2018-08-06 11:35:00

Sorry about that. Link corrected.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-08-06 12:02:53

@Dwarfer, congrats on creating a really addictive game. Sometimes the classics really are the best, and arcade games have always been a hit for a reason.

I don't personally mind the cp sounds, but it might be nice if the game could have some unique sounds too to give it its own atmosphere, indeed I do slightly miss any background sounds or music etc.

Gameplay wise though, its a lot of fun. My only miner niggle is that sometimes I seem to get killed when I'm on the wrong side of a cannon if a cannon ball comes out which is a little odd. I gather that the bleeping sound is supposedly the cannon changing direction, but sometimes if I'm close and I nip behind the cannon just before it fires I still die which is odd.

Other than that, definitely a lot of fun, nice to see a bit of old school arcade action.

Achievements and stat tracking would be awesome, especially cumulative achievements earned over multiple games, EG for total objects picked up, total pits covered etc, its also rather strange that the game doesn't have background sounds (or even a main menu), at the second.

You could also consider some super egghunt style mode switching as well somewhere down the line.

But hay, however it goes the game is fun, and I'll be interested to see what gets updated next.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-08-06 12:31:24

hello dwarfer
you can sure abel to use the sounds inside of the mod i dont mind

here are some suggestions
you can add some sort of background music or an ambience or something
2, some diffrent bonus items
for example super slow down, that slows you, improved jumping time that lets you stay in the air more.
a cannon spawn
a pit spawn
a thing that silence the pit sounds,
extra life or something so you dont die after hitting a cannonball or falling a pit
confusion, this lets you move randomly for example if you try to go left, it gos tward right.
reverse, this reverses the stario field so if a cannonball is coming from the left it showes as its coming from the right.
an anti cannonball thing that counters the cannonballs,

etc etc etc

but i know, i went a bit far tongue but anyways. dam, this game is verry adicting!

2018-08-06 12:35:33

I can't stop playing this game!
Also, I personally don't think I'd enjoy mods very much.  It's partially the cp sounds that make the game as addicting as it is.
However, it would be cool if a little soundpack system was written for it, where you could use points you acquired while playing to purchase new soundpacks, kinda like with Oriol's games
Anyway, awesome job!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-08-06 13:49:04

i agree post 28. if you add some good things in the game, maiby this game be a good.

Yours kindly

2018-08-06 15:20:34

wow this game is so  addicting. I've been playing this for like 2 hours but can't survive more Than 1 minit.

2018-08-06 15:22:07

I love this.

2018-08-06 15:37:01

where to get the pack extracter?

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2018-08-06 15:52:41

I just finished modding oh shit and did a tiny recording of me failing epicly at it. Go find it here and just let me know if you want the mod lol.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2018-08-06 16:32:50

bro can you change game name?

Yours kindly

2018-08-06 17:32:06

no don't!

2018-08-06 19:40:30

No? I will not change the game name. big_smile I think it's fine how it is.
Also: the cp sounds: while I agree that changing them would make it unique, and I might actually do it, I also agree that giving it a cp-esk feel is part of what makes it what it is.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2018-08-06 20:13:34 (edited by kruf 2018-08-06 22:49:25)

OMG, this game is addictive! It's realy funy.
Game over. You lasted 3 minutes and 27 seconds and your score was 70.
Score beaten!
Game over. You lasted 3 minutes and 21 seconds and your score was 85.

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2018-08-06 21:35:10

Have you considered other game modes? Besides the current avoid-style mode, there could be one where you can also press control to use a sword and fight enemies, which could then cause some interesting things with cannons and cannonballs as well because they could hit enemies, or you could try to destroy a cannon with your sword. Then thre could items like damage increases, which helps with being able tod estroy cannons because if you have a sword with 1 damage and a cannon takes 30 or so hits to destroy, then yeah, that'd be ridiculous, but very possible actually because you could jump over the cannonball and then whale away at it as you collect and avoid items, while of course going after zombies or whatever. I still think, though, that the current avoid mode should remain in tact with no swords as well, as an option, because that's part of the fun as well.

2018-08-06 21:37:04

i'm agree post 39. This is good idea.

Yours kindly

2018-08-06 21:41:55

Ammericandad2005, you can get the pack tools from the link in post 21.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-08-06 23:50:50

Game over. You lasted 3 minutes and 29 seconds and your score was 110.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2018-08-07 01:42:04 (edited by musicalman 2018-08-07 01:43:07)

I really love this game! I haven't gotten around to playing people's mods yet though. I did make my own. It's an 8 bit mod using mostly sounds from Metal Gear 2, which I really love. Some sounds were also synthesized by me in Famitracker. While most sounds are as I'd like, a few still need to be changed. Listen to a demo of the mod here. If feedback on the mod is positive, I will post a link to it.

Oh, and I am not normally this good. Just really lucky this time lol

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
If you like what you're reading, please give a thumbs-up.

2018-08-07 02:08:28

I think it is decent for those who have this game to use the #OhShitGame hashtag when posting scores to twitter, for those who may wish to filter it. Just seems decent to me, I know I don't like super trendy tweets from games so I think it nice to be mindful of those people.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2018-08-07 02:20:58

@dark I think that sound is the cannon ready to fire, its a warning, so the closer you are to it, the sooner you jump. The cannon always fires at you, so no matter which side if it you end up on, it will always fire in that direction.

One thing that would be cool is if cannon balls bowl over the items that lie in their way, making you have to get them before one comes through. I like how the cannon balls can't just magically cross chasms, I hate games that pull off that crap where enemies have these weird advantages that can't be explained away. It happens more than you might think.

I agree cp sounds make the game what it is, its all part fo the experience. Very cool and very addictive.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-08-07 02:47:00

@Slender&@21, I have a pack toolset I think you would prefer. I have advanced the feature set just about as much as you can with a bgt game. click here

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2018-08-07 03:00:05

Hi, haven't gotten a chance to play the game yet, as I have to kill jaws, and I get no speach after that. rofl
So does this have a mode for using sapi? Where it'll default to sapi?
Thanks, really looking forward to playing it.

2018-08-07 11:12:47

Definitely agree with Ironcross, cannonballs falling down pits are pretty nice, and you can often use a pit to your advantage, temporarily staying on the other side of one so that the cannonballs on that side can't get to you. It would be cool though if cannonballs could destroy items, maybe not all the time but half the time or something.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
If you like what you're reading, please give a thumbs-up.

2018-08-07 11:46:11

Even better, if you could catch the cannon balls and throw them LOL

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2018-08-07 18:08:38

Man, it sounds like a lot of people want extra modes. I guess I'll have to make those a thing. Not in this latest version though, because all I'm at liberty to disclose about the big thing in the latest version is that stevo scored 91 points in just over 3 minutes. I really hope you guys can figure out from where I got that information.
Anyway I'm at Carter's house for the week, so have been hanging out with him and working on code. We'll hopefully have this version out pretty soon, and of course watch this space for when I drop the announcement!
smile smile

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.