with story, then don't. Bad story is far worse than no story at all.

For a game that's this mishmashed and random, I don't think any story is really going to work, unless, say, the "tombs" are in fact experiments set up by someone who has kidnapped you or something, and he/she/it is trying to test your ability to problem-solve.

But honestly, that would involve a story rewrite from the ground up, is probably more hassle than it's worth, and quite frankly this game has bigger issues. Some have been addressed, and I'm hopeful that more will eventually be dealt with in time.

From Liam's stream, I still feel that info is extremely thin on the ground, and while I'm happy about the boulder slowing down a bit, I'm not quite as happy with that weird bomb stuff in level 10.

Also, if someone could enlighten me as to what the hell happened on that stream, I'd be curious...though I'm getting a pretty good fix on what it might've been by now.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-09-17 20:07:41

Story counts as content. I'd rather see no story at all than a short, seriously crude trash text which is 60% nonsense. If you ever plan a story, plan it good, otherwise if you really know you suck at coming up with plots, go for something which doesn't require plot involvement. Story can be the first thing some, or who knows most, look into upon beta testing/buying the game. Mechanics is important yes, but combined with shitty story, no.
And that just shows how much you really pay attention when you say, "it's just a story."
Is it, "just", a story?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-09-17 21:38:23

i agree with a lot of these posts, especially @1's article. Nice review!
@10, what! the hell! are you even talking about! I agree with all the posts addressing 10, because a story makes most games graite! I'd much rather have no story then a shitty one.

“Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.”
“You don’t tell me how to behave; you’re not my mother!”
“Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2018-09-18 23:42:39

A lot of what's been said here is valid. A game is nice, but sometimes a little more exposition would be appreciated. I'd certainly enjoy knowing why an ancient (at least an assumed to be ancient) tomb not only contains mines, but also contains bandits (unexplained), insane cars (unexplained), molotov cocktails (unexplained) Maglifts (unexplained) and of course the robots (unexplained).

However, those points aside, I'm not slamming the game by any means. Though disbelief has to be truely suspended for this one, and certain levels seem to be an omage to earlier games, such as battlezone and self destruct, I found the game so far to be a challenging and attention grabbing adventure. The puzzles can be a little anoying when trying to figure out the solution, but the same can be said for any puzzle. It wouldn't be fun if you were able to defeat it so easily, that's part of it's hook.

The storyline could do with some work, the unexplained aspects i stated above could certainly do with being addressed. I'd certainly like to know why while in a tomb you have to infiltrate a warehouse, guarded by a scanning droid and murderous robots, features that certainly no egyptian Pharaoh ever had installed in their tombs.

Saying that, the solution to the level prior to this level was positively thrilling, especially the fact that the solution is camouflaged by the mobs themselves.

Granted the story as is requires a little spit polish, but that aside the game leads you on a meandering adventure through several genres of game, from the sci-fi to the fantasy, giving you the best of both worlds. The challenges certainly are a lot harder to solve than any other previous incarnation of tomb hunter/ Mysteries of the ancients, or even good old montizuma's revenge.

The earlier levels themselves, from the waterfall hazzards, to the various rope climbing / ledge jumping while nothing new, have certainly been configured in such a way as to present the old as something new.

Truthfully, the game with it's use of both fantasy and Sci-fi features seems to closely resemble one of the earlier tomb raider games. One moment you are leaping from rope to rope, trying to avoid falling into a waterfall's cauldron pool, and the very next you are attempting to dodge death by cars and insane robots.

Not exactly tomb raider, but very close to it for a side scroller.

Overall, might not be a game for everybody, but to me I find it to be quite entertaining despite the issues that have already been thoroughly covered in this and other posts.

Anyway, that's the end of my rant/babble, i need to get back to tossing molotov cocktails at those blasted robots.

Kindest regards


Pay my respects to grace and virtue,
Send my condolences to good,
Hear my regards to soul and romance,
They always did the best they could.

2018-09-19 03:00:31

In mystery of the ancients, there's one thing that kind of doesn't make too much sense, but still explainable from my point of view. Since guns are scattered throughout two levels of the game, and so ammo, it could mean that they're discarded by previous raiders who never make it as far, even though I wouldn't imagine ammo andmysterious yet effective potions very deep past those floor would be any tomb raider's work. Still, it makes more sense than having a bloody warehouse+bird+maglifts+robots+a lot of other unexplained nonsense there.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-09-19 18:08:48

I have purchased the game yesterday and have the following feedback:
1: As of level 3, I have had no issues with the difficulty, but since I am fairly new to the game, I gather that things will get a lot more difficult as time goes on. In fact, the jumping mechanic is definitely different from many other audio games that I've played. My first time through level 2, I walked off the rope thinking I could hit the metal and ended up taking a nice hot lava bath.
2: Fix, or better yet get rid of your drm! If I'm not connected to the internet, it should cache the licence, not ask the server for verification every time it starts. Systems like that is what encourages people to crack your games, an offline game should be offline, suppose their's no cell service, or your server goes down, paying customers such as myself won't be able to get the content that, by paying for, we have the right to have!

2018-09-19 23:02:31

I agree with most of these posts, although it can be said that some of them are a bit harsh. However, none of these points are exactly the reason why I have a problem with this game. Rather the fact that all these issues exist combined with the fact that it's being sold with these bugs and with a copyrighted name are the real reasons I have a problem with it. I really think the name of the game should be changed, because technically it's not Tomb Hunter anymore, or at least not the one we came to know and love. In addition, there is still a copyright holder to that name. I have yet to figure out who it is, but just because someone dies does not mean the the copyrighted material is released into the public domain. Granted, that does not mean you can't remake Tomb Hunter and make it better, but if you do you shouldn't sell it. I'm not saying I wouldn't pay for the game, but all I ask is that the name be changed and the bugs get fixed. If that happens, I'd gladly pay $18 for it or whatever it's at now.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-19 23:14:48

Isn't it Thomas Ward?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-09-20 02:11:58

It would be if he was still alive, but he's not so I think James North might be the copyright holder.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-20 05:16:45

I believe Thomas ward still holds the copyright. The copyright runs out after a certain amount of years have passed and he does not renew his license.  Or, he could have passed the copyright to somebody else.

2018-09-20 07:11:05

He had to have done that, someone can't hold copyright to something after death. I said James North because I think he's the one who came up with the original concept, Thomas Ward continued it.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).