2018-06-22 09:29:27

Hello. I am happy to anounce that the game is available for preorder. I was a beta tester and I can tell you that it will be a great experience for you all. Like King of dragon pass, it is accessible with voiceover. Below is a short description of the game and the official page.

Life between myths. Clans, cows, choices.
The spiritual successor to King of Dragon Pass, Six Ages combines interactive stories and turn-based strategy.…
The Golden City lies under a great sheet of ice. Your ancestors rode free, looking for a new home. It took three hundred years, but your clan finally settled here, in the valley where you hope to find your gods, recruit spirits, and win respect from your fellow Riders. Can you protect your people and claim your destiny when you’re beset by wizards, lizards, and worse, your barbaric neighbors, the Orlanthi?


2018-06-22 09:34:06

wow I don't believe it's actually been released and that its accessible!

I'll definitely be picking this one up.n

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-06-22 09:48:08

wow! , I am quite excited for this big_smile
so, what are the awesome new veatures availables? , I am just curious though, it's ok if you can't spoil it big_smile

2018-06-22 09:53:57

Just preordered the game.  I wasn't a beta tester, but I've been following the development blog for years.  So excited for this.  I'm going to spend the next few days playing through KoDP.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-06-22 10:08:41


wow, yup, will pre-order this thingie for sure. So exited for this big_smile

Greetz mike

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2018-06-22 10:54:52

I can't spoyl the story but I can give you some impressions. First, you have a better control of the resorces like cows, horses, goods. The exploring feature was much improved, this means that you don't have to scrol threw 3 pages of unknown hacks. About worship, you have gods like in KODP and a new feature called spirits. Also you can capture wild horses. Soundefects are made by Stan Lepard and this means a high quality.
Rofl! I think that's enough for now.

2018-06-22 15:19:19

Note: This post is quite detailed. If you want absolutely 0 spoilers, don't read it. Not story spoilers, but game mechanic spoilers.
there are some key differences to KODP, which change the play style of six ages a lot. I won't spoil the story though, that is for you to find out.
Many kodp features such as giving gifts, holding fiests etc have now been moved to ventures. These are undertakings your clan can attempt, you can do one each year, but you may be able to do more later. These ventures can range from hunting for extra food, to trading with your neighbors, to searching your lands for bandits, with different benefits if you succeed.
Horses play a larger role than they used to. Since your clan is part of the people called riders, every child learns how to ride, and everyone fights while mounted. This means you'll have to keep a closer eye on your horse population and you'll also have more of them.
Combat is a lot more interesting here, as you have a lot more control on what your forces attempt to do. When combat starts, you can choose from several initial actions, such as conducting a magic ritual, creating a reserve force or maneuvering for a better position. While fighting, it plays much like a rock paper scissors on steroids. You can choose how you fight in the current round, and it will be pitted against your enemy's choice plus a lot of factors like active blessings, number of warriors etc. Of course there are mid combat heroic scenes that can change the battle's outcome as with the previous game.
Magic: The god mechanic is something you should be familiar with from kodp, as you can still sacrifice, build, and do rituals. However, a major new element has been introduced, called spirits. They are lesser enteties you can buy or capture, and they can provide a blessing to your clan if you bargain with it, though might not always grant it.
Exploration: Some great improvements here. Instead of selecting a hex and sending your party out, you will now be shown a list of locations you've found where you can go, as well as unexplored places. Your exploration party is able to do a lot more than simply look for undiscovered treasures, they can also try to capture horses, forage, or find spirits.
Relations: Unlike kodp, you're given a lot more info about how people are disposed towards you. There are two scales that matter most. One is how well they like you. A clan can hate or like you, or simply be neutral. There also is a respect scale, so a clan can fear you on one hand, and mock you on the other. Because these two are separate, any of these states may occur, so a clan can e.g. hate and mock you, or they can like you but also respect your might.
Accessibility: They've definitely done a lot of work here too. Most things have vo hints now, so it's a good thing to have them enabled. You can for example go to any clan name on any screen, and the hint will tell you things such as it's chief, their relation to you and other stuff. Many scenes in the game that have artwork now have an alt description that describes what can be seen.
Concerns: These allow you to keep track of what's happened so far, and they can be quite helpful. They can be anything you should be immediately worried about or you should take an advantage of, such as an omen that gives you luck when raiding, damaged pastures, or having no instated chief, which hurts your magic.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-06-22 16:09:42

So, there are sound effects? which it means it is not just text game?

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2018-06-22 19:33:09

Hi. Will the game be ported to android with talkback acessability?

fantasy world creationist

2018-06-22 20:27:04

@8 yes, the game does have very well done sounds and music. @9 I don't think so, but I can't say for sure.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-06-23 11:33:43

Wow. Sounds awesome... I never really got addicted to King of dragon pass, but sounds like this new game is worth giving a try. Is there any reason to preorder the game?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-06-23 12:01:32

hi slj, I recommend playing kodp first before you play this, so you can get a better feeling for the world and its stories.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-06-23 13:27:51

I probably will preorder this, I was am a huge fan of kodp and love what the developer has done for accessibility in that game.
Obviously, the fact that accessibility has been considered from the get go in the 6 ages shows and its even mentioned on the description of the game.
So this is defenatly worth getting even if you werent or are a fan of kodp.
I guess I will go and make space first on my phone lol
for the 6 ages and kodp as well. maybe I will try and finish it this time round wink

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2018-06-23 17:34:56

I am very excited for this.  especially with the art descriptions, more involved combat, exploration, etc. 
Thank you for all that Conor, the app description didn't do much to make me see it as a major new game compared to KODP.  Is that just me?

2018-06-23 18:59:15

I have tested the game, and I can say thatit definitely is a new experience. Of course, the basic principal remains the same, but it's still different none the less.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-06-24 22:42:01

I have several times tried to play, and failed to win, king of dragon pass, though that's likely because I don't think strategicly and don't manage resources very well. Never the less, I look forward to trying this when I have a chance to, as I am always looking for new games.

2018-06-28 13:16:33

six ages is out, I was able to download it a few hours ago and I am playing it since. The developers did a nice job, many of the things were improved, the exploration system is way better and the way the combat works now is just awesome, it involves much more strategy than kodp. The farming was improved as well imo, the way the land and pastures were assigned in kodp was a bit confusing for me.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2018-06-28 13:59:18 (edited by ogomez92 2018-06-28 13:59:34)

having issues with magic allocation, I don't understand
there's a bunch of stuff you can select but then they deselect each other.
anyone done it?

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2018-06-28 14:15:42

Hi Mastodont. Can you give me some hints regarding the combat? I lost often. Ogomez, you can allocate the magic in different spots. Be sure that you have enough magic. You can view the status where you have the goods and cows. For example, you can alocate  a point on pastures, one on war, two on harmony, etc.
Hint: Ask the advicers. They can provide you useful informations.

2018-06-29 04:44:49

So, from what I've read, and what I've seen in KODP, the story seems just plain amazing! I will get it when I have the money, first and third of the month and all that.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2018-06-29 08:10:20

Awesome. Going to get this... I think I'll give it a try instead of playing KODP, and might return to KODP later on. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-06-30 15:00:52

Well, I cheated! ... Not in the game, but I decided to get it early. No worries, no overcharge fees were involved. So, KODP and Six-ages are the only mobile game, and the only games at all besides Rhythm Rage and Entombed, that I've played for over 3 hours in one session. I didn't really get that far, although I did find out a lot, just, haven't gotten passed the flowers much. The flowers, those who have played will know, and those who haven't will hopefully find out.

This game feels a lot darker than KODP, with the gods at war and such. Sure, there are some comedic moments, but far less than KODP. This also kind of draws me into a bit of a bind, as one of the groups of supposed barbarians in KODP is now the folk you play as, and the previous good ol' boys are now the foes. I think these two games are starting to show us the different cultures of this world, of which I have no idea of besides the two games. I also see a connection to the differing races, religions, and schools of thought in our own world.

With the game being darker, I find that things are a little harder as well. Battles can be more tactical, yes, but you don't know what you're opponent is about to do until they do it, so you don't really have much control anyway. Funny, it kind of reminds me of Linux, where you have all these choices of how you want to do things, but being blind you're stuck with so few options. So, most of the time I lose, unless I just go all out and take risks to win. And even then, especially against the Orlanthi, I usually lose, and they go plunder the ... Do they still call them tulas in this game? Hmm. Anyways, they plunder and make off with cattle, goods, and horses which they have problems riding. It also reminds me of the humans and Listeners in the Stormlight Archives, the way the Orlanthi and people of your clan act.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2018-06-30 22:28:29

I sort of want to get this game but I am not sure if it would be worth it.
I always had problems with KODp because I was always driving my clan into the ground, I think I am missing the basic strategy here.
So, would it be worth buying the game and giving it a try even though I had my problems with dragon pass?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2018-06-30 22:49:18

there are difficulty settings, but this game is more complicated than KODP.  that said, there is extensive help and tips accessible ingame, so it's up to you.

For me, I've bearly scratched the surface, but I'm loving this game so far.  so much lore and options.
especially as this is the first of six possible games

2018-07-01 09:26:30

Hi all,
Has anyone recorded a demo of game play?